Hello all. Any thoughts on the following? I’ve had a chest infection for about 6/7 weeks now. Lots of phlegm etc. I’ve never had anything like this for as long and am curious if there’s any link to my PD. Have been prescribed antibiotics but they didn’t work well. Thanks 🙏
Chest infection : Hello all. Any thoughts... - Cure Parkinson's
Chest infection

Hey Jeeves
My neuro speech therapist at the hospital told me we PD peeps should be vigilant about just that sort of thing.
She said that as we are more liaiable to get aspirational pneumonia and so should watch any such cough which lasts especially if it is 'productive'.
She said get advice being really clear about the PD and that they would be more likely to scan to check for anything with PWP where in someone else they'd wait and see. Maybe that gives you enough to go back and ask them to follow up?
She actually said get advice after 3 weeks although I'd be likely to wait longer as we're used to things coming and going with PD. But you're already at 'longer'.
Hope that helps.
7 weeks. Ugh.
I've had chest and sinus congestion for about a week, but think I'm just starting to get over it now. I don't know this to be true, but I suspect we may be more vulnerable.
I've been pouring down the zinc and do believe that helped. Have you tried that?
No but I’m willing to give anything a go!
hello Jeeves, my dad has PD and got pneumonia as soon as he went to rehab for a hip injury... we were giving him Clear Lungs Extra Strength for years and he never got pneumonia, but as soon as he went off to rehab he got it a few weeks later... please check out Amazon and look for Clear Lungs Extra Strength and it should clear you up in a few days I would hope...check out all the reviews as well... reikifriend@gmail.com
I’ll look it up now. Many thanks😊
it's from Ridge Crest... wish you good health!!
Hi Jeeves, if you are still doing keto or hflc, I'd cycle out of it while sick, add in more fruit , drop dairy, increase fluids to thin mucus. We take a high dose olive leaf viral tab (has other bits and pieces in it), we take one daily during winter, travelling, or around 'sickies' and two daily if we even feel the niggle of anything brewing. If the antibiotics haven't cleared it, it's probably viral and will run its course. Husband had a similar cough a couple of years ago, antibiotics, steroids, inhalers, nothing worked except for the olive leaf concoction I mentioned, and frequent inhalation of 'vicks' in hot water with towel over head. Deep breathing exercises, breathing from belly , practice coughing, no laying around horizontal, sit up or sleep on lots of pillows. Also think 'old school' , chicken broth soup (even cheap cuppa soup add ginger, garlic, chilli, lemon, parsley), think easy digestible nourishing food. One thing that never sits well with me with regard to keto or hflc, is limiting fruit, we have added more fruit to our hflc, of course no sugar and any extra carby food is good quality and small amount. Even hard out keto followers cycle it every now and then. Hope you feel better soon.
That’s a really generous response. Thanks for it. Sounds just like me when you describe your husbands situation.
Would you please let me know which make of olive leaf concoction you use? Thanks
Hi there, here's the ingredients per capsule we use
Olive Leaf (Olea europaea) ext. equiv. to dry leaf 6250mg
equiv. to Oleuropein 105mg
Garlic Low Odour (Allium sativum) ext. equiv. to dry bulb 1,200mg
Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) ext. equiv. to dry 1000mg
Pau D’ Arco (Tabebuia avellanedae) ext. equiv. to dry stem bark 250mg
Citrus Bioflavonoids 20mg
Zinc citrate (equiv. to Zinc 5mg) 16mg
Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) ext. equiv. to dry fruit 220mg
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 50mg
It's a NZ brand called 'go healthy' - Go vir -defence
Jeeves, I dont want to sound like am alarmist , but
A very high percentage (maybe most ) of people with PD die of complications of Pneumonia
It is often caused by inhalation of food and the time between admittance into hospital and death is often very short measured in hours because of decreased ability to clear their own lungs by coughing.
Seek medical attention immediately
Thanks Gymbag
Gymbag is right. Aspiration Pneumonia is very common in PD. Niggs gives good advice too.
I too have a wheeze at times, i use a preventer inhaler though Im not sure if it has any effect or not. I had a scan (for a trial I was in) and it showed blocked sinuses so, like birdworld, the stuff I was coughing up was from there not my chest. I wonder if that is also your problem if you are not generally feeling unwell.
No doubt the GP listened to your chest to see if you have asthma or if it ‘rattles’ showing you have an infection. Not wanting to scare you but having just attended the funeral of a pd friend who got pnuemonia after an anaesthetic I’d be wary about relying on some of the over the counter suggestions on here, if you have got a chest infection you need the real stuff and medical oversight.
Just got back from my third GO visit Hikoi. Slight crackling apparently. I’ve been sent for an X-ray and they gave me some more antibiotics. Second lot lucky! GP reckons viral as opposed to bacterial but has put me on antibiotics just in case. Thanks for taking an interest😊
Managing mucus secretion is very important, this is where the infection resides. Most people have or can get a nebulizer, use this with hypertonic saline. It draws fluid to the lungs to loosen mucus so you can cough it up (this is standard practice for Cystic Fibrosis).
I also recently came upon a recommendation from a friend to use colloidal silver as an antibiotic, the brand is ACS 200. You can find it on Amazon, some sources say you can nebulize colloidal silver.
7 weeks is a long time to be sick, sometimes the antibiotic isn't effective and you need a second course with a different class.
A chest xray seems reasonable to me. Best wishes
Cheers. Good advice. Thanks for devoting some of your time to this.
Gymbag has given sound advice. Here in South Africa there's a natural product called Oscillococcinum which was recommended by a nursing sister to prevent and to treat viruses. Very good. Also natural is Echinacea. Hope you're better very soon, Jeeves. Take care of yourself.
TRY amantadine its for pd and assorted stuff such as an antiviral. ask your dr
I’m finishing my second week of this coughing incessantly thing myself. It’s a deep in my chest sound and it is productive so the phlegm is coming up and out. Not too worried yet but I am 66 years old and I’ve never had a pneumonia vaccine, so trying to be cautious.
How are you besides the coughing/phlegm mate? Bed-ridden? functioning? feel shite? just exhausted? Also, the phlegm, clear or coloured, are you feeling better than you did say 3 weeks ago?
Coughing up gunge alone for 7 weeks doesn't always mean pneumonia, though it is possible as it comes in different flavours.....even if it is, at your stage of PD, with no prior swallowing/breathing issues it's unlikely Mr P's doing. However, the first thing I was told post dx was a simple cold can feel like flu for pwp's so a nasty-bastard respiratory virus could take some shifting! There's also post-viral fatigue and lung irritation which linger. We're also in a high pollen situation, which even if not allergic could still add to the problem.
For example for the first time in 55y I've got a stye on my lower eyelid caused by mucin disruption via pollen/pd dry eye.
As others have said, go Dr-bothering if you don't feel any better than say 3 weeks ago.
Hope things improve soon.
Niggs. Thanks for the post. Don’t feel too bad in myself but breathing is a bit wheezy and shallow. They gave me an inhaler but it didn’t relieve the wheezing so I assume it’s not an asthmatic thing. It’s mostly green phlegm of different hues. I’ve got my third appointment at the GP in half an hour. See what they do this time!
Just wondered how you got on at the Docs mate?
Antibiotics Niggs but these should be given for bacterial infections and I’m pretty sure that I’m viral. No harm in trying eh? Also sent for an X-ray. Which may show something. Odd thing is that I had none of this crap during the winter then when April/May come, bingo!
I'm no Dr, not even an armchair one, but with my limited knowledge, I'd agree re. viral. I will say Jeeves that in my locale (west yorks), according to the practice pharmacist yesterday, this year has seen a large number of varied and persistent viral outbreaks, notable for how long they last. 6 weeks+. Hope you see an improvement soon.
I have almost a permanent post nasal drip .... for about the past 3 years. Most mornings I have to clear my throat of a thick mucus plug.
Can’t get anyone to acknowledge it as a possible reaction to my PD medication. I haven’t had any kind of flu or cold for at least 4 years. PD diagnosed nearly 6 years ago.
My recent 4+ weeks of bronchitis was frightening. I could not cough up any phlegm. I have never had that wheezing sensation before and it was scary. The racking cough would often go on for 45 mins at a time and my stomach and back muscles were in pain. My GP's locum eventually prescribed an "expensive " puffer (Advair250) and used it for a week. I did not want to go that route but it did help, thank goodness.
I hope this is not going to be a repetitive condition. 🙏

Blimey! What a tale😕
Too much information? I apologise if so.

Hi Bw
I have hayfever type symptoms, the blocked nose, post nasal drip and morning sputum. I think my drugs bring on the symptoms too. I have never had that confirmed but drugs can cause these symptoms I think.
hi jeeves well i think we all get some thing or other going wrong with our bodies i have had every thing you mention well your going to spit up a lot of spit and what ever else you will bring up that i can help you with. you should be able to buy it over there the u,k its called green black wormwood complexit comes in a very small bottle 59 ml, but you only need a small amount like 2 or 3 drops in a glass of water you will find it very good not very expensive .regards john.
Just to add has your Dr. prescribed a steroid? Having Asthma since I was young I’ve had many chest infections and my dr. has always given me prednisone to take for about a week along with the antibiotics. It’s extremely helpful. A nebulizer to use a few times a day if you can get one. Steam can be helpful to loosen phlegm too. Lots of drinks especially hot ones, staying very hydrated. hope you’re better soon😊
Sorry to hear about you being so sick, jeeves19! I was wondering why I hadn't heard from you for awhile. I'm glad you got x-rays, and your doctor has you on another set of antibiotics. Since I have trouble swallowing and coughing, and it is a real bummer, when I have congestion, nasal drip etc., I certainly can relate to how rough you must be feeling! I seem to have lots of sinus problems, but it seldom goes down to my chest. So, your condition needs to be treated aggressively. I hope the antibiotics work, and you will get this cleared up soon. It's important, also, that you get enough vitamins, in your diet.I supplement with B-1, B-12, multi vitamins, and eat fresh vegetables and fruit, on a regular basis. Infections can hang on, if one's immune system is compromised, and maybe you are lacking in protein, too. At any rate, please keep on seeing a doctor, until this clears up. Your congestion is lasting way too long. Do you have cough medicine and/or cough drops, to help you? Ricola seems to help me. Wishing you the best, and let us know how your treatment plan is coming along! Please, get as much rest as you can. I sleep with my head elevated ( with 2 pillows ), when I have congestion, nasal drip, and a lot of coughing. Do take care and know that we are here, for you!
I have the same thing. Doc tells me it’s viral & will take up to 16 weeks to clear. I’m just on 16 weeks & still choking but no longer waking me up so definitely getting better. Lots of people round here got it so it’s not PD related. Doc called it Castle Cary cough
There is a really good oregano capsule that is brilliant for the chest think the make is zane Hellas I got some from Amazon uk read the reviews
Good to know you've sought medical attention. I suppose over active phlegm, nasal drip, and sweat reactions are better than underactive reactions. I've all of the above, but like some I have dry eyes PD symptom. I am lucky I don't suffer from allergies, though I understand resistance to pollen, can falter as seasons pass. I take the flu shot religiously each Fall, but some new strain usually invokes at least a mild reaction by spring. My last major viral infection sent me to the emergency room in a past year. A bug the year before that hit me on presidential election day, which I regret. I am keen to learn what promise may yield in drug trial re-purposing of ambroxol as a drug for Parkinson's disease (ambroxol is currently used to treat airway disorders).
Hi Jeeves. We have chatted many times. Chest infections and constipation both have the same cause, which is a lack of a process called peristalsis. Peristalsis automatically works the muscles around the trachea and the intestines causing the stool to move down to the anus and the phlegm to come up into the throat. The phlegm picks up germs and become infected. Exercise helps to overcome this and in the case of chest infections, I regularly have to expel the air in my lungs as fast as I can, without coughing, which inflames the throat. Give it a try!
Thanks John. Interesting. Oddly I am one of the PWP who doesn’t get constipated but I do take your point about exercise. I think one aspect of getting flu etc is that you tend to stop exercising as this seems common behaviour when sick. Maybe I’ll return to my regime which I have abandoned for the last few weeks.
Hi jeeves19. You might give Emergen C regular or Immune. It has a lot of good vitamins in it. Might help the phlegm?
Hi Jeeves19. Been thinking about you. How are you doing? Any better? I'd also recommend Emergen C, but reassuring to know your decision to seek medical attention, including chest X-ray. Adults should not be sick for as long as you've been sick. I disagree on the viral--after this long, sounds more like a secondary infection has set in and even if the antibiotics are 'just in case', probably a good thing. Breathing issues are something to pay attention to. PD exacerbates everything.