Capable of work ? Or not.................... - Cure Parkinson's

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Capable of work ? Or not............................

Helshubby profile image
12 Replies

Having recently been forced to retire (at 46yr young) from a career that involved fighting fire and saving lives i was "invited" by the DWP to attend an assessment to see if I was capable of work (or not). Apparently the UK Government is trying to "save money" by paying a private French company (ATOS Healthcare) to carry out health assessments on people claiming for Employment Support Allowance (Incapacity benefit) in an effort to weed out the "benefit cheats". All well and good and I actually support them in their fight BUT I have a few suggestions................

When I went for my assessment the Doctor who saw me (on a Sunday Afternoon - saving no.1) couldn't have been more apologetic for having dragged me in when it was obvious to anyone that due to my tremor and slightly shuffling walk (not to mention my speech problems) what was wrong with me. So , saving no.2 , If a person's GP tells you that their patient is unfit for work then why not believe them - a quick read of a doctor's report would suffice wouldn't you think ?

I walked/shuffled out feeling quite confident i had passed (or failed ?) their assessment of whether i am capable of working - although who would employ me and what i would do are another discussion.

Just have to wait now for the DWP Decision Maker to make their Decision - even though my Neurologist , GP , Parkinsons Nurse , previous employer (another branch of the Government by the way), and (hopefully) ATOS Medical Advisor say i probably can't this Decision Maker has the power to say I can.............................Watch this space , I'm sure there's more to come !

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Helshubby profile image
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12 Replies
cowmom27 profile image

Good morning Hellshubby from the good ol' USA----sounds like your disability system parallels our Social Security system here-----many of the same issues and I wish you luck on getting an answer soon. I applied, was interviewed by an office agent, provided them with multiple documentation of several issues besides my PD that I have dealt with over the past 20 yrs or so, was never examined by one of their physicians although the doctors I had seen were all asked to fill out something and return to social security-------in the end I was approved although never received any written notification. I have an appt. next week at a local office to review my file and hopefully get some questions answered. A similiar experience ---my younger sister has a very debilitating form of rheumatoid arthritis since age of 18, multiple joint replacement surgeries and physical to the eye deformities but has had to keep appt to see soc sec doctors every 2 to 3 yrs to see if she is 'able to go to work'-----the doctors always shake their heads and tell my sister that they don't undertstand why she gets these requests to report for exam as she IS AND WILL REMAIN PERMANETLY DISABLED------yet when I worked as a nurse in a local hospital emergency room I saw many able-bodied young people who flaunted their ability to screw the system at the taxpayers expense but hopefully get caught later. Anyways here's hoping the doctor you saw documents their findings clearly so you are approved soon. Its not like you can physically perform your duties as a firefighter in a way that is safe for yourself, the people you worked with or to the victims you may have the opportunity to save . I;ll say a little prayer that the obvious will be recognized and a decision will be made in your favor----I wish the powers that seem to control our lives could see the affects of stress has on PD and not put us through it---------I know each person with PD diagnosis has a variety of symptoms, stressers, responses to medications but PLEASE gov't representatives---DO YOU HONESTLY THINK WE ARE FAKING AND WANT TO HAVE THIS DISEASE??? Do us and yourselves a favor educate yourselves on the disease, the symptoms, the medications with possible side effects, what adverse reactions from families, employers and uneducated, ignorant people when they stare at or worst yet make derogatory comments that may be heard----and realize that no 2 PD victims may experience the same symptomology. Anyways heres hoping you have a goiod sense of humor, and can find something to smile about each day---------------please do keep us updated --I'll be looking for your posts. Keep smiling---am sending hugs from my side of ocean to you along with a bunch of smiles:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Helshubby profile image
Helshubby in reply to cowmom27

thanks cowmom - i'll keep you posted - although government timescales are flexible over here. I am supposed to have a 13 week "assessment phase" before moving onto the "main" phase - since my initial claim i am now at the start of week 21 - but they have said it will be backdated so i really hope someone sees sense - keep smiling !!

grammy004 profile image
grammy004 in reply to cowmom27

oh so true...I'm fighting the SS for my benefits...I did'nt want to quit working I want to be able to bring money in the house to help my husband I did'nt want to get PD at 48 I have had PD since 2008 I worked till I could'nt take it no more I worked cleaning hotel rooms for 12 years then was in the food industries for 5 or 6 years I can't p/u anything heavy let alone stand for 8 hours with no breaks or cook food anymore!!! Life has become difficult with all the meds and the BS that comes with having PD then to be denied for SS twice now I have to plead my case had to hire a lawyer who willl suck up what ever monies i do get and then SS say's I can go back to work cleaning rooms all day!!! Are they serious!!! The Goverment needs to realize that PD does not only effect the elderly but middle aged adults also...I would'nt applied for SS of I could work..if I was crazy and on drugs maybe they might reconsider my case!!! Thanks for listening!!! SS just frustrates the heck out of me!!!

cowmom27 profile image
cowmom27 in reply to grammy004

frustrates you and so many others, grammy----so sorry you have had the issues with the system and now to add insult to injury you have to retain a lawyer.......I think the people making these stupid deisions should have good sized stones placed in their shoes and make them stand until their feet go numb and legs hurt so bad they cry and don't allow them to sleep for several days----then turn them loose to strip beds, remake them clean the bathrooms and vacuum all with those stone in their shoes, etc------------maybe, just maybe they would have an inkling what you and many others experience!!!!! Thoughts and prayers coming your way...God bless you.

grammy004 profile image
grammy004 in reply to cowmom27

Thanks for letting me vent...the SS is quick to take your monies evey week....but I cannot beleive this PAPERWORK is all I ever get...then I told 9 months or more for a hearing!!!! What if you were dying would they do the same????? But again THANKS for listening!!!

srarndt profile image

Keep running and keep doing T'ai Chi! The first is best for slowing progression of the disease, the second is best for maintaining balance!

Helshubby profile image
Helshubby in reply to srarndt

tai chi also keeps me calm - essential when dealing with the DWP and the misguided blanket policies of the UK Government in their attempts to save money

running helps me to give something back to Parkinsons UK through sponsorship while i still can - although i find it incredibly frustrating sometimes i can't walk a few yards without stumbling but can run (currently - on a good day - 7miles)

Jerebet profile image
Jerebet in reply to Helshubby

Strange disease this PD. Isn't it interesting that sometimes we cannot walk well but we can do other things? You can run :-)

I can rollerskate with no shake or stiffness. MJ Fox can ice skate. Some can dance. Some can ride bicycles.

Like cowmom said "We must keep what we can cuz we never know when or where we are going to lose it"

cowmom27 profile image

I AM IMPRESSED-----you can run 7 miles!!!! My version of running---would be happy if I could run at all!!!!! Would be a source of great amusement to on-lookers:):):):) We must keep what we can cuz we never know when or where we are going to lose it..........keep on smiling!!

Helshubby profile image
Helshubby in reply to cowmom27

Hi Cowmom ,

been running for 22yrs , dxd for 6yrs and now 46 so i'm still young enough and incredibly stubborn . I'm training for my 12th marathon in May this year and i agree with you that we should keep hold of what you can for you never know when you'll have to give it up (and start something else ?) A good friend of mine told me that if something makes you feel good and really alive then you should do it as much as possible ;-)

mitchdee profile image

im mitchdee recently diagnoised, my sympyoms at the moment very mild, but i know i will slowly/quicky go downhill. it scares me how you after risking your life for the general public you are being treated so bad.i had my eyes open. that i came out of my consultancy with my neuro specailist and he gave me a prescription for PD and the first time i was told i had this , i had to wait till drug addicts got their meds.. i was disgusted, why do they get priority over other members of the public, they chose to kill themselfs i did not ask for PD, but i will fight for this, impressed you run i couldnt do it before PD but intend with friends to walk the glasgow 10k. god im ony 47....

Helshubby profile image
Helshubby in reply to mitchdee

Hi Mitch,

I started running when my son was born 22yrs ago so i've done it for long enough to make it a (bad?) habit . I was dxd in 2005 at 40 and managed to "hang on" and work until October last year - i was given ill health retirement , which was probably,looking back,the best thing for me - i miss work but have accepted that i'll never get to drive a big,red truck with blue lights on and two-tones blaring !! My message is , keep moving - exercise is especially good for us Parkies and any exercise is good. I hope you enjoy the 10k - it could be the start of something :-)

If you need another "youngster" to chat to just message me and i'll get right back to you.................Cheers

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