improbable cure for parkinsons disease in... - Cure Parkinson's
improbable cure for parkinsons disease in irish dancing

This is really remarkable.. !!
Interesting! Well, since I have Irish DNA, I’d better start doing the Irish gig, and see if it works! Top of the morning to you all!☘️
Upbeat music is the key. It’s so much more fun to exercise in an aerobic dance class than just plod along on a treadmill.
In a link somebody gave us a while ago I read something that rang true. They said that the best most beneficial exercise is the one you enjoy the most as it releases the most dopamine.
Wonderful ! I wish our local Parkinson's foundation would offer or at least support dance as a therapy.
Hi dangilio. Pd is a movement disorder. All movements we make are either controlled by our conscious brain or more likely our subconscious brain. Most movements we make we learned how to do when we were younger. So those movements are controlled by our subconscious brain. Walking and riding a bicycle are two examples of this.
Dancing cannot be controlled by the subconscious brain because there is no fixed repetition and it is done in a changing environment, to changing music among other people we have to avoid hitting. Pd does not affect the conscious brain but it does affect the subconscious brain.
So, any form of dancing can be done by people with Pd, whether it be Irish or ballroom. Many people with Pd have found this out. So let's all dance and feel human again!