I am currently experimenting on myself, only because i cant find a dr who is familiar with mucuna, so I am taking three sinemen and three entacapone and fill the rest with muncuna. Inevitably throughout the day I will get this debilitating sensation sometimes before a dose some times immediatelyafter I take the meds and it doesnt matter which ones but suddenly that is a tremendouw drawing sensation inside my mouth tongue prickly and burns and copious amounts of foamy saliva boils up out of the salivary glands.sometimes this is accompanied by entire body shakes and weakness and sometimes just a tickling of the bladder giving the feeling of needing to urinate but nothing happens. what is ocuring here?
I am new to this forum and Im uncertain h... - Cure Parkinson's
I am new to this forum and Im uncertain how to pose my question but Ive got to ask because I dont know if it is normal reaction or not....

Did you start taking the mucuna in addition to the sinemet because of the symptoms you described, or did the symptoms start occurring after you added the mucuna to the sinemet?
No, it’s a long convoluted story. I started the Sinemet route 5/6 years ago but always felt uneasy taking knowing that the effectiveness was short lived. By happenstance I heard about the amino acid/Mucuna program. I was still actively fox hunting when I began the program end of February last and by April I was nearly dead. For weeks I laid in bed at night practically paralyzed . My scalp crawled and itched, my skin was dry bumpy, when could walk and talk people thought I was an alcoholic. Al that was due to B6 toxicity. By the time that was discovered the program was over. So now I’m starting over. I’m going to a local neurologist he doesn’t know anything about Mucuna nor does he want to. His goal is to cut back on Sinemet and Entacapone and he said to fill in with other, I have a feeling this quivering mouth burning etc could be an imbalance of amino and Mucuna are rx meds any suggestions where to get help. Greatly appreciated
Sounds very scary
Burning mouth is a pd symptom but as to the other stuff .......
I dont know enough of your experience to comment more eg did it happen before you took mucuna? Entacopone? Or sinimet?
You need to talk to a neuro
I recently started a protocol with mucuna as well, sinement makes me nauseousk
I did read a warning not to mix the two.
Sounds like your taking too much collectively.
If I'm reading your comment correctly, it sounds like you're saying you ended up in bed after you started the mucuna. Also, you started taking B6 at some time also. Did you decrease your sinemet when you started the mucuna? The mucuna has the same action as the sinemet, so unless you added it to specifically increase Ldopa, it sounds like you may have over-dosed on the ingredient that is contained in both mucuna and sinemet.
How did you get toxic levels ofB6? How much were you taking and for how long? Carbidopa in Sinemet is supposed to break down b6 which makes both ineffective. If you take them together my husband has found it will cause the horrible shaky weird feeling . Perhaps when you take sinemet the carbidopa in it is being immediately destroyed by your excess b6 which might make you feel nauseous and weird.