Help for neuropathy, worth a try - Cure Parkinson's

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Help for neuropathy, worth a try

parkie13 profile image
12 Replies

Dr. Frank Shallenberger on helping neuropathy.

If you have amalgam fillings read through all the posts and possibly don't do it

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parkie13 profile image
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12 Replies
laglag profile image

Thanks. I'll show this to my dad. He has neuropathy & is not diabetic & is in a power wheelchair because of neuropathy in his legs and hands. If it helps him, it will help anyone! I'll keep you updated.

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply to laglag

Hope it helps, looking to your update.

LAJ12345 profile image

It is one of the ingredients in Restore Gold.

There is some concern about taking it if you have amalgam fillings as it chelates metals and there is a fear it may redistribute mercury and deposit it into the brain as it crosses the blood brain barrier. Not sure if that is true. It is used to move mercury out of the brain and get rid of it. See the cutler protocol. He advocates taking tiny amounts to start 3 hours apart around the clock as the half life is 3 hours until it is broken down and any mobilised mercury not excreted at that point is dumped wherever it happens to be which might be the brain so symptoms may get worse unless you take another dose before it runs out. I am not sure if this is correct or not, but if you take it 1 or 2 times a day and feel awful it may be mercury.

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply to LAJ12345

interesting, thanks for posting. Don't take it if you have amalgam fillings.

LAJ12345 profile image
LAJ12345 in reply to parkie13

Well you never know if these things are true or not or just a theory. I asked the Restore Gold people about it and they said it was the first time they had been asked if it was a problem, but if you search ALA and mercury fillings there are lots of posts on it.

grandmama16 profile image
grandmama16 in reply to parkie13

I was really encouraged by this since I have severe nueropathy in my hands and do not have PD ( hubby does) but do have a bit of high sugar, controlled by Metformin. Now I'm totally bummed since I do have amalgram fillings...I'm 74. The nueropathy is driving me nuts...intense tingling, numbness and pain at times too. I've been tested for carpal tunnel which I have. Just don't know what to do. Also have Fibromyalgia so it may be due to that. Or a reaction to meds like Cymbalta, Norco for Depression and Fibro, Dexilant for GERD, Ziac, Norvasc for Blood pressure, Ambien for sleep, Provigil for fatigue and Metformin for type 2 diabetes possibly caused by Cymbalta. I also take B vitamins, a multi, coq10, and magnesium. Hubby only takes B12 and Thiamin which probably isn't enough to help PD. He only takes Carba/Leva for that. Tremors come and go but now he's having trouble with legs freezing when he gets up from sitting. I wonder if my fillings are causing a reaction to meds I take. It's so hard to figure what causes what.

in reply to grandmama16


The combination of alpha lipoic acid and acetyl l carnitine are the common supplements typically used for neuropathy and of course the B vitamin combination already mentioned, but some PWPs have reported that the alpha lipoic acid seems to increase their tremor and the combination of acetyl l carnitine and alpha lipoic acid gives some people insomnia. It's a tough situation to be in.

On a related note, some people get relief from nerve pain with topically applied magnesium chloride oil. It is also useful for arthritic pain, carpal tunnel pain because it can relieve nerve pain in some people and relax muscles. It also relieves the many muscle cramps that are so common in many PWPs! It also helps to relax the stiff muscles that are also very common in PWPs!

Here is a link to a fairly inexpensive spray bottle:

If you try it and it works well for you and your husband, you can order the dry flakes and make your own very inexpensively! If you decide to try this, please report your results back to the forum because these are fairly common problems that you have mentioned and mag oil has shown the potential to be helpful for many of them! Here is a study showing mag oil beneficial for Fibromyalgia pain :


parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply to grandmama16

That is a large arsenal of pharmaceuticals. Do not do anything without a doctor's okay, however have you thought about maybe reducing some of them or cutting out some of them, the ones that you don't think are working? The only other thing I can think of is a different form of B1 which is fat soluble. It is benfotiamine, I've seen it recommended for the pain of neuropathy. That getting old business is no fun.

grandmama16 profile image
grandmama16 in reply to parkie13

Thank you and Easily for giving advice for nueropathy or PWP's symptoms. My hubby hasn't spoken of cramping or pain other than what comes with aging but I'm going to look for benfotiamine and for magnesium spray. I will let this site know of any improvement. My hubby has some strange oiliness on his scalp, mostly forehead. Also quickly developing B.O. that he doesn't smell. He doesn't need to be active to do so. Another thing is his body temp. He can be too warm while I'm freezing in our house. He'll set the thermostat at 64 and I raise it to 68 but I'm still chilly and he is hot. I do cover up so he can be more comfortable but hands feel like blocks of ice....probably part of nueropathy....feet too and no nueropathy there except for itching but not always. Hands will itch a lot too, no rash. I have pres. cream for that plus a homeopathic oil especially for my thumb which may have been damaged by super glue. Nothing takes it away tho, with numbness and tingling. Itching will be very bad sometimes and I don't know why. The oil doesn't have magnesium but other natural ingredients...can hardly read them, so small. I think I'll start eliminating Metformin and keep better track of blood sugar. Thanks again.

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply to grandmama16

Hi, do not eliminate metformin without talking to your doctor please. And I did suggest the benfotiamine for you. Mary

in reply to grandmama16

Dexilant for GERD is a proton pump inhibitor and long term use can be problematic. Combined with metformin, you may end up with this:


grandmama16 profile image
grandmama16 in reply to

Thank you for this info. I read the articles and since I've been on a PPI for so long....terrible Gerd would occur at night and stop breathing. I still am careful about eating something or too much in the eve that would cause it. I wrote to Dr. using Patient Portal telling her about Vit B12 not being absorbed correctly by using a PPI, and stopping or reducing Dexilant which will be hard as it's a capsule. I guess I could go to an OTC PPI that's a tablet. I used to use Prilosec by prescription many years ago. Also asked about the use of a magnesium spray for neuropathy and listed the vitamins I take. I didn't go in to the Metformin as I've already reduced it from 4 a day to 3. My sugar is pretty much ok.....242 this morning 2 hours after toast and coffee with creamer which I suspect is the culprit.

Hope something comes of it. Will let you know. M.A.

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