New Hope, first pill to stop parkinsons - Cure Parkinson's
New Hope, first pill to stop parkinsons

This alleged miracle drug is in preclinical status. That means has yet to be tested in humans. It has yet to show any evidence of human safety or efficacy. Only a small fraction of preclinical drugs actually succeed and are approved. For those that do succeed the process takes many many years.
Please do not waste our time with inaccurate click – bait headlines such as what you posted -"first pill to stop Parkinson's". Please change it to something like "preclinical drug shows promise".
On a HiFi forum I was forever being told to "check the archive" before posting. This is at least the 3rd thread about this stuff. As parkbear points out, it could be interesting, but if it is a runaway success in all trials, would be unlikely to be available for at least 10 years. And it is a drug which, if it works in humans, and in people with Parkinsons specifically, reduces inflammation in the brain, which may be one aspect of limiting the progress of the disease
I agree with both (Park bear and WinnieThePoo)
I understand your point. Thanks for the suggestion WinnieThePoo
I agree with the others, but I also appreciate that you took the time to find and bring the information forward! This is part of what makes this forum a place that you want to come back to again and again. The constant flow of information on this forum increases our knowledge and helps make a bad situation better! Sharing ideas in a positive environment is good for all of us! Not every idea is going to be a hit, but if we never see the idea, we may miss the hit!
Thanks for sharing! I have heard of this before. As the saying goes, hope springs eternal! One never knows if a pre-clinical trial might bring some positive findings, that might benefit researchers, who, someday, might come up with something to benefit those of us who deal with PD on a daily basis. It's good that we can share info. In this forum.
Sounds it says time will tell.
Thank you. I, for one, do like to hear what is happening amongst Parkinson's researchers. Whether it's this drug or another, we must all maintain hope and optimism, that some drug or treatment will help those with this disease. At our last follow up visit in November 2018, I point-blank asked my husband's neurologist his opinion as to whether we were even close to finding something in the near future that would combat this disease, and he gave us an enthusiastic yes. He, himself is involved in a few clinicals that have progressed in their phases and his own mother is afflicted with PD, so I know he is highly motivated.
For PWP and us caregivers, we must all stay healthy, active, positive, and informed! I deeply appreciate that I have stumbled on this forum. I have learned so much to help my husband.
Readily available from multiple sources.
I will ask my neurologist if he can get me in the trial. I wouldn't get if myself, these are potent meds to mess with.
$1000 per 100 mg. LoLz
even more
"The dose of MCC950 was chosen based on previous optimization showing that the intraperitoneal administration of MCC950 at 10 mg/kg presented neuroprotective effects in mice models"