I was wondering how the sex ( frequent ) affect the PD symptoms. I think that too much sex worsen the symptoms. What's your experience?
Sex and PD: I was wondering how the sex... - Cure Parkinson's
Sex and PD

I would be interested in the results of a survey?
You can never get enough sex😃
I really do not know if SEX affect PD , but I do know that PD affect SEX , after diagnosis my sexual drive has lowered to zero. Improved a bit in the last month.so I think that if having sex goes against PD symptoms, it can only do good.
Lifts my mood, that I know! My sweet wife obliges me more now than before dx. 🤗
Hmmmm. I propose the Michael J Fox Foundation conduct a double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled, dose-dependent, peer-reviewed trial in 57 locations.
I have experienced severe dyskinia, following intense sex. I believe it is somehow linked to exhausting your body with strenuous exercise. As far as how much is too much..I'm 52, and still very active. I have an amazing girlfriend who takes great care of me. During the weekends it is not uncommon for us to make love 3+ times a day. TMI?