Are you aware of what is going on around you? Spend five minutes of your time and watch this video:
Let's change the way we deal with our Pd!
Are you aware of what is going on around you? Spend five minutes of your time and watch this video:
Let's change the way we deal with our Pd!
Same here
Broken link
Can you repost, John?
My apologies to everybody. I cannot find the original email from which I took this website address.
Dr. Bruce Lipton on Epigenetics explains placebo and nocebo effects in a simple manner. I agree with him but would like to hear from him more on how to make our consciousness work for us to remain positive. I mean has he any method for us to follow?
Will search YouTube.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Iam59,
There are many scientifically validated simple ways to do this. Here are a few:
Heart Math is a simple practice of recalling a feeling of gratitude, compassion, love. to have a profound effect on our physiology bringing all of our systems into harmony or coherence which feels great and puts our body in healing mode.
This can also be achieved through what is called Coherent Breathing which we naturally do in meditation, prayer or practices such as Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Yoga.
Also if you google Vagus Nerve you will find, practices that tonify that wandering nerve like all of the above plus walking in nature, laughing, singing, gargling vigorously, and more also lighten our mood and result in our brain cells producing more dopamine to boot. Will see if I can come back with a link. When I did this before I lost everything I had written!
Here's a link which I believe I saw on a previous post on Vagus Nerve stimulation specifically for PD with examples of what can work. My husband and I have been singing more together. What a difference it makes in his posture!
If you have read my book you will have seen that I now use my conscious brain to control some of my movements, particularly walking, because I shuffle if I don't concentrate on each step; my writing, because I try to write so fast that it is just a squiggle; and bringing food to my mouth, because it falls off the fork before it gets into my mouth.
I hope this helps you!
Thanks for sharing the method you follow . I too shuffle , can't write at all, typing is difficult and the list goes on..
Planning to visit your blog and any links you might kindly share on using conscious brain, and on fast walking,
I have moved away from carbidopa/levadopa tablets and other drugs. Presently on mucus prurient. The change has freed me of side effects of the PD meds I used to have but tremor, shuffling etc persist. Exercise has improved my condition but I am searching for some method for a permanent relief and cure if possible.
It'll be nice if I could get links or anything you think could help me.
Hi Iam59. If you contact me on my website - - it will cost you NOTHING! I will send you a whole lot of videos and some very interesting articles at no cost. This is all too much to place on this HU site
Thanks for the invite to visit the website. I will.
I look forward t o talking to you.
I will. Having a bad PD day today
Excuse me asking you this. Have you thought of doing fast walking?
I lift weights for ten machines and recumbent for 60 minutes. I workout for 6 days per week.
I was doing this regimen for before it was diagnosed 3 years ago.
I was running before they made shoes for running.
I would like to run but symptoms like back pain and a knot in my thigh stop my gait. Most of my symptoms do not
keep me from use of the recumbent.
What is my next step, John? To maintain is not an option.
Fredzu, I know you didn't ask me, but here's something to consider. 9 months ago, I was in a similar situation as you are. My main exercise has always been walking ever since I was a kid with a paper route. My cardio health was very good until last year.
At 60, having had PD for over 10 years, I had severe lower back pain to the point that I could barely walk. In addition to the constant pain (both dull and sharp) I had little energy.
A friend that I'd told this to sent me this link to a video, and it's changed everything. Now I can fast-walk up 15% grades, jog when I want to, even sprint across a field. I get my heart up to 80-85% of my max. I fast-walk at least 3 miles a day. I don't want to oversell it, because I know that everyone is different, and this might not be for you. But I'm just passing it along the way my friend did. Good luck!
Hi Fredzu. I can only tell you of my experience and you can make of it what you want.
Up until the time I was diagnosed I had been going to the gym for 60 minutes a day, six days a week. After diagnosis, I assumed that being a movement disorder, the more I moved the better it would be. I then increased my gym to ninety minutes a day. I did 60 minutes on aerobic machines and 30 minutes on weight-bearing machines. The interesting result was that my symptoms got worse much quicker during the next two years.
I then stopped going to the gym and started the fast walking program, against my better judgement. My late wife persuaded me to do it. After only four months of fast walking, when I had got up to the one hour every second day limit, my performance had improved by nearly 20% from over 10.5 minutes per K to less than 9 minutes per K. You can imagine how good that made me feel.
In the gym my performance was measured but the settings or the weights on the various machines, while the walking was measured by the clock. I still have one of my log books somewhere.
You make of this whatever you want. It is all up to you!
Yes. I have. My tremor is bad since yesterday and I am unable to focus on anything. Typing is tough. Using left hand today. Will focus on everything else when I have readjusted my mucuna dosage.
Thanks .
Hi Iam59. Don't give up until you have really tried everything. Don't try to do too much to begin with. I suggest walking as fast as you can for as little as 5 minutes, if you are able. Less if you are not. Then stick to whatever your started with, every second day and increase that time by no more than 5 minutes every second week.
You MUST give your muscles time to recover from serious exercise.
I was able to watch the video.
Thank you, John, excellent video!
Excellent! I had no trouble accessing the youtube presentation. THANK YOU!!
That’s the way forward😀. Thanks for posting,
In the next few days I am going to spend most of my time on HU trying to finish reading ALL your posts. I am sure I'll be benefited. I'm searching for ways to be in charge of my body controlling it by my mind and not through medications.
Will try walking a few days after my mucuna dosage is adjusted. Tremor making everything difficult.
Hi Iam59. I don't want to sound like a stuck record but it is important to do the walking properly, in order to get the desired result.
Start walking as FAST AS YOU CAN for a maximum of 10 minutes every SECOND DAY, for two weeks. The add 5 minutes onto the time every second week. Don't do more than 1 hour. I have tried walking longer and more often and in each case, I picked up injuries. The worst was a torn ligament.
Concentrate on each step, if you can, to walk safely.
I tried and did 5 mins today. Am going to try again every 2nd day. I focussed on placing my feet properly on the floor and walked fast. But right hand tremor gets in the way.
After 5 mins I sort of jogged with my arms raised above my head...for another 2 mins. Felt good.
All this at home.
Your encouragement means a lot.
Hi Iam59. Well done! I don't understand what you mean by "Got in the way". Do you mean you are conscious of the tremor? If so; try clenching the fists and swinging your arms across your chest at 45 degrees to your torso.
Hi John
Walked fast for 5 mins every second day ..thats 3 days done.
feel good. Walk consciously placing feet on ground properly. Right arm gets a bit rigid when I try to control tremor.
Should I try to add 5 Mins from tomorrow? That ll be the beginning of 2nd week for me.
Just saw your other post advising me to walk fast for 10 mins. Will spend this week to try reaching 10 minutes.