Dear all,
My Dad,who has had PD for about 8 years now,has been experiencing certain symptoms since last year,but they have become more frequent this year and has us all worried.It is an episode that happens once,twice or even three times a day and lasts between 5/10minutes.
He explains it this way:
The eyesight gets blurred-Then the veins from the back of head down to the neck tighten and gripping and become tense.
The head is not free,he feels like something is holding it tight...especially the left side.
Side of the brain affected is the left side but tremor is on the right
His voice also becomes weak when he speaks.He then starts panting for breath and he sees his stoamch/tummy move and kick as he struggles for air.During this episodes,his whole body feels weak,his legs feel week
. and the toes feel cold as if in a fridge.
He recently had an abdominal ultra sound done upon the doctors request but his Aorta was found to be functioning well ecept for thin build up of plaque.He also had a kidney test done that returned good results.
Has anyone experienced this episodes and know what it is and what we can do to minimise or eliminate it?
Your insights and advice is much appreciated.
Warm Regards