I have started taking Iboga root bark capsules a week ago. It is showing good results for the last 2 days. Let's see whether it lasts longer
Iboga: I have started taking Iboga root... - Cure Parkinson's
What made you choose root bark over ibogaine HCL or plant extract? What dose are you using? My experience is that I had a rapid improvement during the first two weeks and then the pace of improvement slowed glacially. Improvement still but at a much slower pace. The first symptom to disappear completely for me was the foot cramping and toe curling. I have not experienced these for over two months now.
I preferred to take capsules because for HCL one has to accurately measure it. Capsules are easy to use. I take 1 capsule (235mg) in the morning and 1 in the evening. The online source from where I bought it advised to take 2 days break after each 5 days of use. Improvement felt after 5 days of use include sense of well-being, elimination of tremors, restoration of arm swing, increase in energy
Is that thiamine HCL your taking
How to find the capsules please ..??
I am sending it through message
Hello Iqbaliqbal. Is it possible to post the info for everyone? If not, can you forward it to me by message? Tks
I am sending it via message. The reason for not posting here is that I don't want to advertise some supplier
Would appreciate knowing how to order some. Many thanks, Jon
I have sent you in a message
This is very very interesting. Please also send a message to me about the source!
Could you also message me the details pls? Thanks in advance
I don't think anyone is worried about you having a financial conflict of interest and locating good suppliers is valuable info, so you might as post it -- or spend the next 2 days sending out private messages, in which case, send me one. Ha.
Dear Iqbal - Please send me info also. Thank you in advance.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, the ibogaine HCL is difficult to accurately measure. How long have you been diagnosed?
1 year ago
It is a shame that such a useful compound is denied to US residents because of Big Pharma and the “drug warriors” of the US.
Danfitz believe me I started taking Ibogaine after reading your post a few weeks ago. special thanks to you. I am short of words to appreciate you
No thanks necessary. I am just happy that ibogaine is supplying some relief for us.
I am glad you had significant improvement in such short time. Please exercise caution since ibogain is a very potent and potentially dangerous substance. Keep us informed.
It has well documented cardiovascular complications. I know that when used for addiction treatment (typically higher dose application) significant death rate was noticed.
thanks for replying
I think the effects of microdosing have not been explored so far by the medical community. There is a big difference between microdosing and flood dosing.
In case of parkinParkinson, its benifits outweigh it negatives. I have felt myself as healthy as before PD for the last 3 days. It seems like I am a different person. I think that if it created cardiovascular disease, that is curable but PD is not
Please send me information. Thank you
Keeping in view the large number of people sending me messages I publish the info regarding two reliable sources of iboga related products
here are two sources of getting iboga capsules
Are you still happy with your tremors reductions? Are you taking others supplements ?
yes , so far tremors are controlled. I also take mucuna , turmeric, ashwagandha , B1 , vitamin C , vitamin E , mannitol, magnesium, regularly. Casually I take NAC , Taurine , vitamin B12 , cat's claw extract , L tyrosine, folic acid, vitamin K2, bacopa mannurie
But Iboga has made a big difference
Great, thanks for your answer. I would like to try, could you please tell me which exact softgel you are ordering ?
235 MG capsules. Although Trevor of Liberty Roots Canada had advised me to try 1 capsule a day first and then add another one if it does nothing after one week, however I started taking 2 capsules a day (1morning and 1 in the night ). The reason was that I wanted the results soon
Sorry i don’t see 235mg capsules on ibogaworld.com and ibogashop.com do you buy them from another provider ?
I had ordered the same capsules which you have seen on the website. I have basically ordered from both of sources but the parcel from ibogashop came first and I used their capsules. Regarding the weight: I ordered 230 mg x 110 capsules ( 25 grams) but I received 75 capsules. When asked ibogashop, ,they replied that the accurate weighing of product for each capsules was not possible and they have accommodated 25 grams in 75 capsules. Long story short, plus / minus of few milligrams doesn't make any difference. The standard weight ranges from 230 to 300 mg
Where did you buy and how much do you take per day? Also did you figure out with your dosage should be
Please can you let me know these:
Do PwPD need to take it lifetime?
Do you feel euphoria?
Has your rigidity been improved?
You cannot call it euphoria but yes I feel sense of well-being. Apart from that following are the positives
improved arm swing
improved hand writing
tremors control
relief from fatigue
Having said that I admit that I am still not 100 percent symptoms free but you can say 80 %
Yes in my opinion one has to take it life long as I have been following the patient D who underwent the experimental use of ibogaine under the supervision of Trevor ( of liberty roots Canada ) . I contacted Trevor few week ago and asked about the current condition of patient D. his reply was as follows
"He's doing great. His PD symptoms haven't gotten any worse since we started working with him. He takes 40mg of Ibogaine per day currently."
one thing more which I had missed out eearlier: no more laziness after getting out of the bed in the morning
Just for the information of everyone, while I was searching on use of ibogaine a few months back, I contacted Ben of ibogainemicrodosing.org about his guidance on the subject. His reply was as follows (copy/paste):
Apr 17
to me
Hi Iqbal,
First of all I would strongly recommend having an electrocardiagram and heart stress test before going anywhere near ibogaine - even tiny doses. If you have any irregularities in your heartbeat then do not take ibogaine under any circumstances. There is still no definitive answer as to what dose should be used and how high you can go when microdosing. So really you will have to use trial and error to find the best dose for you, but I would strongly suggest starting off very small - about 10 milligrams of TA daily - amd then increrase the dose very slowly if you feel you are able to do so.
Another option, which I personally think is safer, is to use iboga root bark rather than TA or HCL. You can start by taking 1gram of root bark a day, but be sure to take a break after about 2 weeks. Again though, these are just very rough guidelines and you will have to experiment a little to find the right dose for you, doing so at your own risk.
There are several websites selling TA, HCL and rootbarek, although I don´t trust many of these. My most trusted source is Harambe Iboga Detox. You can contact them at info@harambedetox.com or call them on +34602475385. Tell them that I sent you.
When I contacted Harambe Iboga Detox (located in Spain), they quoted a skyrocketed price. Then I explored the two sources which I have mentioned in my replies above
In the review it says if you have any sort of heart complaint don’t use it...I have a heart murmur so have to give it a miss,...would have liked to try it out....
I have really appreciated this "conversation" re ibogaine. I contacted Ibogaworld re their different products and received the following message this AM.
Good day Kay,
Thank you for your email.
For Parkinson’s the HCL is absolutely best to use.
The other forms of iboga will not be able to make up for the benefit of the HCL, for someone with Parkinson’s.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Please let us know if you have any more concerns or inquiries and we will gladly assist you.
Anyway, as usual, it's interesting to see the variations in what is working. I will try the HCL first as I have a scale that can do finer measurements.
I do hope this can work for my husband. He has tried a lot with regular docs, Functional medicine docs, the Hinz protocol (3 times). Was started on Sinemet in the hospital in December - he had avoided since dx 5/12. Has been worse since then with tremors much of the time. So, fingers crossed, that this might help him. And, he did have an EKG a month ago and everything was OK.
Again, I'm very grateful to have found this forum.
I think he is more interested in selling HCL. I have confirmed with many sources that root bark and TA extract are equally beneficial.
One thing I have to share. I just experimented by discontinuing the iboga capsules to see what happens. Today was the 3rd day and the symptoms have come again. This experiment backfired as I will be lucky to regain the improvement. Anyhow I have resumed the dose again . Let's see what happens next
I emailed back questioning why the HCL is better along with other questions. I'm OK having my husband try the HCL for a month and then switch to some other form. I did watch the video from this thread and evidently the PwP was only using 4 mg with results. That makes the HCL more affordable but still I'm going to have to weigh it everyday.
Thanks for your response!
As I understand the protocol for patient D it was 4 mg at first to check for adverse effects then increased to 10 mg twice a day. But the research shows that a dose even as small as 4 mg will increase GDNF production in the brain.
Did you continue with restarting ibogaine and, if so, did your symptoms diminish back to where they were before you stopped?
I have resumed the same dose since last 3 days but the symptoms have not improved again yet. I will wait for the next two to three days and see the results and in case of no improvements I plan to increase the daily dose. I was almost symptom free for 3 to 4 days before the break
I recently switched from ibogaine HCL to ibogaine TA in order to see if there might be some additional advantage to the TA because it contains a larger spectrum of alkaloids. I have not noticed any reduction in effectiveness.
How much is your daily dose of TA ? I had read somewhere that TA contains alkaloids out of which half is ibogaine
60 mg
The TA dose is 60 mg twice a day not once a day. I was careless in my earlier reply. I cannot discern any difference between TA and ibogaine HCL at this time. Have you regained your previous improvement?
not able to catch up the earlier improvement. I am planning to start TA which is expected to arrive in a day or two. Confused about choosing one of the following options
1. increase the dose from 2 capsules per day to 3 capsules per day
2. Completely discontinue the dose for 2 weeks so that ibogaine is completely flushed out and the system is reset. Resume again after resetting
3. Start taking TA
4. Purchase ibogaine hcl and give it a try
It is difficult to sort out the approach to take with such limited information about ibogaine. What is making you consider option #2? Is there some advantage to it?
If it were me I would probably increase the consumption of the capsules given the low dose of ibogaine they provide. And then go with the TA when they are gone.
My experience with TA seems to be the same as with the HCL. FYI my target dose is 20-30mg of ibogaine twice daily.
I seem to have hit a plateau in terms of continued improvement. I am happy with the results to date but anxious for more. But I read somewhere that neurons grow very slowly so I am trying to be patient.
If ibogaine does work by repairing damaged neurons as well as stimulating the growth of new ones then an initial rapid improvement followed by gradual improvement fits what I am experiencing but it could be that ibogaine is simply another dopamine agonist albeit without the compulsive side effects.
Other than “patient D” I have not found any other cases to read about. Have you?
I guess patience is the watchword.
regarding option 2 , I drew anology from thiamine therapy. someone here on the forum had discontinued B1 and after a gap of few days resumed it again but couldn't regain the benefits. The Italian doctor had advised him to discontinue for 10 days and restart again.
I am increasing the dose to 3 capsules per day and see what happens next.
you rightly said that there is knowledge limitation about ibogaine use. I have written to some experts in this field for their advice. will share the same when I get it
BTW how are your tremors now?
The tremors are my greatest frustration as they are my least improved symptom. They are diminished in terms of frequency as well as intensity but they are still present. Although my frustration may be caused by my approach.
I believe that sinemet interferes with the feedback system that signals the brain to produce dopamine. I could control the tremors completely with a lower dosing of sinemet than I was taking before I started ibogaine but I take an even lesser amount in order to make sure (hopefully) the feedback system registers the inadequacy of dopamine production and uses the GDNF increase provided by ibogaine in the brain to stimulate new neuron growth.
So most days I tolerate some tremor to avoid having the feedback system signal the brain that the dopamine production is adequate. I wish I could be sinemet free.
I am thinking about adding high dose B1 to see if that will allow me to get off sinemet completely.
Doc Costantini suggests we stay with Sinemet.
Parkinson's Relief, Questions and Answers Link: healthunlocked.com/parkinso...
Yes, I am aware of that but keep in mind that I am currently pursuing a different path than high dose B1. I am currently not taking high dose B1. I take a b complex that closely mirrors the dose of b vitamins that are included in the patent for the ibogaine based PD drug that is meant to stimulate neuronal growth and it is undisputed that sinemet metabolites are toxic to dopamine neurons while the ibogaine metabolite is a powerful stimulate of GDNF all by itself. I don’t want to be creating more damage at the same time I am trying to repair what already exists.
This is the quandary I am in.
Here's the latest response from Ibogaworld.
Good day Kay
Thank you for your email
The reason being is because people have had the best success with the HCL.
Iboga effects everyone differently and some people do need more than others.
However it is generally best to start with around 10-20mg per day.
Micro dosing is normally done for about 2-3 weeks depending on how the person feels and reacts to it.
Some prefer to take it every day, other every second day or every third day
I plan to order a gram of HCL. Waiting on a reply as to an equivalent in the capsules.
This may be superfluous info for you but I thought I would mention it in case it helps. I buy empty veggie caps for the ibogaine. I put the larger portion of the empty veggie cap on the scale and zero the scale out. I put the ibogaine HCL or TA in the capsule portion and weigh it and add or remove material until that portion of the cap contains the desired dose. When the amount is correct I slip the smaller portion on to the cap to seal it. It is tedious so I assemble quite a few capsules at a time. If you know of a better or less tedious method I would definitely be interested.
Why not arrange a small spoon of the required capacity
I thought about that but it would need to be exceedingly small. I did go to a chemical supply store to see if they had any small measuring spoons but the smallest they had in stock was still way too large. I currently whittle down bamboo skewers to form a crude transfer spoon small enough to insert the material into the cap. Any suggestions?
10pcs/lot Laboratory Plastic spoon, drug or sample spoon, weighing spoon, medicinal ladle
s.aliexpress.com/nAfYbYnI?f... to Clipboard
Micro Scoops 10 mg
BTW I discovered it takes 30 days for the body to clear itself of ibogaine and its metabolites.
thanks, what would you like to do if you were in my place?
I think I would continue with micro dosing but I am curious about the effect of interrupting the dosing and restarting on symptoms. Since I am pursuing GDNF stimulation more than symptom relief I am more inclined to continue.
I was quite surprised (but pleasantly so) when my initial symptom improvement occurred so rapidly.
Are the improvements which you had mentioned earlier (improved arm swing, walking etc) sustained since then?
Yes they are. But I am concerned about the switch I recently made to TA. This morning I had the first foot cramp I have had in months. It was a mild foot cramp but a foot cramp nonetheless. The first symptom to disappear completely for me was foot cramps so I am highly discouraged by the reappearance of one. The appearance of one so close in time to the change over to TA makes me suspect the change is the culprit.
This is very tricky. In the absence of any knowledge about ibogaine therapy for PD, it is extremely difficult to conclude anything. I had contacted a Miami doctor (Jeffrey Kamlet <jeffrey@kamletmd.com) who is proponent of ibogaine use for PD, he told me that nothing short of HCL is effective for PD
Tricky to say the least. If this foot cramp is not an anomaly and the foot cramps/toe curling returns I will abandon TA and return to HCL. The foot cramping is a significant marker for me.
On the other hand my eldest daughter delivered my first grandchild in the wee hours the day before yesterday so I am short on sleep and pretty darn excited so the switch to TA may not be the issue.
Hi danfitz - I already have empty capsules and a scale. I used to fill upwards of 30-40 capsules/day when my husband was doing the l-dopa in the Hinz protocol. We eventually got a compounding pharmacy to do that for us. I was spending way to much time every day doing this. My sense is that the amount of powder that is used is quite small. I do have a set of measuring spoons that are very small so don't know if the smallest is still small enough. I will find out, assuming I get the package.
On a related note, I was told by the supplier not to take this within 8 hours of a medication. Now, when taking Sinemet that will not be possible. Can you enlighten me (probably again) when you take this, with/without food, away from Sinemet, etc.? Many thanks.
I think your supplier is being excessively cautious. From what I have been reading that would be good advice for a flood dose but not micro-dosing. I will try to find the references for you.
I think any sort of heart irregularities rule out the use until more is known.
The thing to watch for is that because ibogaine accumulates in the body it is possible that eventually a level is reached that even a micro dose would trigger psychoactive effects in which case you would want to back down on the dose by skipping dosing for a day or two.
As for myself I take the first dose of the day with sinemet and then take b complex later. I take the second dose with or without food and with the b complex. (I use a b complex that mirrors the complex in the ibogaine patent)
My neurologist knows what I am doing and has raised no concerns as long as I stay in the micro dose range. These suppliers seem to be all over the place on recommendations.
When I was investigating ibogaine use for PD I was even told by one that I could dose as high as 200 mg. That would be at the flood level and 10x my target dose.
The only medication I take other than ibogaine is sinemet.
I will also look for the drug interactions list I saw and post that as well.
Best wishes.
Here is what I received from supplier:
... However it is generally best to start with around 10-20mg per day
Micro dosing is normally done for about 2-3 weeks depending on how the person feels and reacts to it
Some prefer to take it every day, other every second day or every third day
It is best to ingest it on an empty stomach
Not together with any medication
If medication needs to be taken on the same day, it is important to do so at least 8 hours apart from the HCL.
I'm not entirely clear on this, but I do think it is probably good to take a small break every week or 2. When my husband was doing the Hinz protocol, he was on 5 days, off 2 days of the l-dopa, at least at the start.
In any event, I plan to start my husband with just 4-5 mg/day. You must have a very liberal neurologist that s/he is willing to go along with what you are doing! Although, my husband's movement disorder specialist has acknowledged that marijuana has a known positive effect on PD and actually had some patients who grew their own!! Sadly not available where we live (KY).
Thanks for your dosing info and the follow-up references.
I'll let you know what happens once things get going.
Yes. Please keep us informed. Every clue is useful. I was very pleased when my neurologist was both interested in my plan and spent time looking at literature. It is at an internationally recognized clinic so I expected to be dosed with ice water. But I thought I should make the disclosure and am glad I did.
Maybe this might be helpful.
I have been microdosing ibogaine HCL for over a year at 40 mg/day with good success (I have posted replies to you on another forum under the name 'earachethirsty')
For dosing out the ibogaine powder I follow this process:
for say 5 grams of the HCL compounded to 20mg doses I use my capsule machine that does 24 caps at a time. I fill 250 capsules without tamping, with a filler (I use Voacanga Africana root bark powder for the filler, available on Amazon). I empty each batch into a bowl until I have 250 caps worth in the bowl. I then mix the 5 g of HCL with the filler, using a small krups coffee grinder and a rubber spatula to mix the HCL thoroughly with the filler. Then I refill the capsules with the mix. So far, I have ended up with the exact number of caps on the refill plus or minus one cap.
This is a little tedious, but it seems to deliver an accurate dose. I am buying the HCL 10g at a time so a couple of one hour sessions makes me enough to last 250 days if I take 40 mg per day. I haven't experimented with quitting for a time to see how persistent the effect is, mostly because I'm feeling so good on this dose that I'm reluctant to rock the boat. I take about 20% less levodopa than I took before the ibogaine. Hopefully I can cut back further but, like you, progress seems to have slowed from the initial effect,
Hi are you still doing this and do you feel it's still effective?
Here a the list of other drugs to be taken into account when using ibogaine
That is good information. Hopefully any who are interested in using ibogaine will do thorough research or, at the very least, read all that has been posted about it on HU.
Very helpful! I started taking the root bark a week ago, 300 mg in the morning. It caused insomnia so I just reduced to every other day.
very interesting
"Our results suggest that Ibogaine exposure leads to an increase in GDNF message, followed by the translation and subsequent secretion of the polypeptide, resulting in the activation of the GDNF receptor Ret, which activates the MAP kinase pathway to further up-regulate the GDNF message (Fig. 3)⤻ . To our knowledge this is the first report of the up-regulation of GDNF expression via GDNF itself, and an intriguing possibility is that the positive feedback cycle of GDNF expression and sustained activation of the GDNF pathway contribute to long-term processes such as synaptic plasticity. As GDNF has been shown to be a critical mediator of the development and survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, this autoregulatory pathway could have implications for the use of GDNF as a therapeutic target for neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease (PD)."
hi there, I am from Canada. Do you know of a online company that would ship lbogaine HCL to Canada
Hi Iqbal
Can you please let me know how you get on with Ibogaine ? Did you start again after a break?
Are you still taking iboga ? How effective do you find it?
No , but planning to buy ibogaine HCl and resume it. There was definite improvement with ibogaine HCl but later on I experimented with iboga TA Extract which didn't replicate the results. I confirmed the efficacy of HCl with other users as well and they reported it to be superior to the other forms of iboga. If someone pocket allows, it's worth taking
Hi Iqbaliqbal, thank you for all the info! Wondering, why did you stop taking it?
Supply from South Africa is halted to my country due to Corona restrictions
ohhhh ok, so had to do with supply not your regime, really good to know. are you on sinemet at all? my dad takes 5grams of mucuna and 1/2 a tab of 100/25 sinemet, six times a day.... do you think it will be ok with take ibogaine with this?
It seems there are some sources in Canada that I have just found....
Hi pdkidWhat is your source in Canada?
I joined a facebook group called "Iboga Canada (Pyschedelics, Entheogens and Sacred Plant Medicines)" and found someone there... i am putting in an order for this week....
It is a guy based in Calgary. Where in Canada are you? It seems that the other source, which I just learned that someone in my network has ordered from before is ibogaworld.com/
also, it seems like there are 3-4 kinds of Iboga .... if my dad takes a TA extract, do you know what the therapeutic microdose would be? it is apparently the one that is closest in form to the root bark.... apparently 1000g becomes 100g... so does that mean instead of taking 20mg, only 2mg would be needed? sorry if this is confusing, thank you!!
Ibogaine has three forms 1. Iboga root Powder 2. Iboga TA extract 3. Ibogaine HCLIbogaine HCL is the most expensive extract. The dose for PD is 10-20 mg twice a day. It has no interaction with sinemet or Mucuna
I believe you said the TA extract was not effective? Were you taking it in a dose equivalent to the Ibogaine HCL? I wonder if anyone is taking Iboga root powder?
I have used all the three forms and found HCL to be the most effective one
I believe it is banned in the US but legal in the UK.
Hi Farooqji,
I have found out in your old posts that you tried iboga. Could you please share your opinion on that matter after some years. Is it a blind path wasting time and money or quite different? I am considering to take this drug. Thanks
Yes I was using iboga 2 to 3 years back and in the initial days I got wonderful results. I used it for a brief period of time and for a week or so my symptoms 100% eliminated. But after that I took a break of 2-3 days due to which the symptoms came back and didn't disappear even after resumption of iboga. I then took it on and off but the initial results did not replicate. I think I could not find the proper dose. Last time I tried it was just before covid-19 pandemic and it was the HCL form. I could use it for a week or two, before running out of stock. I tried to to purchase it again from a South African vendor but due to covid restrictions they didn't offer shipping to my country. I am planning to resume it again because I am a strong believer there is something in ibogaine which counteract the Parkinson. I know two to three persons who are using Ibogaine for many years with good results. There is a case study available on Canadian website groups.google.com/g/liberty...
I am planning to purchase it again and resume it soon
That sounds great especially in my case where C/L doesn't work. To feel free for just a few hours is worth any money. Looks like a dose of 25mg HCL twice daily will be fine. Maybe this article will be helpful for you
Another thing is to buy this banned drug...
Hi, I do intend to try iboga HCL. Can you please advise on a reliable source to purchase it from... Thanks in advance!
Hi I have read your threads you posted over the years about ibogaine and your experiences. At this point in time do you have a recommended vendor online who I can trust?
interested to know if you still take ibogaine? If not why not and if so is it still working well?
Did you end up dropping this treatment Farooqji ? I am just learning about it. roothealing.com/iboga/iboga...
Are you still taking ibogaine?