John Gray reversed his parkinson's via a large selection of supplements...has anyone tried his program or is familiar with it?
Have you worked with or are familiar with... - Cure Parkinson's
Have you worked with or are familiar with John Gray?

He sounds good, almost like an info-medical. He claims he cured his "preparkinson". There is no such thing as preparkinson's. They are not bad supplement but don't kid yourself. They will not cure parkinson"s. Probably won't hurt anything by taking them. But the cure is not in those bottles.
He is peddling supplements. Just another predator looking to take advantage of people like us.
I'm less generous about John Gray. He has been examined on this forum. Put his name in the search window, then Google him. Sorry, but the good news is you found this forum and you can learn everything you need to know here.
Hi, you could look into Marty Heinz amino acid therapy.
... if you have plenty of money to spend on an unproven treatment...
His past history is enough for me to not trust him
This disease is between a rock and a hard place. People that do amino acid therapy, most of them on this list report remission of their symptoms and feeling very well. Of course they still do take levodopa. They did not take Carbidopa . There's a couple people that mention that even after trying it for months or years they could never get it regulated enough to feel well. I tried it myself as a do-it-yourself therapy. I was under medicated. I've been on sinemet CR for probably 9 months. I am starting to notice some of the side effects of both sinemet and Carbidopa that I did not have before. I don't know what to do. Progressive is taking on a new meaning. Mary
I’m not sure which list you refer to, are you meaning those who have posted on this forum? If so I havent noticed anything from what i have read that people usng the protocol are in remission, only that they have good symptom control. But no better than people on regular meds.
Yes I can identify with you that themeaning of progressive does become more real over time - unfortunately and a bit scary
what drug side effects are you now noticing Mary?
Wrong word choice no, not remission.. I listened to John Gray's YouTube presentation and in the very beginning of my disease I did buy some of the supplements that he recommended but not from him. I'm referring to Marty hinz protocol which I thank can really work. But I think I'm going to need a doctor to go with it. I'm very sensitive to all kinds of medications and supplements. And I believe that after a while when you are using Carbidopa and levodopa it does deplete other amino acids from your body.
I have noticed that I have no control over temperature, the heat really bothers me.
My stomach and my intestines also bother me. Mary
Have you read this information about Marty Hinz. He makes alot of money selling his theories but has done no trials on Parkinson patients.
Problems with temperature control are part of Parkinsons autonomic dysfunction, and of course bowel problems are very much a part of Parkinsons. They may not have been helped by the meds but the meds will not have caused them
Hi, yes I have read it a while back. I'm sitting here in my own little Cosmos. We have a lot of Parkies here, it would be really helpful if people that tried the amino acid therapy could post their results with it, and the reason for not sticking with it or if they were successful using it are they still using it? Mary
HIgh dose thiamine restored my bowel function within the first two weeks. I believe RoyProp had the same result. 2g thiamine HCl 2x/day.
IMO, is the quack to watch. Not that they are always wrong, but they allow no controversion of their opinions. The complaints against many naturopathic doctor or the like is mainly regulatory, which means government interventions. If you trust the Fed more than a naturopath, just do your homework, and you will find the truth in most cases. The Fed is not always wrong and the naturos are not always right.
As Hinz himself claims only 80% success with his protocol, and my doctor, who is an MD and very supportive of preventative health practices and natural remedies, researched and started administering the Hinz Protocol about a year ago.
As I was diagnosed in September and have had the tremors for a couple years now, I am hoping to start the protocol after the holidays.
And what about his testimonials on his website (these patient videos...), there are some really impressing amonst them.....just show ?? Are just the best 5 of 100 patients.........
Otherwise, I find that he offers a lot of information about his program........
Still, I don't know what to do. Whatever at the moment, I'm not able to follow his program (financially).........
My husband tried the Hinz amino therapy with 3 different practitioners: Cole, DO in Cincinnati, Cargioli, DC in Indianapolis and Chad Oler, Naturopath in Wisconsin. He never got regulated and with the last attempt he was up to almost $1000 a month and was taking excessive amounts of the l-dopa - way more than the amount most people find success. Clearly, this was not sustainable. And sadly, I think it has had some adverse health effects on him.
I would be reluctant to agree with anybody who states they have been able to reverse and/or cure PD. First of all, one must understand the pathophysiology of neuro-degeneration, within the process of loss of dopamine with this disease, which is actually, at this time, an incurable disease, according to all scientific journals I've read and Physician's I've talked to. Once neuronal death occurs, there is no cure- no replacement. Research into stem cells is promising, and helpful, but not a cure, as far as I know. Carbidopa/Levodopa replacement dopamine is very helpful to me and many others with PD, but it is not considered a cure ( at least, not by anybody I've talked to or any scientific studies I've read). DBS is helpful to some PD patients, but, as far as I know, it is not a cure. Some supplements help me to feel better, and in the early stages I might have believed that my PD was all but gone; however, after a number of years where my symptoms have advanced further, to include the autonomic system, I know that it was false hope that I may have beat this disease. All neuro-degenerative diseases are very difficult to deal with. ALS, MSA, Alzheimers, Lewy Body Dementia, are all neuro-degenerative diseases. We, in the PD community, are very lucky that scientific research has come up with a substitute for dopamine ( Levodopa/ Carbidopa ), but that is not a cure!
Last time I checked he was still using mucuna purines (Leva dopa natural form) as part of recommend supplements. So if you are talking leva dopa then you have not cured your PD
I’ve been following the Hinz protocol since 1/17 . I’ve been able to reduce my symptoms, find alternative cheaper products for some his supplements ,and reduce the doses required. None of this has been been by strictly following my Drs advice but I have reported back my dose lowering. I started with Dr grays shakes which convinced me that there was something to the amino acid approach. Gray suggests that Hinz is a further development of that approach. Grays interest in Parkinson’s was from his own experience and his attempts to deal w it. He didn’t take it further as this worked for him and he’s not a practicing MD but a phycologist. As I’ve never experienced much in the line of shakes or off times I think the amino acid stuff works. I’m probably into less than $50/week at present. It’s not fun but what about Parkinson’s is?