As most of you know, I have had PD for over 14 yrs. Lately, my Dad 84, has had declining health & doctors cannot figure it out, or rather aren't trying very hard. I'm at a loss on what to do at this point. 3 yrs ago he strained his knee & it started swelling from the knee down, about the same time his balance started affecting him, both legs are swollen from the knee down, had surgeru for enlarged prostate (it went well), had carpel tunnel surgery, it didn't help. Has 5 or 6 ganglion cysts on his wrists, had a bicep tendon tear beyond repair plus the rotator cuff is bad so he can't lift his arm without help from his other arm, now his other arm has gone bad & he can barely use it. His gait has been progressively getting bad all this time, he drags his feet & can barely lift them to walk, he has had a gradual decline in his posture to a 90 degree angle. This is a man that was in good health 3 yrs ago. He's been to every kind of doctor you can think of, including a neurologist, but noone can figure it out. They say it's not PD. They thought it could be NPH (fluid in his brain) so they put a shunt in his brain, but no help). He also has the start of macular degeneration. We just signed a lease last night for assisted living yesterday because he's fallen 4 times in the last week & backed his car into his neighbor's garage. He seems to get worsre each day. He's been going to PT for at least 6 months & it hasn't helped at all. I'm at a loss on how to help him & is taking a toll on my health. Anyone have any ideas? This isn't normal aging for 3 years is it?
Thanks for your opinions.
Debbie (laglag)