I have a horrible time getting the child proof caps off of my RX meds. What do the rest of you do?
RX caps: I have a horrible time getting the... - Cure Parkinson's
RX caps

I ask the pharmacist for an easy open cap.
I ask for non child proof caps but I must sign a form there once a year.
I have never had to sign a form. I live in the US. Curious as to why you have to sign a form.
It has been the law both in MA and now in WV. Maybe your pharmacy is just lax?
If your pharmacy doesn't offer caps that are not child proof, take small zip lock bags to the pharmacy and ask them to help you get the lids off when you pick up the prescription. Then some caps can be turned upside down for a regular lid. If not, look to see if there is a plastic ring inside the cap. If you can get it out with a fork or knife point without cutting yourself, then the cap is probably no longer child proof.
Just be sure that you don't leave medication without childproof caps laying around if you have small children visiting. This may seem obvious but my father used to leave the caps loose on his medication and my niece got an ambulance ride to the emergency because they didn't know how many pills she ingested.
I have the pharmacy put non child proof tops in their computer but have to check as sometimes they forget. Check before you leave the store also check that you were given the correct medication.
When I was on 5 different PD meds and b4 DBS the pharmacy just saw the need I guess and turned the bottle tops over. They are designed to snap/screw closed that way.
I hate being publicly reminded that I'm (un-normal) and will go out of my way to the extent of pissing off my Wife and grown daughters to prove I'm capable!
I know........ acceptance
The local DIY store, as I was checking out with three 40# bags of softener salt wanted to know if I needed help loading it....... I can do everything I've ever done, just maybe a little slower.
I KNOW....... acceptance..........
I understand and like you, I may be slower or so but I can still do it. It feels good knowing you did it like take that PD you haven't won yet. Kick on the face
even people without pd have a hard time opening those caps. i have always asked for non-childproof tops. the childproof are just too annoying.
I put meds and supplements in an upright parts box with sizable drawers from the hardware store. That’s the reserve. You can either dip from there or put aweeks supply into a smaller flat plastic partitioned box. Maybe a tackle box?
I also fill small orange med bottles with easy lids for the supplements. I decide what is needed so I have a prelisted assortment and work from that. This makes it easy for anyone else to do it for you also. I label the white tops with magic marker 1,2,3,4,5, depending on the time of day and if the are to be taken with or between meals. I do this for a month at a time. If I didn’t, I would be opening bottles and jars all day. You can order the bottles from your pharmacist or online. If online just check re the ez open and size you need. They are cheap and come in a variety of sizes. I get mine on Etsy.
My pharmacy's bottles are two way. You can turn the cap over once you get it off and then it's just a screw on cap. You might mention this to your pharmacy and they usually have bottles for people who have this trouble. I know what you mean, those caps are a pain in the ---! good luck
I have problems at times, too. The best pharmacy with the best caps, that are easy for me to open, was K-Mart-now they are closed in my area.