Answer - the inability to multi task to the extreme !!!!!
WHAT DO M.J.Fox --- John Pepper --- Rick... - Cure Parkinson's
WHAT DO M.J.Fox --- John Pepper --- Rick James = have in common ?

Difficulty with multitaking is an unwelcome consequence of PD. Prior to PD, I was a consumate multitasker. Now, as my age and PD progresses, multitaking is very difficult for me. For those who are used to my multitasking capabilities, and who have come to depend on this capability in prior times, it can be very frustrating.
This limitation hs developted gradually, and I became aware of it belatedly. Sometimes I forget my limitations and accept a responsibility that I am unable to fulfil due to conflicting commitments. This can be disappointing to those depending on me, and I get frustrated that I have accepted more than I can deliver. Now that I am aware of the situation, I try to avoid accepting responsibilities that require multitasking. Yetanother lifestyle adjustment that PWP must make.
I feel that we were never intended to multitask. It is about being present to ourselves and conscious of what we are doing.
My realisation of PD is that I need to be consciously present of everything that I do. I accept this as a blessing.
Maybe not not doing this has sewn the seeds of PD.
Who is Rick James? I would like to meet him, he must be a high achiever!
There seems to be confusion with whether you have Parkinson's or not. Even though you have managed to continue walking it is through thought. What the brain took care of unconsciously is now controlled thought. It blew me away when I saw Mr. Fox having to make the choice of do I sit here quietly or do I interact with you? Just substitute movement for pain and you have me.
does the definition of multi tasking include sorting sixes of spoons and forks while emptying the dishwasher all at the same time? I find it best when Im concentrating on just being the same place my hands are. That seams to be enough lately!
If you don't want to do dishes, a little acting goes a long way.
That’s why driving is so dangerous...too many stimuli to integrate.