Interested in getting John Peppers book. ... - Cure Parkinson's
Interested in getting John Peppers book. What is it called. Thanks

Hi cshamb. My book is titled, "Reverse Parkinson's Disease". You can get it on Amazon,com or on my website - I am not a doctor, but I have been diagnosed for over 21 years. My symptoms go back to 1963. What I tell everybody in my book is what i did, after diagnosis and what the result has been. Thank you for asking.
I, for one, think you are only trying to help your bank account, Mr. Pepper. If you cared about others you wouldn't be charging $35.00 for your "secrets". I don't believe you ever had pd. I was dx with ms 27 yrs ago, but I DON'T HAVE IT!!!! You don't belong on this site, giving ppl false hope! As long as there are gullible ppl, you will get rich. Shame on you!
Hi Jocee. I understand your frustration and comments. I obviously did not diagnose myself, and have tried, many times, to get to the bottom of the question, "Do I really have Pd?" The only thing i have not been able to do is have DAT Scan, which is not available here in SA. Jocee, if you look on you will see that the book is only $23, but you have to pay delivery costs. On my website I charge $33, but that includes packing and delivery charges. Jocee, just to prove to you that I am not in it for the money, I will give you a book and pay for the delivery costs myself, if you will give me your email address. I cannot obvioosly afford to make this offer to everybody as I am a pensioner and live on my savings, as we do not have government pensions for people who own their own homes. I am passionate about helping others with Pd.
Mr. Pepper, you surprise me........and I accept your offer. I will apologize on this post when I receive this. My email address is
I bought John Pepper's book and receive free information on a regular basis via email. I do not believe for one moment that he is just trying to make money. As far as I can see, he is very involved in distributing as much as possible all information he finds helpful or interesting. FOR FREE!! If you read the book, you will see that no person without PD would have been able to write what he has written. He has gone to all the trouble writing the book, had it printed and that must have cost him a lot of money. I just wonder if you have ever taken on authors of fiction, or magazines, full of moneymaking adds. I think you taking on Mr Pepper is unfair.
I dont know but got it on kindle.
Hello Jocee
You are not the first person who thinks that John Pepper has never had Parkinson's, but who can really tell without having met him or been with him during his medical appointments. The same can be said for a handful of other PwP who claim to have reversed their symptoms significantly.
What I can say is that I bought his book over a year ago and could especially relate to the list of symptoms in there. Also included were 'tips' on overcocming difficulties encountered by us PwP in daily living. As I was reading them I thought that these could only have been formulated by someone who has Parkinson's. He won't thank me for saying that it was obviously not written by a professional author.
I do not know if you have ever written a book; I have only written one or two articles and found it extremely difficult to do. I think that only a fool would write a book on Parkinson's with a view to making money, given how many 'Parkinson's' books there are 'out there'. I am pleased that John Pepper contributes to this forum and is genuinely trying to inspire us 'not to give in', but maximise our potential given that we have this condition.
Please do not drive him away for I consider we are the richer for his being here, even if he does mention his book from time to time.
Kind regards
I don't get on line often as I take care for my husband 24-7 because of him falling five years ago this coming June causing a severe brain injury, I appreciate John that John is a member here, I have gained encourement from his and others postings, i have not read his book, I BELIEVE IN NEVER GIVING UP HOPE.
The name of the book is "Reverse Parkinson's Disease"
Even though I have not recovered from Parkinson's or reversed it's progression, I believe that, with a combination of proper nutrition, regular vigorous exercise (as is championed by John Pepper) and positive thinking, I have been able to at least slow down the progression. For those reasons, I found John Pepper's book to be informative and motivational. And I fully agree with Norton. I cannot imagine someone who did not have Parkinson's could have written so exhaustively and in such detail about Parkinson's. In my humble opinion, John Pepper adds a great deal to this group.
I am reversing my position on John Pepper and am giving him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps after I read his book, I will be singing his praises. I hope so. Looking forward to reading the book.