Hi I was diagnosed 1 yr ago as tremor yopd. I am shuffling my left foot now and a slight limp. Is this my gait? Does this mean that I may have PIGD?
Tremor with gait: Hi I was diagnosed 1 yr... - Cure Parkinson's
Tremor with gait

I've had PD for 14 yrs., diagnosed at age 46, basically had the same symptoms as you stated except my tremor didn't really show up until the last few years and I had never heard of PIGD until you mentioned it today. I just Googled it and it mentioned that it's fast progressing. I'm still doing fairly well, mine has progressed slowly. I exercise a lot and that has helped slow it. So you'll probably need to ask your Neuro or maybe someone else on this site will know. As far as gait, yes the way you walk is your gait, you have a limp and a shuffle to your gait.
I was diagnosed 4 years ago age 60 with PD...was dragging right leg...not moving right arm, limp, hunched over, friends said I looked like I had a stroke or cerebral palsy. Now from the outside looking at me you would not know I had PD. I take all the meds the doc says: carbidopa/levidopa/ ropinirole, azilect, clonazapam, zoloft, and amantadine...all toll about 20 pills a day.I went to every Physical therapy class Could get may hands on. I started a walking program---first could only walk about 1/2 mile per day. Now after 3 years am walking 3 miles per day. I am standing tall, not dragging the leg...only slightly when tired...right arm now moves...so you can improve through exercise, meds, and diet. I still have other symptoms, i.e. talking in sleep, spasms in foot, constipation, some balance issues but have found that ballroom dance lessons is helping a lot. I still battle every day. But I feel the best I have in the past 5 years. So do not give up hope. If there is a Big and Loud Program near you, take it.
Big and loud program is online ( for PWP in the UK) I have followed it religiously for 3yrs and have found it to be off fantastic benefits. Warrior is being used as a substitute in UK but (in my opinion) is not as effective. I took everything I could find on big and loud and expanded it to suit my personal needs. I still have problems walking any great distance but I can run !!! . I have no idea how it has worked but I will be eternally grateful to the USA for giving me back my life. Also undertook the B and L voice therapy. Underfunded as it is in the UK it was only partly effective.
Jamie, Parkinson's does progress but at different rates in different people. Your specialist will be able to help with your concerns. Why not ask for another appointment. Make a list of questions and help him or her check everything you arecworried about.
Gait is just a word meaning the way you walk. PwP have an unusual gait much like you describe. Are you taking meds and exercising regularly?
Have you seen John Pepper's YouTube video on gait? It's very nicely done. youtu.be/_QVIdPo71gI
My attitude is really terrible. I really seem to be able to encourage others, but not myself. People see me and say what a great spirit she has because I smile in public. I'm so emotional and seems like the tiniest thing will set me off. But you're video is an inspiration for me and hopefully others. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!