I was diagnosed with Parkinson's in October of 2007 and I have to have an MRI of my brain today because I have fallen 3 times recently. I don't feel faint the lights go out and I wake up as I am falling. I am terrified of MRI's. I don't like small places at all. My doctor gave me an Ativan to take an hour prior to the test. Have any of you ever had a panic attack during an MRI? Any advice?
MRI: I was diagnosed with Parkinson's in... - Cure Parkinson's

check with your Dr to have an open MRI we have them here in michigan but the ativan should help also maybe get headphones to listen to music
I was pleasantly surprised that the MRI was not bad at all. I had build it up in my head over the years but it was open at both ends and they gave me a little button to push if I panicked. Also, someone told me to keep my eyes closed , I think that helped too. Yes, the Ativan should help. Good luck.
Thank you
That's exactly what I did and it helped!. In my mind I went for a walk on the beach with Jesus holding my hand and I felt safe!
I am claustrophobic and have had many MRI's. I use a method of deep relaxation and concentrate on music that I love to listen to, instead of thinking about the MRI. It works.
Do they let you listen to music while you are in the machine?
I did not listen to music. I listened to the MRI. There is some hidden musicality behind it's intermittent thumping. Mathematic communication.
I love the sound of an MRI. I know, I'm weird. There is musicality in the beats. I feel like I am inside Blue Man Group or something like it. Just close your eyes.
You have my sympathy, why do they have to be so noisy, I count the seconds off, I find that helps me. you always have that panic button.
I took a beta blocker, didn't cover my ears, closed my eyes and counted to 900. It wasn't fun but the neuro basically told me to get a grip!
I just remind myself that they are trying to help me not kill me. And before you go in have a look it is open at the end. When they tell me how long it will be I count up to each minute. And do not open my eyes. Good luck you can do it.
sounds like low blood pressure perhaps? Low blood pressure is part of PD.