I have been dx c PD. I am now 60 but was dx in 2010. I have been taking Entacapone for several months now and it works well. Only drawback ìs the horrible nightmares. I wake everyone with my screams. Anyone with same problems? What did you do?
Horrible night mares : I have been dx c PD... - Cure Parkinson's
Horrible night mares

What I do depends on what side of the scream I am on.
The nite terrors seem to be quite common.
I have the same. My dreams were so bad that I fell out of bed defending myself from an imageinary intruder. End up with stitches on my face. My solution has been clonazepam 0.25mg at night. It stops the all those scary nightmares. How ever its not easy to start on Clonazepam so I took a 1/4 of the tablet increasd to 1/2 then 3/4 then a whole. Had about 10 days in between It made me feel nasurated but is all good now. Hope this helps.
I would suggest that you ask your doctor to change your medication. All Pd medications have side effects but f you are unable to tolerate those side effects you must change your medication.
Alternatively, why not look at a different way to overcome your Pd Symptoms. Exercise is the best way to deal with Pd. I have turned my whole life around by doing fast walking. Take a look at my profile!
nightmares while they can be from medication are also a part of the disease itself, Ask your Dr. for Clonazapam.
I never, but never, have bad dreams, but I still either wake myself and my poor daughter (and probably a few neighbors) up with bloodcurdling screams or leap merrily out of bed mid-dream and onto the floor, face first. Ouch! I was taking clonazepam for a while but I felt like it was making me dopey and scatterbrained. Once I quit taking it, I cleared right up -- at least during my waking hours. I wish there was another solution.
My husband has REM Sleep Disorder which we've been told is a pre-curser to Parkinson's. He has had the sleep disorder for over 13 years. He was on Clonazepam and was taken off because the drug was effecting is kidneys. The side effects were as bad as the sleep disorder. We did research and found that CBD Hemp Oil helps. We ordered from Charlotte's Web online. It is quite expensive since we ordered the strongest Hemp Oil they make. Although not perfect we can go up to two weeks without any screaming, kicking, and since being one Charlotte's Web almost two years, no more stiches. He sleeps most nights and this also has helped him with anxiety. Thanks