The day after my 51st birthday, I was diagnosed with PD. I received the dx. during my lunch break. My profession is one I loved deeply and felt so proud to be-a Registered Nurse specializing in Oncology/Bone Marrow Transplant. I hadn't been feeling well-tired, anxious-little shaky-my handwriting was not legible. I thought this was due to general fatigue due to taking care of my father. Prior to my dx. I was working and caring for my father (he had bladder cancer). We eventually went on home hospice, and he passed away peacefully at home. So, I thought my symptoms were associated with my situation, but to my shock it was PD. The transition of going from professional to disabled - on disability- has been quite an emotional rollercoaster, and to add to my situation- my disability carrier (for which I had been receiving benefits for 5 years) suddenly decided I was no longer disabled. I must add that I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and spinal stenosis. So, I now have a lawsuit to deal with.
I am venting, yes, I am. I try to take each day with some positive thinking, but it is very difficult at times. Maybe 2013 will bring some good news to those of us that have PD.
Best to all.