Has any one had problems with there eyes, for a while now ,my eyes have been becoming blurred , in the distance , but also if I'm watching tv, also Iv been getting double vision, Iv not been able to do much craft work , which I enjoy,
The thing is , the other day I was outing my lap top on the floor, it was very odd, as I lowered it down it stopped , but the floor looked another six inches away from the lap top , I couldn't understand it at first, then realised it was my eyes, the key board the letters cross over, and again th eipad seems another 4 inches away from the keys,
My muscles in my eyes feels as if there pulling , is this a parkinsons thing, the nurolagist said it has nothing to do with the pd , that it was another neurological thing, I'm having tests done tomorrow , there testing the muscles and the nerves, I'm having a NCS / EMG done. Has any one had theses test .