I seem to be woken every night with cramp,anyone have any ideas to ease them? Thanks Baz
Cramps: I seem to be woken every night with... - Cure Parkinson's

First, try drinking more water before going to bed.
Like Ronn said, water is good and you could also have a magnesium deficiency. Google it & see if it applies. FYI, bathing in Epsom Salts will help cramps, they have magnesium in them. They have Epsom salts with lavender which helps me sleep a little better.
I take magnesium at night for cramps and have find it effective
Magnesium chelate is amazing mineral taken regularly for cramps also has many other benefits just google magnesium
Keep positive
Thanks for help,I'll check magnesium out.Baz
Try drinking Shwepps 'Indian Tonic Water'. It has a small amount of quinnine in it which can be helpful.
I also have them & has now progressed to my ankle getting locked in a downward position. I take magnesium
My husband had terrible cramps during the night and would have to get up and go and lay on the sofa but then he started on slow release Madopar and it eased
I also take magnesium (glycinate), 200mg before bed.
Thanks for replies,started magnesium today.Baz.
Have foods high in electrolytes during te day. For example, apples, grapes, bananas.