Blood test for Parkinson's is coming - Cure Parkinson's

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Blood test for Parkinson's is coming

parkie13 profile image
21 Replies

A very interesting and promising article.

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parkie13 profile image
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21 Replies
silvestrov profile image

Yes it is an interesting article and few substances will destroy prions. For example:

"Prions are highly resistant to disinfectants, heat, ultraviolet radiation, ionizing radiation and formalin. However, prions can be deactivated by heat, by chemicals and by a combination of heat, chemicals, pressure and time."

"Prions can be destroyed through incineration providing the incinerator can maintain a temperature of 900 F for four hours. In an autoclave, prions can be deactivated by using a temperature of 270 F at 21 psi for 90 minutes. If the infectious material is in a solution of sodium hydroxide, deactivation will occur after one hour at 250 F and 21 psi."

The best hope for destroying prions resides from the S. baicalensis herb and fucoidan from brown seaweed/kelp.

Baicalein prevents human prion protein-induced neuronal cell death by regulating JNK activation

Prophylactic Effect of Dietary Seaweed Fucoidan against Enteral Prion Infection▿

The following webpage compares the contents of 6 different seaweeds and the best is Ascophyllum nodosum (AN).

AN has 4-10% fucoidan and, interestingly, 5-10 mannitol......recently a hot and recurring topic on this website.

Chemical Composition of Seaweeds

Additionally, a component of AN is a plolysaccharide called ascophyllan and.....

In vitro antioxidant activities of sulfated polysaccharide ascophyllan isolated from Ascophyllum nodosum.

"Antioxidant activities of sulfated polysaccharide ascophyllan from Ascophyllum nodosum was investigated in vitro by various assays, and compared with those of fucoidan."

"In an electron spin resonance (ESR)-spin trapping analysis in which direct UV-radiation to hydrogen peroxide was used as a source of hydroxyl radical, ascophyllan and fucoidan showed potent hydroxyl radical scavenging activity with similar extent. Reducing power of ascophyllan was stronger than that of fucoidan."

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to silvestrov

That is truly an impressive amount of brute force needed to destroy prions.

silvestrov profile image
silvestrov in reply to park_bear

Yes, and that is why fucoidan and baicalein are such important potential therapies. Prions are nearly indestructible yet fucoidan and baicalein did so both in vitro and vivo. To put these 2 into perspective, cucumin (edited not EGCG) only broke up prions in vitro but not animal models (vivo). Here is the study:

Inhibition of protease-resistant prion protein accumulation in vitro by curcumin.

"In vivo studies showed that dietary administration of curcumin had no significant effect on the onset of scrapie in hamsters."

999---666 profile image
999---666 in reply to silvestrov

sylvestrov, do you know if autoimmune system attacks/alters genes? i'm leaning towards bacterial/viral infection: that's the way it started for my pd, maybe I just had a stroke....but stroke damage is arrested isn't it? it doesn't evolve into balance problems, speech problems, that about right by you??

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply to 999---666

What were your symptoms? what happened to you that makes you think that's what it was Mary

999---666 profile image
999---666 in reply to parkie13

bad teeth, don't laugh, there is a bacterium that we harbour in our teeth that causes heart disease. initially I complained about something I found in my bottle of spring water: a suspended yellow phlemy thing. very hardy, found traces on water pump monhts later. Lilian

I was falling down, never that sick in my life.

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to 999---666

Why we need dental hygienists! There are 400 different kinds of bacteria in the mouth, 40% of which have never even been cultured. They gain access to the rest of the body when we have unhealthy gums.

999---666 profile image
999---666 in reply to park_bear

I ad leaky fillings, I was told. I think dentists are crooks....they got more returns on my teeth than I did....he wanted me to take out a loan to replace my silver fillings with white amalgams...I hate them. too gentrified for me, even the vets have gone that way.

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply to 999---666

Here's another one to Chuck up to bad teeth

silvestrov profile image
silvestrov in reply to 999---666

Autoimmune diseases are those in which scientists really have not figured out what causes them. They describe 'autoantibodies' and inflammation caused by tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a) an other inflammatory cytokines (proteins) but really never explain why it happens at all. Basically explanations for autoimmune diseases are mechanistic explanations describing inflammation, tissue loss, necrosis.....what not..... without answering the big question - what is the cause? Some theories explain how the body's immune system attacks parts of the body because of bacterial/infectious molecular mimicry MM. MM is when a, say, bacteria can make itself look like a part of your body, and then the body attacks the entire part of the body, but, in the end, their explanation is inadequate. The following link says it all:

Basically, I call autoimmune diseases 'shit happens' diseases because that is just as good as an explanation given by leading scientists. Until someone asks the right question or questions about autoimmune diseases, doctors will only be treating symptoms rather than the cause.

999---666 profile image
999---666 in reply to silvestrov

looks like STAR WARS to me.

just read a newsletter that mentioned article about an Aztec food more powerful than blueberries in antioxidants, 18 times more omega 3 than salmon. you can go a long way with just a couple of handfuls....I figered it was coca leaves when I was told it only grows in Bolivia, think it's probably beet seed. they sell it in powder form, call it benvita gold, i'll double check that. researchers discovered it in florentin codex written up by a friar. (also very rich in magnesium)

999---666 profile image
999---666 in reply to 999---666

it's chia seed................did you know that canary seed for human consumption is good for celiac disease, replaces flour or gluten free. did you know our gut is ligned with neurons?!?

999---666 profile image
999---666 in reply to 999---666

inflammation is caused by organisims that get past a permeable gut into blood stream...leaky gut. i'll check my mewsletter.

999---666 profile image
999---666 in reply to silvestrov

hope it works


silvestrov profile image

I just enjoy researching various topics and always have been the type of person who naturally asks questions. I research topics until I understand them, then move on and I make no money from my investigations. I have been investigating seaweed for several years and keep discovering new information. A while back I ordered organic Ascophyllum nodosum powder and am going to consistently start taking it on a daily basis.

My interest about prions was peaked because I had a friend die years ago from Creutzfeldt-Jakob (KROITS-felt YAH-kobe) disease and basically, his brain turned to mush. He was working to get a PHD in some facet of Egyptology and he just started to lose it mentally then he went down hill quick. Hence my researching prions and substances which can destroy them.

I take S. baicalensis on a daily basis and AN will make a good complimentary therapy. It should be noted that AN is high in iodine and depending on the condition of your thyroid gland, and if you are on a hypothyroid hormone supplement, AN should be researched as to its relationship with your thyroid medication.

ronn profile image
ronn in reply to silvestrov

So,,,,,,,,Creuzfeldt-jacob Disease, eh???,,,brain turns to mush eh? I wondered about that stuff,,,thought it was ear-wax.

My apology, silvestrov, Couldn't resist. Your research sounds fascinating.


silvestrov profile image

The documentary is basically done. I just need to pay off last month's inspection, etc - yuk... then to purchase vimeo pro so I can post it online. I consider the doc a continuous work in progress because no matter what you post the information may become dated with newer discoveries.

On a personal note my parkinsonism.....not idiopathic PD, is 100% controlled and I am fully functional. I just have to take a lot of pills, powders etc.... every day to be in good shape.

How are you?

badboy99 profile image

Silvestrov would you mind sharing your source of S. baicalensis, amount you take, etc.

silvestrov profile image
silvestrov in reply to badboy99

This is a semi-long story. I investigated S. baicalensis and decided to go the 100% pure baicalin and I tied this brand:

LiftMode has been out of baicalin for a long time and am glad to see they have it back in stock. I tried the baicalin from Powder City and it is not nearly as good as from LM.

Baicalin is the most plentiful flavonoid in S. baicalensis and it gets converted into baicalein in the body. Basically, it is a pro-drug like levodopa. In the raw herb baicalin constitutes about 10-14% of dry weight and 5% of the herb is composed of baicalein. Baicalein is immediated absorbed and passes the blood brain barrier and after baicalin is converted into baicalein, same story. Pure baicalin is very potent and has been used for many for many applications including osteo arthritis and there is a product called Limbrel for that purpose:

One reason why baicalin is great for osteo arthritis is because it has anti-inflammatory effect similar to ibuprofen:

Baicalin, a compound found within Chinese skullcap, is as effective as ibuprofen as an analgesic in an experiemental model of hyperalgesia.

I have investigated baicalin extensively and it has 1001 applications to various diseases including cancer. The down side is baicalin is tough on the liver and there have been a few cases of temporary liver damage because of Limbrel:

Acute liver injury due to flavocoxid (Limbrel), a medical food for osteoarthritis: a case series.

Baicalin is water soluable and when the people stopped taking baicalin, they immediately recovered because it was excreted from their systems.

So once I started taking baicalin I decided to simultaneously take Milk thistle/silymarin. For centuries it has been used for liver ailments and it has even been shown to prevent liver damage from tuberculosis antibiotics in lab animals - TB antibiotics are horrible for the liver:

Silymarin protects liver against toxic effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs in experimental animals


When taking supplements I try to make every supplement count so I am glad to state that silymarin has been shown to be neuroprotective in PD models:

Neuroprotective effect of silymarin in a MPTP mouse model of Parkinson’s disease

LiftMode was out of baicalin for many months so I then tried Powder City and felt it was a watered down product then, to hold myself over, I purchased Swanson's Full Spectrum Chinese Skullcap. It is the whole herb so I doubled up by taking 2 capsules at bedtime, which is the best time to take Skullcap because of 2 reasons (and this applies to baicalin too):

1) S. baicalensis/baicalin is a relaxing herb with powerful anti-anxiety effect. This, in conjunction with its analgesic effect, helps to promote solid sleep.

Interaction of flavones from the roots of Scutellaria baicalensis with the benzodiazepine site.

Benzodiazapines are drugs like xanax. Also,

New use of baicalin for treating anxiety

2) I take S. baicalensis/baicalin well past taking either NAC or vitamin C. In a Russian study, about the herb S. baicalensis, they noted that either NAC or vitamin C are reducing agents and either will oxidize components of baicalin. Thus taking NAC & vitamin C earlier in the day and S. baicalensis/baicalen prior to bedtime.

LiftMode baicalin is a bitter brew - it is taken in water and you try to swallow it asap. Not a pleasurable taste but it improved put my osteo arthritis to the point where I do not have cracking knees.

Other alternatives than S. baicalensis is Scutellaria lateriflora, America's native relative of Chinese Skullcap. It has the same components as S. baicalensis and can be purchased also.

In the raw, S.baicalensis and S. lateriflora are both less stressful on the liver because of the lower content of baicalin.

So either the herb can be taken whole or by its main component part, baicalin. I prefer baicalin but do take precautions as in Milk thistle, and like any new herb/drug, a smaller than suggested dose should be taken to see how you react and then build up to the full dose. In the case of LiftMode, they want you to just try 1 x 250 mg scoop of baicalin then take multiple doses during the day. I stay on the safe side and just take 1 scoop 1 hour before bed. I try to balance herbs/vitamins/minerals into a cocktail in which the various elements offset the other's weaknesses and reinforce other's strengths.

PS. And yes there are a multitude of studies showing S. baicalensis/baicalin/baicalein is a potential therapy for PD:

999---666 profile image

they will be using this to exclude pd I suppose. folding is not dopamine deficiency, oxidation of dopamine neurons may cause folding in the end. that's what the difference is between these neurological diseases, they are all the same except for agent? save for mechanical damage, what they may have in common is viral attack/autoimmune attack?

999---666 profile image

do you know of any studies trying to tame autoimmune system? I find that our own systems are the fault and the solution to all these diseases that are so prevalent today.

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