One of my most difficult to deal with non motor symptoms is nocturia. I pee 8 or 10 times a night. I keep a pee bucket by my bed sometimes receives a half gal)on a night. This problem preceded my PD diagnosis by 20 years. Anyone else have this problem? And how to treat it? It is a common problem with pwp. Btw I don't drink much fluids after early afternoon to bedtime.
Frequent nighttime urination (nocturia) - Cure Parkinson's
Frequent nighttime urination (nocturia)

Please also check your sugar
Tamsulosin, once per day will reduce the size of your prostate gland
Yes. Its awful because I never get a good night's sleep.
You might check out sleep apnea as a possibility...not only PDcauses that.
This sounds unbearable, what do the docs say? Your treatment depends on the cause, but we make more urine overnight i have read.
It sounds counterintuitive but when my kid was wetting the bed they told us to make him drink a glass of water before bed. Otherwise the acidity would irritate the bladder and make him wee more. It seemed to help.
I knew it!
I have the same issue, I believe my medicine is the problem but there could be several factors involved such as diabetes, prostate blockage, drinking excess water, others. After I became concerned about difficulty starting at night my urologist said to attempt any surgical options without running tests would be malpractice as there was a fifty percent chance the surgery would leave me incontinent. For now the flow has improved so I just get to go 5-10 times a night. Fortunately I typically go back to sleep each time I finish going.
My husband uses an external catherer- a condom attached to a bag placed on leg with velcro straps. He says it is comfortable and we both can finally sleep through the night.
I would go to doctors & get a psa test providing you are a man. Men have problems with their prostate gland & peeing often during the night is a symptom with their prostate. There are many problems it could be& it needs l investigation.
To all those who have this problem, I fully agree that it is very stressful having to let go several times at night (5 to 7 for me.) Not only is sleep interrupted but getting into a position to urinate requires enormous effort and is very stressful (for a male) and I imagine much more so for a female. My doctor wrote a script for prostrate x-ray and PSA test but three times I have been for x-ray I have had PD symptoms attacks and could not go through with x-ray. Reading these posts has reminded me that I must try again, thanks very much to all you.