Is there a way to prevent nighttime stiffness. I am unable to get out of bed unassisted and have to rely on medication 24 hours a day.
Nighttime stiffness: Is there a way to... - Cure Parkinson's
Nighttime stiffness

CBD oil before bed?
I had similiar issues few years ago. Are you under a lot of stress? Two suggestions that will not harm: Magnesium and Keto diet. Lots of magnesium, mainly topical, I suggest to go to the steam room or sauna/sanarium as much as you can, and use a lot of Frankinsence oil, if you can't, do it at home, create steam and inhale it. Always have a glass with bicarbonate of soda or charcoal pill 30 minutes before eating, and before going to bed. Also, you can add glutathione (liposomal or injection) if you under stress. I don't want to upset some people here, but 1 cigar in the morning gives me more boost than madopar and asilect.....
I take high dosage omegas high in epa and ha. I also do high intensity functional training. This helps immensely. Also the occasional 10 min yoga session just before bed.
I have read online that some people take their first CL 30 min before getting out of bdd
I keep a small chip (25mg 1/4 of a 100mg carbidopa/Levodopa) by my bed and take it in the evening when I wake up stiff and can't turn. Or when I get up to potty. Neuro said it's low dopamine and just put it under your tongue or take with water on empty stomach. It works great.
I was having a lot of difficulty getting comfortable enough to get to sleep, then waking up to pee in the middle of the night. Because I was so locked up and stiff, either I wouldn't make it, or it would take such an effort that I was wide awake, in pain, and unable to get back to sleep. After trial and error over many months, I take 4mg melatonin, 600mg PEA and 25mg Endep 90 minutes before bed, 100/25mg Madopar hbs (modified release) 30 minutes before bed. I have a waterproof pad on the bed and pull up on me. I have all my meds next to the bed so I can take them 30 minutes before getting up.
Supplements wise, I also take 4000mg omega 3's and 2000mg magnesium. Prayer and meditation before bed works for me too 😊
Most nights now I get to sleep fairly quickly as the PEA and Endep work to alter my brains perception of pain, and I don't bother to get out of bed to pee, so I fall back to sleep easily. I figure the loss of dignity is a fair exchange for 6-7 hours sleep. 😂
I hope you find some solutions to suit you, bullet.
Have you tried Gocovori? You might want to ask your doctor if you can get a one month free trial from I have been on the medication which is essentially a specially formulated extended release Amantadine for about 4 months and I am doing well so far.