Hey, have you seen this?
I don't have the heart to print the headline. I would hear your guffaws from afar. But this story from the Independent (U.K.) is pretty interesting. Among the things I learned from it: fruit flies have muscles. Who knew?
Scientists believe they have discovered that Parkinson’s disease is caused in a different way than previously thought and also a possible new way of treating the severely debilitating condition.
Charity Parkinson's UK said the research could lead to a new drug that could "slow or stop the condition in its tracks".
It was believed Parkinson’s occurs when mitochondria – which supply power to cells – malfunctioned, causing brain cells that produce the key hormone dopamine to die.
But Leicester University researchers found most of the problem related to another part of the cell, called the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), they reported in the journal Cell Death and Disease.
In a study with fruit flies that had been genetically modified to develop Parkinson’s, the scientists managed to at least partially correct the problem so that the number of brain cells increased and the flies’ muscles remained healthy.
Read on: independent.co.uk/life-styl...