Fees. - Are you still on your coconut oil plan?
Fwes & Coconut Oil: Fees. - Are you still... - Cure Parkinson's
Fwes & Coconut Oil

I just want to know what kind of coconut oil used to treat pd,since this is my first time to do it.At this moment im taking my carbidopa levadaopa 25mg /100 mg just to ease my steadiness,slowness movemnt etc.thanks and god bless,,.
Like many things associated to PD this is a controversial issue. In general we are talking about organic/ refined coconut oil that you find at the super market or health food store. Avoid the type hydrogenated.
I use Nutiva which satisfies all the requirements (extra virgin, organic, etc)
I use MCT oil which is more concentrated than coconut oil.
Be aware that MCT can cause a LOT of gas in some!
Hello I am but have to get used to remembering to take it with me and keeping it consistent.
I feel really great taking no meds at the moment. I was on azalect 1mg, and then put onto Sifrol ER, which when they were both taken together they caused severe constipation!!!
I was taken off Azalect due to too many severe side effects, but was told the constipation was a part of PD but when taken of Azalect the constipation stopped.
In short the Azalect and Sifrol on their own were not causing constipation but when taken together they do!
So glad to be meds free and enjoying life again.
Coconut oil fantastic , also for my tremor I put a couple of drops of Francincense oil (must be doTerra oils as they are the only 100 % organic and do not contain any thing else,) on the back of my neck when I get Tremor and it goes away. It is a natural treatment for PD as are a few other of the oils but I'm only new to this so I can't advise to expertly yet.
Do you need to mix the frankinsence with an oil before using it
No it does not need to be mixed with oil. But it must be doTerra brand 100% natural and organic and no additives as are the every day essential oils. There are oils for Parkinsons disease which are brilliant in their range, just google them.
Have you heard of Tropical Traditions? ..tropicaltraditions.com/esse...
Thats what I have.. says its organic.
Also some oils do need to be mixed with fractionated coconut oil also found in their range as they are so powerful they need diluting to stop skin irritations.
No you dont need to mix it with oil. There are other oils you can use as well , some people will prepere certian oils over others just the same as medications but none of these oils will give you the side effects that medications di as they are pure and natural and 100% oil unlike most essential oils which only contain 3 % oil . If you use certian oils such as peppermint oil you will need to dilute it with coconut oil. Peppermint oil excellent for many things such as sinus , head ache , migrane, aches and pains etc etc.
Thanks for your interest. Sorry to be slow, I have been spending less time on HealthUnlocked since mean-spirited personal attacks have become acceptable. It is good to hear from you. How are you doing?
Yes, I am still using CO at about the same level as 4 years ago and am doing rather well, but I am now 77 and Parky seems to be making minor gains. I remain active as a scientist (llwas-technology.net) and socially ( on the board of PDSGSNM a PD support group and President of MVIS, a 50-member Iris club ). I have lost some strength and endurance; Parky or Old Age or ... ?
2012 Meds: Carbidopa/Levodopa 25/100 x 3, Mirapex Er 3mg x1 and Azilect 1Mg x1
2016 Meds: Carbidopa/Levodopa 25/100 x 4, Entapacone 200mg x4, Carbidopa/Levodopa ER 50/200 x 1, and Azilect 1Mg x1
About 2.5 years ago I experienced a marked decline, which it seems was a delayed side effect to prolonged use of Mirapex (6/2010-3/2014):
swollen legs, audio hallucinations, chest pain, occasional fast/irregular heartbeat, severe muscle pain/weakness, double vision and MOST IMPORTANT falling asleep suddenly during usual daily activities such as several times while typing and twice while driving (sleep occurred without any feelings of drowsiness beforehand).
I began a Mirapex withdrawal program approximately 2 years ago. The Good News is that for me, ALL of the listed symptoms have gone away. The Bad News was 6 months of severe fatigue. See posts on DAWS such as
According to many posts, kicking Mirapex is like kicking a street drug. My Cardiologist exclaimed "You mean that they still allow this stuff on the Market?"
Most of my life, I have been an athlete and quite strong. I am now rather weak. Is this old age or a prolonged consequence of Mirapex?
This much CO is causing a continuing weight problem (approx +15 lbs); 8T CO adds approx 1000 calories per day. I have tried to reduce the CO a few times, and the result for me is more severe OFF times. So I have accepted the weight problem as preferable to the more severe PD symptoms. I cope by minimizing bad carbs. A useful discussion on this can be found at
Thanks for your interest.
Fwes - Thank you for replying. Interesting about your weight gain and CO. I have taken CO for 3 years now and I have lost 20 lbs without changing my diet. I do notice that my appetite is less.
I would like you to check out this site:
This is the product I have been using. It's pricey. I take 1/2 of a bottle each in the AM & PM. Seems to work for me. Let me know what you think.
Regards, Attyj
I tried FFT 3 years ago with little benefit. I know that it works for you and a few others.
Wes - the reason I mention FFT is that they advertise their product has less calories.
Regards, Attyj
Hello, you are the one who I read about with co, good job I was taking it and intend to start back on it asap, my daughters are right into health they are personal trainers and one is a holistic health coach.
My daughters say that if any thing the coconut oil should make you loose weight .
They introduced me to the do Terra range of 100% essential oils they are BRILLIANT for every thing because THEY WORK.
Google them.
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