Does anyone find they have more peristent... - Cure Parkinson's
Does anyone find they have more peristent problems with skin, like eczema , warts, soreness than before pd?
Yeppers...My eyebrows are full of scaley skin...and my nose peels constantly. My doc says it's part of PD...I used to have great skin so I work on keeping it moisturized and very clean but nothing seems to help. Sally Sun
If anyone has advice on skin products it would help us all. I,ve had a wart for nearly two years on my fing..have tried all the products from the chemist, had it frozen at the drs 5 times...He says i have to have it done privately by surgical removal! Its tiny but will cost a lot. Any suggestions welcome!
How do you get rid of them? I take lots of things to boost the immune system but no changes..
hi Yes I have lots of problems with my skin now I have been diagnosed with pd for 11years and am on stalevo and requip xl .I have lots of warts and also started with skin problems from ankle to knee on both legs which are itchy sore and hurt.My doc gave me some ointment but no good my pd nurse is checking up on it for me I will let you know the outcome
I also have problems with my lower legs and feet, They are also sore, itch like mad, especially my feet and turn red. I am also on Stalevo and Requip XL.
I use a cream called Balmosa on my feet, which helps with the itching. Might be worth a try.
Yes and no, and that depends on when my PD started.
I was diagnosed about 2 years ago with PD, but distinct signs of it began around '03-'04 -- I didn't know it a the time, or until years later for sure that it was PD. On top of that, I might have had it at a low level for decades.
Anyway, that said, the "yes" part is that I have a case of tinea versicolor that I've seen a dermatologist about twice since it started around 2003. That's a red rash, typically on your chest and often up thru to your shoulders. I've been using a Rx cream daily all this time, but I got resigned to always having it because the cream is the strongest available but generally only keeps the condition steady. However, over the last few weeks, it has been considerably reduced, to my surprise.
So, this might become a "no".
Here's a "yes".
The half of my right eyebrow closes to my nose sheds a significant amount of skin. A few times a week, I rub it with a comb to get the flakes out, so they don't just fall into my eye. That's been for the last 2-3 years. I haven't thought of this as a PD symptom, just one of being 55 instead of 25, but diseases can show up in a variety of ways in different people. (For example, I have different causes and symptoms of migraines that others.)
This is a information sheet on skin problems and PD which may be of interest. It is in pDF format but also comes in word. Nothing about wartie things i'm afraid.
hi#yes i have ha d vdry skin on ,my face neck hands legs and feet and put it down to the cnetral heatign
but the itchy skin is difficult to live with and is a probelms o fparkinsons i am sure
love jill
My husband has had big skin problems . scaly ,soreness , itching . weeping . itchy sore ears .... He was eventually diagnosed with BULLOUS PENTHAGOID . .
Was told it would burn itself out in 5 years . It has improved ..
The very best thing I have found on the GPs advice . is Head and shoulders shampoo
I thought it might be too strong and was reluctant to try it . .
A friend who has Lupus also uses it .. we both think it's the best thing since sliced bread
By the way . I get SKIN TAGS . these sometimes drop off . think it happens as you age and often seen on the body trunk
I buy an almond oil moisturizer for my husband. It seems to work best at controlling the flaky skin on his brows and face. He has oily skin otherwise with ocassional dry patches on his legs. His feet used to burn and itch but he started taking Shaklee B complex about a year ago. That has helped tremendously.
I assume, I don't know why, that you do not live in the UK. I live in the UK and think Shaklee B complex might help my legs and feet. Will have to try and see if I can locate some.
me as well feet itch at night and skin is very dry..have an appt now to see neurologist in London ;;scared as he will confirm have it and put me on meds I dont want;;;which meds do you take? you seem at the same stage as me ..3 years since first symptoms?a pity you are the other end of the country..I went to college in Liverpool in the late 60s
After some trial and error I am on Stalevo and Requip XL. Seem to be coping at the moment. Shamee we are not nearer but can get together on this site to compare how things are going.
how did the trial and error go? they suggested sinnemet to me in france..
Sinemet did not work for me, but believe it does for a lot of people.
Don't see Consultant until May so see what happens then.
i want to ask for the more natural one -mucuna pruriens or theres another one that slows it down; found a naturpath who had cured himself john cleman:while googling away!
Here is the Shalkee phone #. Not sure if it works in UK but worth a try 1-800-742-5533
In my case,dry skin in my face and my ears. I use a cream but I need to change regularly.Because after a while it seems less effective. Maybe someone else has the same problem?
I have warts on my legs and I find new ones all of the time warts are something I have never had in my life. My skin is very dry. I have those skin tags but I thought they came with age. The warts has worried me the most.
I will be so glad when it is time to go back to see my doctor. He has got to tell me something.
I only have one small one but it has been persistent. I think it is because our immune system is thretaened. I put almond oil on dry skin..or argan oil or shea butter is good but more costly. I think we need a lot of vit c and zinc to deal with getting rid of all the things attacking our bodies..i take rtre as a good heart/ muki vit
Also for dry skin..drink lots of water
PD people also tend to have low Vit D so a good supplement can't hurt. Also helps with mood and energy.
Never would have guessed Parkinson's many distressful symptoms. I have at least three different skin changes SEBORRHEA DERMATITIS which began with a small scaly red spot on my forehead that slowly became eyebrows, nose, chin, chest, all over my scalp, under my bosom, and in the folds or my upper legs, IT DOES SPREAD, do not use the same wash-cloth to wash on other areas of the body. Doctor recommended treatment is hydro-cortisone but not recommended since it can weaken & irritate skin make it worse. I look everything up because there are side effetcs your doctor won't tell you in the 10 minutes you have with him/her. I also use ketoconazole an antifungal by prescription it works but it comes back. SUNSHINE helps, there are also over the counter treatments like (I think it's called) 'Accutane' and all sorts of 'natural' treatments.It isn't dry skin so wash ofter and keep it moisturized. My second skin issue is: the WARTS, and yes you can sort of remove the tops after bathing because they seem to be very soft. I've had 2 burned of but they turn into bizarre flat white skin lesions 10x the size of the original wart. I have 5 or 6 leave them alone, was black on top, it actually fell off(cancer? also more prevelant with Parkinson's) The final least bothersome but latest discovery is teeny tiny hard skin tag like things behind my knees and on my thighs (baby warts?), patches with 3 to 7 I think come off sometimes there are more sometimes less. I 've had Parkinson's for 13 years and each day seems to bring surprises. There isn't room enough here, most bothersome and I wish someone could explain why this happens, is the swelling of my lower legs and feet, night and day, seems more at night, and the DYSTONIA that comes with it.(I do take MIRAPEX) Jokingly I tell my doctor I don't have Parkinson's because I do not shake, "Oh" she'll say, "did you want to stop the meds again? "No" I fell flat on my face the last time I tried, literally and couldn't move. I'm lucky at least I'm spared shaking. Keep smiling.............Marika
I have more little problems ..but it could also be age. I have more pasty skin on my face...frehead and round the nose and mouth. Any solutions?