Dear All,
My name is Jagdeep aged 53
My Diagnosis:
I started to get a tremor in my right hand in April 2020, I had Covid in March 2020, initially I thought the tremor was due to me having Covid and didn’t think much about it, as it didn’t go away I requested my GP to refer me to a neurologist who I visited in October 2020, the neurologist was not an expert in movement disorders, I requested a DAT scan to which I received the results in January 2021, the test was not inconclusive. The neurologist said it would be better if I was referred to a movement disorder specialist.
I was referred to the National Neurologist hospital at Russel Square, my appointment was for June 21st 2021 when I met my consultant, after a 20 minute diagnosis I was told I had Parkinson’s and no cure is available, I was given a selection of medications that I could research and on my next visit October 2021 we can discuss which meds to take.
When leaving the hospital, I sat on the bench near the square and had a little cry, loads of thoughts going through my head (the not knowing), at which point I wished I had brought someone with me. It took me a few weeks to make myself understand this isn’t going away and I need to carry on with my life as normally as possible. My family, parents, siblings were also shocked, but since have been a solid rock and have been a great pillar of support, my sister always accompanies me on any hospital visits.
I started to take my first meds in October 2021 Sageline 2 x 5mg tablets.
I have led a very active life both in work and sport, I have been teaching martial arts for over 35 years, I also play and teach hockey.
In the past I have completed marathons, bike rides and treks to raise crucial funding for charities that friends and family have been affected by. Some of these included: Meningitis Trust, BHF and helping children with Leukaemia.
I will try my best to help others that have Parkinson’s, I have joined my local Parkinson’s UK group, I am looking to offer free boxing lessons to the group, from my research and consultants advise this is one of the best sports (non combative) for us who suffer from Parkinson’s. We are currently looking for a location where I can deliver this.
Me and my daughter will also be doing a trek up Mount Kilimanjaro in aid of Parkinson’s UK in October 2022: