I have been struggling with exhaustion for some time now, and it sure can put a kink in your day. Grocery shopping, making the bed, cooking, Dr.s appointments, even going out to lunch with friends can leave me so wiped out I feel like a Zombie! I began complaining regularly to my Family Doctor about my lack of energy. We went through all my medications together, discussing their side effects and how much of those medications are actually helping. This was very informative and we were able to cut down on my long list of medications. At first she suggested daily vitamin supplements like B-12, Vitamin C, Bee Pollen and Magnesium which seem to help a little but had no staying power. The Doctor then increased my thyroid medicine and I began receiving monthly B-12 shots. I still take B-12, Vitamin C and magnesium supplements. After several months of B-12 shots my energy has improved and I am able to enjoy my life more. Still having trouble sleeping through the night and dealing with pain but I am hoping that too seems to be getting better.
Here's to living in the moment with my eyes wide open!