Well actually ping pong!!! Or table tennis! I started 5 weeks ago and it's bloomin' marvellous! Cracking a small plastic ball over a net like a banshee agrees with me. Some days I have the grace of a swan other times I'm like a wooden doll in a concrete vest. But I can nearly always send a missile! It's Fun fun fun ! Please give it a whirl !
Ping!!!: Well actually ping pong!!! Or... - Cure Parkinson's
Hi Henderson. Are you taking note of what meds you have recently taken, when either of these things happen. You could just be correctly medicated, when you are in top form, or you could be out of juice, in which case, just fill up again.
On the other hand, it could be because playing table tennis is controlled by the conscious brain, not the sub-conscious. Pd only affects movements controlled by the subconscious brain, like walking, writing, bringing food to the mouth etc.
What all Pd patients should know is that when they consciously take control of their walking MOVEMENTS, they cease to have a problem freezing or shuffling. The big problem is to know when you are consciously controlling a movement or subconsciously.
I know you don't believe too much of what I say, but give it a try.
John Pepper
I do believe what you say. How are you John?
I am well thanks, other than feeling my age now, for the first time in my life.
my husband and I were at a PD conference yesterday and someone asked a question about ping-pong for exercise. No one had any info but I would agree with jillann that it's bound to be good for you.
I have been a keen ping pong player since may. I practice 3 times per week and compete in a league once per week. I am 4 years in to my pd journey. With bat in hand I am in a pd free zone. Ping pong is the best
You mean wiff-waff don't you.
I find that there is a very interesting thing that happens when we do something that our body has done for a long time and has practiced over years. My brother 65 has had Alzheimer for 8 years, shuffles and is very slow and awkward with a cane. But take him to the bowling ally (A game he played a lot i his youth and was very good at) and as soon as he picks up the ball, he is poetry in motion until he releases it (usually for a strike) and then immediately resumes his regular posture. H e says that if he concentrates too much he can not do it. It has to flow free. Maybe ping pong is like that with you. There is a rhythm involved back and forth like dancing (which I can do without thinking) and riding a bike. The brain and the mind, consciousness and dreams, training and patterns, voluntary and involuntary muscles the power of attitude on well being ,the power of faith , or love and friendship, music, happiness, sleep, all play a part but we do not really know completely how yet, except that it is a circle. I stay in the circle by exercise , medication and rest. We each have to find our own way. The way that works best for us. Table tennis? Maybe you will try the grass courts next summer. Wimbledon.
I just now joined this group. I've had pd for 24 yrs and in my early years was able to play tennis, etc. Bought a table and put it in the base ment and now my husband and I play ping pong at least an hour each day. Great exercise and a way of feeling good about oneself.
Welcome, I hope you enjoy it here. I think you will enjoy Henderson's posts. Most people do.
Ping Pong changed my life, PingPongParkinson.com