frequently freezes and cant move,his speech so hard to follow,he sleeps most of the day,does anyone else have problems with the legs like this
My husband is now going much worse,his fe... - Cure Parkinson's
My husband is now going much worse,his feet and ankles are swollen,red and flaking,his walking going really bad,has more falls,and

I use to have a lot of problems with my feet swelling with redness. My speech was slurred and my mind confused.My Dr. and I discovered these problems were a result of side effect from the Gabapentin and Mirapex I was taking. After weaning off both drugs the swelling went down, and my my speech and mind cleared up considerable. I still have some problems in these area but it is much, much better. Check with your Dr. or Pharmacist to see if his meds could be contributing to his problems. It can't hurt to ask! Hope this helps!
Thank you,Ken is on Sinimet 2 and Rasalagine,not they seem to do much,he is trying to see if he cuts down on these,he seemed to be much better on just sinimet,he also recently had a fall in which he injured himself,and I wonder if this might have been caused by this trauma.
sounds like he has some heart issues in addition to his PD. Call his Primary and get him in soon. Don't be quick to blame all his symptoms on PD.
Its a vicious circle of effects. Age PD,other health issues and medications.
What dosage of medication does he take and are there any non pd meds to consider
Swelling is caused by fluid retention,there could be other causes as well as PD and so the spiral of decline.
The swelling can be severe ankles, thats not uncommon but if up to knee and even thigh seek help !
Do not wait for your next appointment.
The redness can be caused when circulation is impaired.The swelling also means medication will be less effective, and generally PD symptoms will be worse and poorly controlled. Appetite maybe poor constipation worse.
Problems sleeping can increase with discomfort and fatigue to exhaustion can become ever present trying to cope with all these problems
I think you need to seek medical assistance from your GP your neurologist and possibly other. Dont wait for your next review,ring and make pest of yourself if you have to .The very fact your posting means you need help to and what you do is invaluable,you have to be supported to.
good luck x
You are doing such a good job of caring for him. Do you have the district nurse call by? If not perhaps the GP could arrange some support for you both. He is 85 now isnt he and I guess you are not too far behind. Its alot to manage and a regular health visitor might help assess and arrange appointments etc. Hope you get the present problems sorted.
If he's on dopamine agonists, have neuro get him off! Gradually of course.
I have to agree with everyone else, in that he needs to get his heart checked too. BUT like your husband I am 5 years on Mirapex. My feet are swollen and red and very painful all the time. I have checked into the side effects of both my medications levodopa/carbidopa and Mirapex this. Is a side effect but everyone keeps ignoring it. IN fact it is listed under serious side effect.
Things have moved since I was last on,my husband has now gone much worse,there are days he can hardly move,and most days he requires help to get out of the chair.He needs help dressing and undressing and bathing,and dribbles everywhere,told he was now at the complex stage,have installed stairlift,and ordered a profile bed.All this happened so suddenly.