so tired....: im so tired, there always... - Cure Parkinson's

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so tired....

marmaduke123 profile image
20 Replies

im so tired, there always seems so much to do and i cant seem to get on top of things to the point where i can go for a walk or spend time on things i like doing. i try to come onto this site regularly, though most times i havent the energy to take part in any questions or posts. the day seems so short and i achieve so little everything seems so time consuming even to sit and write a response on this site, if i do muster up the energy to respond before i know it a few hours have passed. it seems so ridiculous i used to run a house and family, look after my aged mother and work 5 days a week fitting in shopping etc in between. there seemed more hours in a day even though i had more to it the disease, the medication or my imagination?...i was never a lazy person but my life seems to be ruled by time and lack of it and this sheer tiredness that prevents me from even attempting to respond to many posts. all i can say is that i am here taking in as much as i can from you all and apologies that i dont take a more active role i hope its a transient thing. the doctor took me off the neupro patches about 6 months ago, decreased the ropinerole and increased stalevo.? maybe that could be it. i know ive had to almost pin myself to my laptop to write this and an hour has gone already.....and im so tired but its only the start of the day .!! am i going mad????

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marmaduke123 profile image
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20 Replies
Yossi555 profile image


Don't really know what to tell , just be strong and make the best of it.

I'm in Israel. Not long ago being diagnosed .

Give you by best support from the holly land.

soup profile image

Ropinerole can make some people tired although it is also one of the Parkinson's symptoms. Has it been worse since coming off the patches?

marmaduke123 profile image

Do u know soup I think it has . Everything seems to be revolving around time and how long it takes me to do things. I will say it onMy next visit to the neurologist cause it's driving me mad. I feel I've only been a short while on my computer yet in reality it's been hours and I feel if I start replying to all the posts it'll take up the whole evening , and even if I had the energy that would mean no time for family. Thank you yossi555 and soup for reading my moanings...I'm usually very positive as regards having Parkinson's but I suppose it's hard to keep upbeat 24/7..

Court profile image

I know exactly what you mean. As fast as I get my chores done, more have appeared. I also am very tired, but I do not sleep well. Do you manage to get enough sleep? I also am getting a lot of pain. Tests have found a lot of wear and tear in both the top and bottom of my spine which is causing trapped nerves, hence the pain. Do you exercise when you can? I know it is not always easy, but it does help. However positive we are, we all entitled to have a good moan at some time or another. I may be mistaken, but did you publish that excellent resume on Parkinsons? I meant to copy it, but never got round to it. I am afraid that tiredness is unavoidable and is one of the things felt by a lot of Parkinsons people. I go full steam ahead on a good day and do as much as I can on the not so good days.

jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to Court

hi court

good to c u posting

i still go to a tai chi class for exercise/ balance

but do not sleep v well - i am v restless and have 2 get up once i am awake

on a good day i might get about 7 hours sleep bu t apart form my regular goings ou tot parkinsons /choir/ tai chi/ hair dos/ on a weekly basis i try not to do much as i start fallign oveR!

Lol jill


Court profile image
Court in reply to jillannf6

Hi Jill. I don't tend to post as much as I did, but nice of you to say you have missed me. Sorry to see that you are falling> I am sure you are glad that your flat was converted for you. I find the lack of sleep very difficult. I sometimes only get 4 hours. I used to need at least 8 hours. Andy does not seem too good at the moment. Hope things improve when he gets new meds. Keep in touch.Sue

jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to Court

hi sue

i am sorry that you are nto getting enough sleep - 4 hrs is by no means enough 4 anyone

and u have your grandchildren to look after as well - v tiring but rewarding

how is your son nwo by the way?

lol JIll


marmaduke123 profile image

That's what I was trying to say fast as I do things more things appear and I seem to get to the same point every day.. No time to walk etc sometimes I sleep sometimes not but if I do I'm up at 6.30 ish thinking if I start early I'll have more time but I don't. Prob my mind playing tricks or effects of the medication. I'm also having lot of swelling in my feet and fingers and they've both started to turn a definite blue when even slightly cold. My hubbie starting to worry about me....

Court profile image
Court in reply to marmaduke123

I get swelling in my feet with blue toes. I use Balmosa, an over the counter cream. I find this takes the inflammation out of my feet. It is not a cure but makes my feet easier.

cocokay profile image

I was the same as you until I added 2-3 tablespoons per day of Coconut Oil (CO) to my diet. It changed my life. For your personal benefit I will repost my own story:

My Story: I’m a 65 year old female, diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) in January 2001. I had watched some Youtube videos about coconut oil (CO) and Alzheimer’s and wondered about benefits to PD patients. I began to read up on other health benefits of CO and wanted to add it to my diet but couldn’t find an appealing way to get tablespoons of CO down without gagging. I started introducing small amounts into my food with absolutely no effect. I finally learned by liquefying CO first and dribbling it into a blender with a breakfast shake, I could add at least two or three tablespoons without being able to detect it.

The first day I put two tablespoons in my breakfast shake was a really great day. It was unusual that I didn’t need a nap and I remember just feeling better, but writing it off a coincident. I wish I would have noted the date, but I didn’t suspect the significance. I do know it was about a week before Thanksgiving 2013. Immediately I recognized my symptoms from PD were very substantially changed for the better. Previously, fatigue worsened my posture, voice, and energy. Friends and family have already begun to comment on what they describe as startling changes in my appearance, volume in my voice, and overall look of improved health.

I was hoping that CO might slow the progression of PD, but I wasn’t expecting short term noticeable improvement. To realize an immediate benefit that feels very substantial, is exhilarating. I don’t know whether CO enhances the absorption other supplements like the Q10 or whether my particular physical deficiencies are receptive to unique properties within CO, but I know the difference in the way I feel. For the last few years when asked how I feel, I always gave the same enthusiastic response, “I’m hanging in there!” Now, my response is, “I’m feeling GREAT!” After being diagnosed so long ago, I would have never dreamed such a simple and yummy remedy could impact my life so much.

In addition, I begged my niece to put my older sister, who has Alzheimer’s, on CO. She also had dramatic improvement. Within the first four days she was interacting with her family again, even going to lunch and a movie. After 12 years of not being able to have any meaningful phone conversations with her, we now converse regularly and she sounds the way she did 15 years ago. What’s more, my younger sister has Diabetes, heart disease, fibromyalgia. Since she has been on 4 Tablespoons of CO per day, she has cut her insulin in half, she has increased energy, and she has lost over 50lbs.

I’m not an expert, but as I understand it, CO is NOT just any oil. It is a medium chain fatty acid which causes the liver to produce Ketones. Those ketones can pass the brain barrier and creates an alternative nourishment for the brain. If the brain can’t absorb glucose because of glucose insensitivity, a malnourished brain can suddenly find nutrition in ketones. Regardless, my life has changed so drastically since I started CO last November that I would never be talked out of taking it every morning.

I urge anybody curious about whether CO might help with PD or Alzheimer's symptoms to give it a try.

marmaduke123 profile image
marmaduke123 in reply to cocokay

I'll try it cocokay thankyou

in reply to cocokay

What concentration is it, and where to u buy it please? I am in the uk

cocokay profile image
cocokay in reply to

Try this on-line site:

Peaches profile image
Peaches in reply to cocokay

Thank you so very much for sharing this, COCOKAY! I have been using CO to moisturize my skin but have not been able to eat it after one try. I will try it in my smoothie and see what happens. It sounds like it has really worked well for you!

I did realise personally the Neupro patch became more of a torture than a treatment, falling asleep, walking about like a Zombie. perhaps your medication needs looking at to create a balance, I do think over medication does more damage than help.

marmaduke123 profile image

Hi owdsod ...your right I'll get it checked. Have been on stalevo 125/31 25/200mg 4x a day for a while now plus 12 mg ropinirole pro release , plus 20 mg paroxetine.

Due a visit soon

grandmasanta profile image

I find the earlier I rise each day the better I feel. It takes ENERY

grandmasanta profile image

I find that it takes ENERGY to make ENERGY, I try to have all housework complete by bedtime. I get up around 4am....Finish whatever did not get finished the night before...and before I know it is 6am and I am checking e-mail. As soon as it is 'light' outside...........I walk down the drive (approx 2.5 tenths of a mile) to get the morning paper.

Round trip is 1/2 mile. The short walk gets me really going.By 9am ny chores are complete I have showered and dressed for the day. I take the 1/2 mile walk a MINIMUM of 3 times aday..using my walk time to do my LSVT exercises. Plus, I really believe you must have a POSITIVE MIND-SET. ERASE the word TIRED from your vocabulary.

Well, it is time to get the paper, shower and dress for the day. Must go into town (approx 16 miles) for a Board of Directors Meeting at our local Senior Center,,at age 58 I am th youngest Board Member! Take care and remember YOU ARE NOT TIRED>>>

marmaduke123 profile image

Thankyou grandmasata...your day seems to be more productive than mine. I'll try your routine see does it work for me

Melodysam1890 profile image

No you are not going mad! I went thru this same trauma of fatigue & NOT ENOUGH TIME in the day .. Talk to your dr .. I have the best neurologist ever & he always adjusts, adds to, or shares a new medication to put me back on my feet .. Don't give up .. The fatigue is ever-present but there's help to put it on hold once in awhile so we can enjoy Life more ...

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