does anyone suffer from breathing problem... - Cure Parkinson's

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does anyone suffer from breathing problems when meds wear off.. i would like to know if others have had or have this problem ....please

jedason2001 profile image
17 Replies
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jedason2001 profile image
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17 Replies
Jocee profile image

jedason, I have shortness of breath, or a feeling like I can't catch my breath a few times a week. Not sure it's related to my meds. I'm usually in bed and it only lasts about 5 minutes.

movinngroovin profile image

This happens to my when my Serotonin goes too high. Check out Serotonin Syndrome on google. It makes me feel like I am jumping out of my skin when it happens to me. My family physician had to put me on a small does of a Benadryl type of a pill for a short while. It is related to the dopamine fluctuations sometime. It feels like I am having a panic attack a little to me. Thank God my chemicals are getting more balanced. I know they are going out of balance when tis happens to me. Lot of things a we take and eat effect this happening.

PatV profile image

Yes it happens sometimes when meds kick in. Breathless and I feel like I'm being squeezed or battered with a nerf bat.

harding55 profile image

I feel short of breath a lot when my meds are wearing off and some times feel panicky when it happens which makes it worse.

Calusa profile image
Calusa in reply to harding55

My husband has this too. Using Ativan .5 mg through out the day for this.

harding55 profile image
harding55 in reply to Calusa

I also us Ativan .5 once per day and 1 50 mg. Zoloft per day. Still get short of breath.

Calusa profile image
Calusa in reply to harding55

Yes -- we went through this. He was very panicky, saying he can not breathe. Parkinson's interfering with muscles in the chest wall for expansion with breathing. I would check his pulse ox, and he had a 98 or 99 -- so I knew he had oxygen . He was still in a panic feeling, until I got him taking a small dose of Ativan with almost every sinement. That was the miracle med for us !

jedason2001, Yes this has happened to me since the end of January. This shortness of breath or pressure in my upper chess at various times of the day, encouraged me to go to my GP. I had a chest x-ray, Pulmonary Function test and chest CT Scan as well as heart stress test. Most were normal accept for some minor nodules that had nothing to do with the feeling of breathlessness.

I suspect that even though I have been taking meds Levadopa/carbidopa & Selegiline for three years and then Entacapone being added last October, I feel it is a side effect of one of these drugs or all of them. I will be seeing my neurologist this month. I wonder what his views will be especially since I have taken these drugs for three years? Why would this happen?

If you search under shortness of breath on this site, you will find many discussions on this subject.

Hope this helps!

Calusa profile image

Yes !! My husband takes .5mg of Ativan through out the day for this. Also, has an oxygen concentrator with nasal cannula for sleeping at night.

Calusa profile image

My husband takes .5 mg Ativan almost with every sinement 25/100mg every two hours.

Calusa profile image

My husband takes .5mg Ativan with almost every sinement 25/100 every 2 hours during day time. Practice trying to take a few big inhale/exhales every day. Stretch out your lungs really big with air. He can not do that very much. He uses the oxygen concentrator at night with nasal cannula --- sleep apnea.

Calusa profile image

keep moving too. swimming helps him a lot ! he can walk easier in a pool.

Landry profile image

yes....assume from anxiety...not sure...

driller profile image

I get shortness of breath, can be sorry;

Omarsly profile image

What kind of problems. Are you finding it difficult to breathe. Or are you forgetting to breathe. are you holding your breath because of pain. I do all three.

Omarsly profile image
Omarsly in reply to Omarsly

The reason I ask is because the reason for the problem is key. I am over ten years in and 55. Yes I have problems getting a breath. Some of it is anxiety, posture, pain, and drugs but frustration is the key. Try to relax…

Martink58 profile image

I have this breathlessness too. Perhaps 5 or 6 times a day now. Like panting and feeling faint. How is it resolved? I see my neurologist soon so I would like to go in informed. Thanks, Martin

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