Kind of expensive, any deals out there?
My wife has PD, takes Sinemet and Amantad... - Cure Parkinson's
My wife has PD, takes Sinemet and Amantadine, and has gait problelms. Her Doc. wants her to try Azilect, any good results to report?

{ love Azilect - have taken 2 years as only Parkinson drug. The company (Teva) has a plan to help with cost.
it is expensive, you can get financial assistance from TEVA if your income is low enough.
you can get it in canada i believe for $250.00/30 pills. over $400 in U.S
less expensive alternatives would be to add COMTAN and/or an agonist. you might have already tried those.
can you get free samples for a month and try it, i believe you can stop it cold with no side affects.
generic is at least a year off.
Very expensive here in the states. Got mine thru Canadian pharmacy when I was in it. Didn't seen to help all that much so my doc took me off it.
Azilect I s wonnderful drug, may slow progression, medicare takes care of mine
I started on Azilect 6 years ago to add to Sinemet and Amantadine and it changed my life and I believe it is Neuro Protective as well. I am into my 11th year since diagnosis, am 70 next July and have just come back from boxing training!
I love Azilect. I feel SO much better when I'm on it!