I havehad PD for 3 years, last Tuesday my... - Cure Parkinson's

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I havehad PD for 3 years, last Tuesday my wife came home and told me she as been talking with her old boy friend and can no longer care for

driller profile image
21 Replies

me. WE have been married 22years so I am unsure how this could happen. Is there a place I can call to get help I live in Jacksonville FL? I can no longer write or spell and stopped driving so how do I live. I gave myself till Wednesday to figure thid out .

I am lost and tonight I am saying good bye to this world Thankyou to everyone on this site for your talks.



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driller profile image
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21 Replies
bittlebug1 profile image

Eric, I know that this is really hard for you, losing you wife like this, but just remember who you are and don't give up. God will be there for you and give you the answer that you need. I am so sorry for you having to go thur this. My husband has had Parkinson's for the past 6 years, but he is no near were you find yourself...he can no longer write, but I am here for him and always will be. We have been married for 36 years, and now he has Louie Body disease which is the frontal lobe of his brain, and it also causes demencia, but his memory is good for now. I don't know how religious you are, but God is always there for people like you, so please don't give up on yourself. Do you have any family members who can help you. If you do, reach out to them....or very good friends...I will Pray for you that you get an answer to this...Micki Merrill

Norton1 profile image


Please don't do anything hasty whilst you are this low time after the shock given you by your wife. I have read your posts over the past few months that I have been coming here and your contributions have been helpful to say the least. Human nature is such that there are many good people around who can help you come to terms with your wife leaving and help you turn your life around; for you have still much to contribute. In the UK we have an organisation called the Samaritans who are on call around the clock and will listen to people who are in need of help which you are at this time. There must be a similar organisation in your country, so why not give them a call straight away. Driller, many of us have been rejected in our time and know how much it hurts, but have come through it stronger, just as you will if you give life a chance. For a start, you have come here because you know you are amongst friends.

You have our support


Kidpd profile image

Dear driller, this is my first time on this site and I am so thankful that today was the day. I called the National Parkinson's Foundation's helpline regarding your comments. Please call them at 1-800-473-4636 and the National Suicide Prevention hotline at. 1-800-273-8255. There is hope...please do not give up...my husband of 35 years has PD (diagnosed for 8 years) and it is difficult as both the caregiver and person with Parkinson's. please make these calls--these folks care and WILL help you! I care and they care.

rons profile image

Driller, I read this and thought 'that could be me sometime'. It's hard on our families and sometimes I feel i'm clinging on to family life. Thankfully, I survive but by a thread. I'm sorry that thread snapped for you but I took heart in the article I read to day in "The Parkinson" magazine from Parkinson's UK, Autumn 2013 edition P18. I'll scan it and give link for it,tomorrow so hang on there. It's about a PWP whose relationship broke down and life went on and for the better. It gave me hope that if the worst happened I could get through it. It wouldn't be easy but there would be light at the end of the tunnel

Hope you work though it.


PecanPie profile image

What comes around, goes around. If she leaves you for someone else, odds are not with her that it will last. If she can treat a husband of 23 years like that, most likely will get the same someday. We all get old and have issues. I have PD, my husband losing his hearing and macular degeneration of his eyes. We are not elderly, in our 50s but shit happens. Do you have children or siblings to love on you? Please don't react in haste, anger or fear of the unknown. God knows your pain, talk to Him and know you are never alone.

Pete-1 profile image

Religious faith or serendipity it seems that when a man needs help, help comes

You must give yourself time to adjust. This kind of personal disaster is very akin to suffering a bereavement. This means change and mourning your loss of much that was part of the norm for you. Give it time and eventually a new normal will begin to emerge and you may well find this new normal is to be prefered over the old one.

No matter how bad life gets, fight it, fight it all the way.

You will find that inner strenght be it religious or whatever.

We on this site are here for you and wish you all the best.

sharong profile image

How strong and capable you still are. Your knew to reach out to us. You have so much still to give. What gives you pleasure and happiness in this life? You need to revive these things and do more of them. However small these are what make life worthwhile. Sharon

sherrywolz profile image

So many wonderful words of encouragement and support for you driller. Pete-1 is right, you are mourning a loss. Now is not the time to give up. Support is out there, and right here, for you........if you will only give it a chance. We are all fighters, and come out stronger in the end.

Coblrman profile image

There are caring people out there but they have to know about you. Call some churches and see if there's someone to help. After 30 years we moved to a different town and then my wife filed for divorce.

God has blessed me with two caring neighbors and my sister lives about an hour a way. I intentionally try not to lean on any single individuals so as to not overburden anyone so it makes it easier for them in the long run. Also is it possible to increase your meds?

Please no hasty changes at this very critical time in your life. There is ALWAYS hope waiting around the corner. Sharong is right. You did reach out to us. Please call the numbers that Kidpd has listed. We want to hear back from you. Please let us know!

froggatt55 profile image


I have been diagnosed for 11 years and have been through a divorce - yet I lead a full life and can honestly say "I am happy and content"

The world is full of wonderful people and think what you would be missing. I am 70 next year but do my best to exercise every day.I have recently started boxing training and this is having a great effect on my leg movements and leg dexterity - I aim to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee!!

The brain and human spirit are infinite so get exercising and let me know how you get on


PatV profile image

iF you love her fight to get her back, not out of need, but love. if not, the hell with her. help is out there. have faith. I'm alone and glad.

Ryan profile image

Hey Driller, been down that road 14 years ago. I had been married 27 years and my wife could not deal with the health issues and my cutting into her social life. I was dx at 47 and just turned 65; the road isn't straight and smooth, but you can do it, with help. Call any or all numbers listed above. "Don't give up!"

JonStamford profile image

Above all, don't doAnything rash. You are probably at the lowest ebb right now and it goes without saying that you will not necessarily be thinking as clearly as you need to. Several of the posts above list resources that can help you. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CONTACT THEM.

firefly0780 profile image

Hey Driller.

Sorry to hear you are in such a bad place. Life's a challenge and this is just another tough challenge that's come your way. Don't succumb to it. Fight it. This is your opportunity to grow and experience a different way of being. Keep on doing what you did by sharing on this site. Share and ask for help. There are many caring and loving people out there who would be willing to support you if you go lookng for them. Remember, this is an opportunity for you to create a new game for yourself. Have faith. My prayers are with you.

Prayingforacure profile image

I am lifting you in prayer. I know that if we lean on the Lord HE WILL get us through difficulties in life. My heart feels for you and all you are going through PLEASE KNOW GOD LOVES YOU AND YOU ARE SPECIAL AND HE WILL HELP YOU, JUST LOOK TO HIM. My husband has pd, we have been married 58 years. He requires my total care and am so thankful God gives me strength to do and I wouldn't be anyplace else but helping him. I find it so hard to understand how a spouse will do this, I didn't get a chance to read others posts. PLEASE KEEP COMING BACK TO THE SITE HERE, THERE ARE OTHERS HERE TO GIVE YOU SUPPORT. I have placed you on my prayer list. Kind regards, Patti and Jack

maidar profile image

Hello! I feel so bad for you in this situation!

Please keep the faith and take care of yourself!

If she leaves you It probably is her fault, not yours!

Please just try to stay focused! Ask God for help!

driller profile image

This is Driller's Wife. He is in the process of getting the help he needs. I am not the monster you all believe I am. I do care what happens to him after all he is my best friend. Life can sometimes be difficult. I want to thank you all for reaching out to him and the prayers. I am sure he will be in touch with all of you over the next few days. God Bless You All.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to driller

Thankyou so much for writing this. Driller has been in my thoughts daily since he posted. He seems such a kind gentle person. I wish him strength and hope.

cathowl profile image

Dear Eric

Please don't allow her self centered actions cause you to leave the world in this way. Please contact adult protective services, your doctor and call everyone and everything until you come up with something.

I am sincerely sad for your situation, but please do not give up.

Blessings and peace to you. I'm hoping and praying you will find somebody to help you.


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