Exercise: <smile> - Cure Parkinson's

Thanks DiCan, gave me a chuckle!
Now THAT'S my kind of exercise!
At physical therapy they had me bounce balloons in the air to help my balance.What a way to lose your balance...at first but then my balance slowly improved. The idea is to move...WE MUST MOVE!!!
AMWN! I found that to be sooo true.
I'm off to the gym!
My friend will be here soon, we will walk 3 miles in 45 minutes.
This is what I call exercise! Seriously though. I do believe in exercise, but on a childminding day do not have time, or energy, to practice what I preach. Personally, I believe exercise holds one of the keys to helping to keep this thing we all have at bay - or at least can slow its progression down. Only a personal opinion.
NOTE TO SELF. More exercise needed. Have got Wii Fit and Rosemary Conley DVD which I should do on alternate days. Sure I could find the time if I really tried.
Exercise. Last summer I swam about 4 times each week, then, when the cold winds began blowing, I couldn't bring myself to swim, even indoors. But my husband, who needs to exercise also, joined a supervised exercise community and we have promised we will invest two hours every other day to prolonging our lives, giving our bodies the best chance they can get for staying ahead of each of our own nemeses, and the endorphins have already kicked in. Why is it so hard to do what is best for us? I always have so many excuses--not one is valid. Thank you for reminding us to exercise, and with a little joke.
Very cool indeed!! I like it! speaking of exercise, I have all sizes of different colored balls that I play with for coordination exercise and for some indoor aerobic activity. I also leave them around so I have my own obstacle course to walk around to practice my balance.
Sounds fun! My grandchildren have been visiting, never thought to count walking around their toys as exercise.