Has anyones doctors described or explaine... - Cure Parkinson's

Cure Parkinson's

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Has anyones doctors described or explained the symptoms of the last stage?

shakenlady profile image
16 Replies
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shakenlady profile image
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16 Replies

I'm not sure I want to know.

When my sister-in-law heard I had PD she told me it was a horrible way to die (her mother had PD).

That was all she said. Did NOT help me want to learn anymore about PD. Think I gave up some at that point (wasting several years).

Wish I had had all of you at that point.

shakenlady profile image

Having trouble sleeping?

alanrob profile image

Shortage of breath!lol you have to laugh,thats all we,ve got

jupiterjane profile image

I would imagine the end will be different for each of us as the disease progresses differently in all of us. I'm with DiCan though, not sure I want to know!

suetdumpling profile image

I'd like to live more positively than to worry my last moment. Enjoy life as we can!

srarndt profile image

Mild Parkinson’s

Movement symptoms may be inconvenient, but do not affect daily activities

Movement symptoms, often tremor, occur on one side of the body

Friends may notice changes in a person’s posture, walking ability or facial expression

Parkinson's medications suppress movement symptoms effectively

Regular exercise improves and maintains mobility, flexibility, range of motion and balance, and also reduces depression and constipation

Moderate Parkinson’s

Movement symptoms occur on both sides of the body

The body moves more slowly

Trouble with balance and coordination may develop

“Freezing” episodes — when the feet feel stuck to the ground — may occur

Parkinson's medications may “wear off” between doses

Parkinson's medications may cause side effects, including dyskinesias (involuntary movements)

Regular exercise, perhaps with physical therapy, continues to be important for good mobility and balance

Occupational therapy may provide strategies for maintaining independence

Advanced Parkinson’s

Great difficulty walking; in wheelchair or bed most of the day

Not able to live alone

Assistance needed with all daily activities

Cognitive problems may be prominent, including hallucinations and delusions

Balancing the benefits of medications with their side effects becomes more challenging

Can Parkinson's Kill? Time was that everyone used to think the answer is no. That what really does you in is simply PD - related symptoms (like Aspiration Pneumonia or falling) that actually will kill you. On the other hand, we more recently find that the Cener for Disease Control (CDC) now lists PD as the 14th most common cause of Death in the U.S. So whether we want to argue semantics or not, we need to understand the mechanisms by which PD or PD related symptoms might do us in. Most commonly we find that PD related Aspiration Pneumonia (inhaling saliva, mucous, food and drink, and falling (breaking hips, bones, etc.) are still generally considered the 2 most common PD related causes. Other problems might also arise from infections (i.e. Bladder, colon, due to lack of motility) or due to the shutting down of the autonomic functions of the body.

Hope this helps!

Steve (Bisbee, AZ)

bawford profile image
bawford in reply to srarndt

now that's something to put on my mirror and read each morning as my shakey hand brushes my teeth with my battery powered brush. Remember one important thing - NO ONE HAS EVER DIED FROM HAVING PD. Complications from side effects or another desease. I know 3 people who had died WITH PD. Suiside, Heart, Stroke.

srarndt profile image
srarndt in reply to bawford

I have considered suicide, got stuck on how to do it so my wife would still recieve my life insurance and yet do it in a place and in a way where she wouldn't be the one to find my body. Now, after months of therapy, doing volunteer work (to help other Parkies)plus antidepressants I once again embrace life and work hard at keeping my head on straight.

I know I am not alone with such thoughts, but have also done research that shows the percentage of suicides amongst Parkies is not higher than that of the general population.

Peace and Love,

Steve (Bisbee, AZ)

AndyC profile image

Live life "For Now" i say. I dont think or worry about the future, I think if I did I`d just feel depressed....thats not for me! Anyway fellow parkies a toast.......To the present! Cheers

Andy :-)

jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to AndyC

we all have a "future" however logn it may last

bu ti tend to agree live for the present or asnt hey sa ar newyear

live logn /lauhgh long /and love long /(or somehting like that)

ps miy typign(!) is so dylexic now it is nlot true

and it is too time consumign to do it in word" aond paste it nd my vision si poore too

\yoru typgin ANDY is grea"


lvoe jill :-)

shakenlady profile image
shakenlady in reply to AndyC

I have lived one day at a time since i was 38 years old. I don't want to leave my life in a mess for my kids. I have no time frame just like you. Keep busy: Read, do Sudokus, crosswords, word finds. do crafts. I

am building a doll house to take to state FAir

I was in the hog calling conest last fair.

Make a bucket list.

Juliachq profile image
Juliachq in reply to shakenlady

Oh I wanna see pics of the hog and dollhouse

windwsprer profile image
windwsprer in reply to AndyC


Crosshalls profile image

Well thats really cheered me up

shakenlady profile image

I didn't mean to upset everyone. I think it is better to know than not to know.

I am at stage 4. Who knows when 5 will hit. I can answer lots of questions for you guys at the other stages. I have had lots of symptoms from tremors to foot cramps to my heart tremors.

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