No fever but even husband can feel the heat coming off me..
sorry more questions-does anyone get 'hot... - Cure Parkinson's
sorry more questions-does anyone get 'hot flashes' except the flash can last an hour.

Yes, when I went through menopause. Had very few since then.

im menopausal but wondering if the levadopa i s making it worse, Thery were pretty bad -Guess i thought the would last a few mminutes- these can go an hour-thanks xx
Talk to your doctor about menopause. Your doctor can probably help you determine which is causing the flashes.
Hang in there, I can remember how awful they were.
get these in bed also think its hormonal and made worse by meds
believe so. boiling in bed!
Hot flashes do go along with PD. I am post menopausal, those hot flashes are different than what I now experience with PD.
The menopausal hot flashes felt like the core of my body was on fire, I would be sweating in 65* temps with sweat running down my legs! I remember one episode when I was visiting with a friend in Arizona, I had to go out and stand in her pool and I was still burning up!
My PD hot flashes come about the same time each evening. I peel off whatever clothes I can get some ice chips or stand in front of a fan. They are not nearly as intense as the menopausal hot flashes.
You may be experiencing both. I tend not to run to the MD for everything, I am a nurse and know my body pretty well, I also have financial issues that don't allow me to see a doctor.
When I had the menopausal hot flashes, I did talk with my GYN without a visit. You can get an RX for either a sublingual or cream form of natural progesteron. If you get it in an RX form you would need a prescription from your doctor and the RX has to be done by a "compounding" pharmacist, not a lot of them around anymore.
I found a cream form online that worked really well. Of course I cannot remember the online Co. with my PD brain! The natural form of progesteron used in these is usually from yams. Another natural treatment that some people use is made from soy products. I take Azilect for the PD so cannot use the soy, you would need to check your particular med and see if soy can be used.
One article I read talked about the Asian diet and how much soy is in that diet. Before western influence in terms of diet, these women did not have the symptoms that we experience with menopause. Anyway, hope this has been helpful, Susie
Thank you all so veruy much -Iheard about the yam before and will look it up.ndeed they feel different, Because I have hep ca nd Graves disease too I have to aviod soy except tempeh, and cant do hrt cause of the hep c. I dont know id it s a xoncidence (as you see I can barely type or spell at the moment, but alot of syptoms i had from time to time seem more consistant suddenly-been on the levadopa (and othe med I cant remember 0 for two month. see neurologust tomorrow,, thanks all for your kindness, sorry fhe typing. Im spose to be working ios some shot stories,,,,real short now!
thank God Ifir this site , love and health to allx