Does anyone feel heady on hot days even i... - Cure Parkinson's
Does anyone feel heady on hot days even in the shade?

My husband says he feels sick on hot days. He loves the sun but I think with the meds it is not good for y'all. I read that on the side effects paper he gets with his meds from his pharmacy. He does sometimes say that he feels heavy too. He says his legs feel like they have weights on them and his whole body too. Yes, even in the shade. He has to get out of the heat when he feels like that. It is not good on him!
I cannot tolerate the heat any more, nor can I be out in the sun too long because it is too bright and hurts my eyes. I have always been a sun and water lover, I miss it!
i feel exactlly the same but i didnt put it down to the meds , but this answers alot of questions the lights in the big shops affect me too
It is very difficult the higher the humidity... sweating doesn't work effectively.
I have always been a sun worshipper, very difficult in the UK. This recent spell of hot weather has floored me. I feel like I have really been pushing myself and can not stay in the sun for very long. A shame as we get so little of it here.
Thanks for all your replies. Its useful to know. All i take is mucuna pruriens and amplomodine for bp. I wondered if it was those that caused it.
I agree with you about bright lights ...noise included!
Im thinking of investing in a pair of expensive polaroid subglasses and a solid sun hat!
Ditto about the past sun, swimming etc..i loved it but am working towards getting some sort of compromise. Just keep moving!
Is mucana pruriens the seed that contains L-Dopa?
Have you had your blood pressure checked recently? I rwas told that the automatic constriction of blood vessels, designed to maintain blood pressure when moving, is slow in Parkinson's. Perhaps you have moved into that phase and the blood pressure meds need adjusting.
Thanks you may be right...i,ll see the cardiac in a fortnight hopefully. He only put me it because I was up and down with moving around so much. Im hoping it will settle once I do.
Mucuna pruriens can be obtained from Amazon and i,m taking what it advises on the bottle. Its in capsule form..not certain if its seed or leaf.
It has been 90 degrees the last 3 days in Indiana. If you watched the Indianapolis 500, you know what I am talking about. I've been hibernating in the air conditioning the entire time! Going to a movie this afternoon just to get out of the house! I cannot tolerate the heat at all.
Since diagnosis 7 years ago, I have become a bit of a nut about reading and learning about PD. About 4 years ago, I was suffering through a spell of hot weather and found my symptoms had gotten much worse with the heat. I had occasion to attend a PD support group meeting later that same week and asked how many of the attendees had experienced difficulty with the heat that they wouldn't have had before PD. Almost every hand in the room was raised in response.
Since then I have found mention in the literature about this issue but at the time I had no recollection of having heard or read about it in the numerous PD resources. I wondered why nobody happened to include it in their respective lists of common PD symptoms.
Keep cool!
Steve (Bisbee, AZ)
We'd love to move to NC to be near our son but the heat is too much for Ken. In WNY where we live, we get some hot spells but our house stays cool and he does OK. He hasn't complained too much of the brightness lately since the specialist started him on fludrocortisone to keep his bp from falling so low. You have to be very open with your doctors and mention every little thing because what you think is insignificant may be an indication of another symptom of PD. Unfortunately the non-motor symptoms are the hardest to treat. On hot days he gets clammy and light headed and has trouble walking very far.
I used to love being in the sun. Now I can't tolerate it. As a matter of fact, whenever I go out in the elements (no matter what the temperature), I get tired, my legs feel heavy and the sun bothers my eyes. It's sad because I can't watch my grandchildren participate in sports.
Im trying expensive polaroid sun glasses with maximum protecction and a large sun hat! x