Women with Parkinson's DIsease should not... - Cure Parkinson's

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Women with Parkinson's DIsease should not carry purses!

Koko profile image
21 Replies

I am sure there will be a law soon that will prohibit woman with PD to carry a purse. I have been "BOOO'd in the grocery store more than once. You know that line where everyone is in a hurry and it is an unwritten law that the line must keep moving.

So there I am lifting my heavy purse with 17 compartments (for my pills) . I finally get the zipper down and open my bag. It is a large black hole uninviting and not user friendly .I sitck my hand into my purse and start to feel around. Used Kleenexes fly around me. A magazine picture lf a scantily clad couple falls to the floor (I wanted her haircut to show my hairdresser).

I am looking for my wallet. Then my entire purse falls to the ground and the lose change covers the floor from the exit door to the balloon section. Everyone falls to the ground to pick up money. My head is still in my purse. My hands are shaking now and the other 4 zippers aren't opening. I hear remarks from disgruntled customers standing in line behind me.

"I think it would be a good idea to put a small lite into a purse, don't you? I asked this burly construction-worker man, He was just buying a coke and was A.W.O.L.from his job around the corner.

I think I would vote for "NO PURSE for Parkinsonians!" But then I would have to put my money elsewhere.......which could be embarracing. LIke the time I put my cell phone in my bra and it rang during a Black Jack game in Las Vegas. "Not me!" I shouted

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Koko profile image
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21 Replies

You could have two purses one that just carries your money in for shopping perhaps a white one so you can see it when you dive into the bag.

One that opens up and shuts easily not too bulky to handle.

Remember you have as much right to be there as anyone else and if the people behind make rude comments give them a bow and the V sign!

anbu profile image
anbu in reply to

A good, practical idea. Also debit card will be useful.

Carrigan profile image

I really think that is so sad but that is society today, if they could only fit into your shoes and experience how it feels. That is why people need to be more aware of what Parkinson's is. I do love your sense of humour though keep that . Take care x

jillannf6 profile image

hi i agree

it is sad tha tpeopel do not have the time to be mor e sympatheic -their loss or whatever

I think it si the US of A way of life as here in NW England people r emuch more likely ot be patient

(i have answered a blgo on this b4)

lol JIll



kmxsoft profile image

I expect that I will be seen to be unsympathetic, although I do understand the problem - and the following comment is not aimed at the original poster.

I know I am not alone in finding it objectionable to be held up waiting in a queue in a supermarket, caused by someone waiting until the final bill has been announced before the current customer starts fiddling in their bag to find not just the money - but the purse in which the money is held! And then an eternity whilst they open the purse and fiddle around trying to find the cash (or credit card) to pay up. It's as if the arrival at the checkout has been a complete surprise.

With respect to the OP's comment, there appear to be coin dispensers available (search on ebay) which might make the handling of coins a litte easier. I haven't tried these, but it looks like you can flick-out individual coins to make a payment - and might that be a possible option to consider?


raveneaux profile image
raveneaux in reply to kmxsoft

The coin dispensers will be great if one has the dexterity to flip them out.

cathi profile image

Obviously you have a sense of humor - and you need that (or patience) in order to live the life of a PD patient. There are so many frustrating things we endure daily that everyone without PD take for granted. We look so normal that when we are struggling with purses, shuffling here and there, catching ourselves at a door/wall/car/whatever from falling forward, "stuck" at an entrance, a curb,anywhere, when we are weak as a kitten one moment and the next moving mountains, when our toes curl painfully and we cannot walk, when our balance is so tricky even a handicap ramp is a gauntlet and a friends outreached hand can be a danger to accept, when no amount of makeup hides the dark circles under our eyes from lack of sleep, when all the projects that can be done are and we make up more to fill those sleepless hours, and even when we say "oh by the way we have Parkinsons - excuse us", they still don't get it, they will nod their heads and you can tell they think we are drunk, or on drugs, or just plain looney - and those are the times we must have a sense of humor, practice some patience and just remember to be ourselves, slow down, forget what they may or may not think, do your own thing at your own pace and let their world go by.

Espo profile image
Espo in reply to cathi

Well done cathi.

And Koko, take a bit of advice from Eleanor Roosevelt who once said "Nobody can make me feel inferior without my permission." . "Permission denied!" ,

I think its about time we designed a bag that is perfect for Parkie women.

Ive bought Three different bags and two purses in the past few weeks to try and find the perfect one from me. The problem is getting one that is not too big, too small, too difficult to open, and can be slung across your shoulder and out of the way.

I also carry a small bag of change in my pocket so I don't have to fill around in my purse for the odd pound.

Most of the workers in my local supermarket know me and I have purposefully told them all that I have Parkinsons. They automatically take care of me now when I go to the checkout and don't mind if I am a bit slow. I also tried going at all kinds of different times until I found the quietest time is on a Saturday afternoon, funnily enough.

I've totally gone off shopping of any kind now so that those that don't want to chance the supermarket they have click and collect here in England where you go on the computer choose your groceries and then go and pick them up in the car. Or you can have them delivered.

Another alternative is to use plastic; A debit card is much quicker to find than loose change.

A sense of humour always helps, and if all else fails a big cheery grin usually disarms the complainer. xx

jernor profile image
jernor in reply to

I whole heartedly agree with using "plastic"! It saves so much time. Try keeping your cards in a brightly colored wallet--I love a big purse--I need to carry sunglasses, reading glasses, meds, sanitizing gel, coupons--I like to be prepared for all little emergencies. Cleaning out the purse weekly helps reorganize priorities.

PatV profile image

i HEAR ya sister! I am relatively organized, I have a small bag that I wear across my chest with ID, card, cash, keys and meds dispenser. I wear a small back pack that looks like a pocket book with snacks, papers, change purse, cough drops, etc. Anything else can go in bag on my walker. I always try to get my money or card out in advance, but sometimes by the time I place my purchases on the counter, the cashier is finished ringing them up and I am still looking. Then she gives me the change and the receipt in one clump and I have to move the packages and grab the change and here's where a parkie has fun! not. Anyway I wish stores left a little MORE COUNTER SPACE so a person could organize themselves after paying.

viva profile image

it is good that you have such a sense if humor - i usually have my credit (debit) card ready before i join the line to a cashier - and before i go to the store i put in in the pocket in my purse where i keep it only. i also found out that a standing type of bag/purse, like a beach tot or basket (something that can stand firmly) works well. depends where you live: watch out for thiefs though! i am in midwest - people are law-abiding here!

hunnypot profile image

maybe they should have a handicap checkout isle. I'm sure us parkies are not the only ones that run into this problem. Maybe they also could have an employee help with purchase while the customer is trying to pay.

kmxsoft profile image
kmxsoft in reply to hunnypot

Whilst that might be a reasonable idea, I wonder how many non-afflicted will use it? It's bad enough at our local superstore when all of the disabled parking bays are filled. And I am much less than convinced that all spaces are being occupied by blue badge holders.

Susie01 profile image

Great idea hunnypot! I always feel embarrassed at the check-out counter. I do get my wallet out before I get to the check-out and try to have an idea of what amount of money I also need to pull out or my debit card ready. My biggest obstacle in getting the change back into my wallet and then getting the bags. More than once I have left a bag in the check-out because I am trying not to hold up the line.

raveneaux profile image

Well, at the risk of sounding rude...LET EM WAIT! If someone gets too close behind you, ask them to step back. I haven't had this disease (actively) very long, but I have some of the same difficulties getting change back, so I usually use plastic, too. I don't intend to be pushed out of the way because someone else thinks they can't wait a few minutes. And dropping your purse on the floor is a nightmare. I don't have a perfect purse solution, but maybe we can come up with one.

Eileen9 profile image

I quit carrying a purse about a year ago. I just felt I was an easy target for someone to grab it. Instead I have a pocket type case that has a strap. I wear it over my head and under my jacket or sweater, etc. I just take with me whatever I really need..... a credit card, some cash, maybe a check, but not the whole check book. It makes everything easier for me to have both hands free, and not the burden of carrying a purse. I have friends who carry these big purses with their whole lives in them, and I wonder why.

Beckey profile image
Beckey in reply to Eileen9

Me too!

fishinggirl profile image

I usually pay cash or write a check when shopping. I always make sure of the dollar amount in my wallet and where I put it(which zipper) before going in. If I know I have to write a check, I fill in the date, the name of the business, and signature before going in. Saves time at the store checkout line. I have no problem saying, with a smile,

if someone in line is huffing and puffing, " I have Parkinson's and it is difficult to write out this check, so if you want to help, come on up and help me write it". No one has taken me up on it yet.

My choice of a purse is anyone with a zipper compartment for my wallet. I also added a clip that goes on the strap to clip my keys. No more hunting for them.

Beckey profile image

You're funny! FWIW, I almost never carry a bag. When I'm going to the store, I put my debit card in one pocket and cash in the other.

oceanflower profile image
oceanflower in reply to Beckey

I just started doing that too! My handbag has become a black hole, and things just get lost in there!

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