Crohn's and Colitis Support | HealthUnlocked

Crohn's and Colitis Support

5,376 members1,710 posts

Headed for PTN? Mysterious high volume bulky stools daily following infectious colitis

Rather worried. A bit of a long story. Part 2 was some infectious agent that cau...
SkinNBones profile image

Major cause of IBD found

Did anyone else see this article ...
Jameshuh profile image

Tired of colitis

I first was diagnosed with proctitis when I was about 20 but the doctor prescrib...
LoomiJil profile image

Ulcerative proctitis

I have a severe proctitis. The Dr. prescribed me with a Prednisolone suppositor...

Bowel changes and pain. Positive faecal calprotectin, negative CT

Hello! I've had longstanding pelvic and back pain for some years now (gynaecolog...

Started bleeding with BMs again.

Good afternoon, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis at the start of May 2024...
Raerae2781 profile image

Hi all 👋

Hi all,Newbie here. I started with symptoms of lower abdominal pain, food into...
Lev79 profile image

Terminal ileitis

My colonoscopy found mild inflammation in the TI area which they said looked lik...
Sunita77 profile image

Food and passing blood

Throughout my whole journey what has really surprised me the very most is how mu...
Sooty712 profile image

Calprotectin still 1800

Calprotectin test back again after last check in February which was 1800 after ...
Sooty712 profile image

Sigmoidoscopy time wait

Hi all just wondering how long after your consultation appointment with gastro d...
Sooty712 profile image


Hi Has anyone developed shingles quite soon after starting this medication? Th...
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We are a peer support community for people living with Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis. Here we share o...

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