What type of pain do people with Crohns have? Is it dull? Is it sharp? Is it continuous? Constant and steady? Or is it only during a flare up?
Crohns pain: What type of pain do... - Crohn's and Colit...
Crohns pain

Yes!!! to all of those questions. I have described it as a pain you want to cuddle, it hurts but not in a way you want to say ouch! I know, it doesn't make much sense, but then does anything IBD make sense? At different times all of the pains described are felt, but only the patient can accurately describe it, and then, only in they are in pain at the time of describing. (Maybe that is why no one has found a cure, because we are all different).
So do you think it is always different or the same all the time?
I believe it is different, and depends on the state and stage you are at (flare, constipation, diarrhoea etc). What is your problem, and why do you want to know?
Been having constant dull pain since a diarrhea bout in October. Colonoscopy says focal active colitis on lymphoid aggregates and ultrasound says mild prominent terminal ileum. Due for an MRI in March. Trying to find out if this is Crohns or not. Been taking Alflorex probiotics for a month and I think they helped a bit with the pain, but the right hand side of belly button is slightly swollen and (only sometimes) hard. That’s where the pain is located. Nowhere else around tummy.
Although I take Opiates for a Degenerative Skeletal disease, I also take other medications for "suspected Chrone's disease " (I have Diverticulitis so I don't think I have Chrones disease ?) I have Constant "Flare Ups " of Diverticulitis Blocked intestines Stomach Bloating, severe pain! Blood in Vomit (looks like coffee grains black in colour mostly but at times red blood,) also Blood in stools, Sometimes diarrhoea after a blockage has cleared up. The pain is Constant and so bad during a flare up ,I honestly feel like giving up at times! I have had so many Hospital stays lasting from a week up to ten weeks on one occasion. Even without a flare up the pain can be debilitating. Avoiding some foods and eating small amounts but often can also help ( or at least I have found it helps me)
Very sharp abdominal pain. It varies from person to person though. I was in constant pain for many years until my Crohn's got managed with medication properly. Mostly I had severe pain when I had bowel movements but it stayed constant after as well.
Is it only medication? Or did you have to go surgery?
I had to have a bowel resection surgery in 2008. I had small pieces of both intestines removed. But, at that time they did not have some of the medications they now have (Stelara and Entyvio). Remicade was a new medication in 2008 which I had 3 IV infusions of before my surgery but it did not help me.
Yes for the most part I have been ok since my surgery. I've had a few flare ups over the last 12 yrs. Not everyone has to have surgery. It varies from person to person. Everyone is different.