Why did no one tell me this gets really hard... - Couch to 5K

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Why did no one tell me this gets really hard...

HattieCooke profile image
16 Replies

Today I attempted w6 r3 and made the STUPID decision to check what runs I had coming up.... I

Started the run twice and both times I stopped. The way I feel I don’t think I’ll ever do it... how do I get over that mind set? :(

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HattieCooke profile image
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16 Replies
IannodaTruffe profile image

Perhaps read this post about mental approach healthunlocked.com/couchto5... and slow down.

Instructor57 profile image

You have already run 20 minutes non stop ! You CAN do 25.

Your body is ready , you just need to convince your head .

Check out the link IannodaTruffe sent you ! And also keep the runs very slow , if you have come this far then you can finish and graduate 😁👍

Ssasqueen profile image

Aw you can and will do it. Maybe promise yourself a treat do you are running for something- or I found getting dropped off and having to run home stopped me from going back early

nowster profile image

I wouldn't like to be the cause of that look. 😯

Pace yourself. Slow down. Take it easy.

I'll be doing 25 minutes tomorrow too. The last time I did W6R3 back at the start of August, I wrote in my notes that I deliberately did it slower. It was still an effort at the end and I hadn't enough left in the tank for the 60 second sprint that Jo suggested.

HattieCooke ask yourself why did you stop? Look at the reasons it'll be a simple fix, and hey if you need to slow it down like really slow it down 🐢 walk it's no shame take A 20/30 second walking break and pick it back up again..... Jeffing

I’ve no doubt you can do it Hattie. You’ve already proved that you’re a runner by completing W6R3. You’ve also already overcome the negative thoughts that have whispered/shouted you can’t run by going ahead and running. Running slower is good advice - it’s really about the time you run for rather than how much distance you cover in a given time so speed doesn’t count. You recently went from running 16 minutes (in two 8 minute segments) to running non-stop for 20 minutes which means you are capable of extending a run by 4 minutes, so the stretch to another 5 minutes is not beyond you. Looking forward to your next post telling us how well you’ve done. Go Hattie Go.

Jell6 profile image

It's a mental thing. What I did was go really REALLY slowly for the first extra minutes, that's those out of the way!!, then slowly ran the rest of the run knowing that I definitely can do it. I did that right the way up to week 9 and beyond .

You just need to trick those gremlins.

LauraRuns profile image

You can do it Hattie!! Maybe repeat the first two runs of week 6 if you think that will help you build up more stamina. But if you think it’s more a mental block stopping you then take a day off and try w6r3 again the day after. Definitely go slower than you think you need to - I don’t know if you listen to music whilst running but it’s easy to think you’re already going slowly but sometimes certain songs can make you run faster! Believe you will do it on the next attempt and I’m sure you’ll smash it. Don’t give up now ☺️

Peter44 profile image

Well done for getting to week 6, like everyone is saying, just keep it slow 🐢 you'll be fine, and so glad you kept going, both physicaly, and mentaly!!!

Good luck! 🏃‍♀️💪😄

Jericho2332 profile image

Believe you will do it. Then do it, don't have stopping as an option 💪🏻 the programme has made your body ready to do it so you can do it, you just have to remember that.

Tinytears60 profile image

Come on HattieCooke

You’ve got this! 👏👏👏

I was the same Week 6... it’s a little biatch of a week but you can do this!

Kick that gremlin out your head!... it’s trespassing! ... you are gonna feel fan bloody tasting when you’ve done it ✅

Slow and then go slower ... you’ve ran 20 mins last week - 5 mins more is so do-able for you... it’s all about kidding you’re mind... run slow for 5 mins then you can tell yourself ... I did 20 mins last week and you will breeze it!

You have actually done the hardest runs of the whole programme so you that should give you confidence! 👌💕

B1GK9 profile image

Go Hattie go, the rest of the commentators have said it all, just wanted to give you a shout out of support. We are at the same point in the program so I am looking at W7R1 on Monday and will be looking for your post of success soon.

When I feel like giving up, I think of all the wins I have had to date. Like weeks 1,2,3,4,5 none of which I thought I could do but I did, just like you. Focus on what you have done and do not worry about not doing.

Reading this brought back memories...and I only graduated 3 weeks ago so I remember the feelings well.

Everyone on here will tell you it's mind over matter and all I can say is - that's exactly it!!!

Don't let your inner voice (gremlins) talk you out of anything. Your body is stronger than you realise and can do this. Your mind however, wants to compete that's all and win the fight.

Don't let it.

All you have to do is change the record. Get your mind to play a different tune.

'I can and I will'

Repeat it like a mantra.

We all go through the same stages of self doubt, I know I did and still do!

You're made of much stronger stuff than you realise else you wouldn't have started this programme in the first place.

Takes a real warrior to take on this challenge.

We've all got faith in you.

Now you have faith in you ❤️

Couchphoenix profile image

It’s all about the breathing HattieCooke, you have to get that into a good rhythm, deep breath in then purse your lips slightly as you breathe out, the oxygen your breathing in is your fuel. Start off slowly so you pace yourself, clear your mind of ALL thoughts and focus on what your doing. I used to banish all thoughts from my mind when I was running, if a thought came into my mind I’d visualise an eraser ✏️ rubbing it out and blowing it away. Get a good playlist to listen too, something upbeat, that inspires you... be stubborn, be determined, this is important to you, you’ve come so far.....you’ve got this 🏃‍♀️💪🏻

Tasha99 profile image

Running is a mental battle. Slow down.

Ruthwuth profile image

Try again, Hattie! You will do it. I am at the same point in the plan and barely lifting my legs up but still jogging not walking. Really slow. I found running in one direction till half way then coming back so I have an idea of how much further I have to go and can see the end in sight helped me.

Sending good thoughts to you.

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