I’m in week three, I’m 6’2” and just under 19 stone and although I go slow and try to minimize impact I can feel my knees getting sore. I need to stress this is not pain or injury just a bit of soreness when running. It gets better as the run progresses and fades right into the background when I’m not running and resting. Is this normal, is it just the new motion that’s causing my knees to adjust, Will it improve? I’m worried that as the running segments get longer my knees might not be able to cope with my weight. I need to stress again this is not like a warning pain that I’m ignoring just more of a vague soreness.
What’s normal for knees?: I’m in week three, I’m... - Couch to 5K
What’s normal for knees?

I should mention that I’m 54 and that there is no swelling. I do rest and I do stretch after my runs.

Only you know the difference between pain and ache for you. I'm a fit and healthy person who particularly chose this plan to prevent knee problems- of which I have a bit of history. Started in august now on way to 10k. I worked on premise that the gradual increases in distance along with regular strength and flex from the partner forum would build up supporting muscles thus preventing joint injury. It has worked for me, I hope it works for you too. My knees creak and groan something awful while doing dynamic stretches as warmup but so far I've run pretty much pain free. Hope this is useful info. Happy running

You could try some dynamic stretches before you start (not like the cool down ones) just to get your muscles fired up.

Sounds ok to me, as long as it’s not acute & fades as you describe. But keep monitoring it as we are all different. There are some good knee exercises around, which lots of us are doing (gently, in my case!) as strengthening. Try the Strength & Flex site on here. Oldfloss has put up some great links under the pinned posts. And well done on your determination so far, too. 🎉👍👏🏼

Sometimes your body needs more time to adjust to a new exercise.
Thought this might be useful

Try the knee exercises we recommend here.. head to Strength and Flex and find the links there...The exercises may help...
Steady and slow and do try to land gently. Have you got the correct shoes for your running too?
Thanks Granspeed
Thanks, yes I have good shoes and I do try to minimise impact. My feet are very flat and broad which may be a factor.

The slower you run the less impact there will be on your joints. Try the Japanese slow running, you may not get much pace or mileage out of it, but it will strengthen your knees and ankles far better and prevent pain later on. Hope it gets better!