What is Your Week? October...Week 2. - Couch to 5K

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What is Your Week? October...Week 2.

Oldfloss profile image
72 Replies

Good morning everyone...

Yes, it's that time again and here I am... ready to bring us all together, in the What is Your Week chat.

What a glorious time of the year this is....!

As with many of us, I find it a splendid time to run.After a cold and wet weekend for me... yet again, later in the week, the temperatures are set to rise a little.

Wherever we are and whatever the weather, we can, hopefully, find the opportunity to get out and run.

With numbers increasing, it is great, to have a little fun post ,so we can see who is on which week, of the programme, and hopefully it will help everyone to feel more included on the forum.

We can support, encourage and generally help each other, in a positive and friendly way, with no thought of comparison.

Please remember it doesn't matter if you stay on the same week for a while, that is fine; it is a journey and it really doesn't matter how long it takes, it will be so worth it when you get to the final run.

If you have just graduated, also, this will be a great place to keep you motivated,and there is always the Quest on the Bridge to 10k forum as well for Graduates.

So, come and join the fun.... Let us know how it is going :)

Oldfloss xx

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Oldfloss profile image
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72 Replies
Jandys profile image

I graduated last week. I’ve had two good post-grad runs and a really hard one on Saturday when I got so cold that it was just miserable! Off out again in a few minutes and I’m hoping to get back on track! Any advice what to wear when running in the cold and/or wet?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jandys

Hope the run went okay...

A lightweight running jacket can be useful... breathable though... a cap..bob hat for winter... a Buff to stop drips of rain and snow going down your neck and you can pull it up over your nose too when the air is really cold..:) Gloves to stop freezing fingers too. I have some winter running leggings too :)

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jandys

I just wear a long sleeved top & long running pants, I have a lightweight, breathable jacket that I manage to keep on for approx 2 mins as I soon get warm and end up tying it round my waist, or hiding it in a bush to collect on the way back!! Once you’re wet, you’re wet, I love running in the rain, it my fav!! Congratulations on your graduation, hope your run was a good one today 👏🏻

Boofle999 profile image

Just about to start Wk6 - bring it on!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Boofle999

Well done.. slow, steady and enjoy!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Boofle999

Whoop whoop!!

Bear7 profile image

I have one more week 7 run to do tonorrow (had to take a few days off last week due to illness, then on to week 8. Can't believe graduation isn't too far away now

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Bear7

Getting close now... relax and enjoy these lovely, longer runs to the podium:)

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Bear7

Well done Bear7 , you’re nearly there now

Oldlady57 profile image

Completed W7R2 this morning, bit blustery. Got up late (0600 instead of the usual 0500) then technical problems. Sarah took me through the run but didn’t record, so just fast forwarded it. NRC also didn’t record, so was it all a dream? Nope definitely ran “slow & steady😜 Even saw two other female runners!! Have a fab week & happy running 👍🏻

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldlady57

Dream or not..it sounds like a great way to have started the day... well done:)

donttrustaskinnycook profile image

Starting week 4 tomorrow :-)

Feeling positive

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to donttrustaskinnycook

That is the best way to be :) Go you!

Jayjay79 profile image

Starting W9 tomorrow

emily-m profile image
emily-mGraduate in reply to Jayjay79

Me too. 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to emily-m

Well done.. slow and steady!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jayjay79

The podium and the badge are waiting!!! Well done:)

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jayjay79

Ooooo, bet you can see your graduation badge shining??!!

SHF99 profile image

Just completed 1st session of week 3. Slight hitch when my ear piece fell out and I missed the 1st walking break. The voice in my ear was telling me to get ready to run again when I was still jogging (although very slowly!) Hopefully I won’t pay the price for it tomorrow. I’m really enjoying the C25K and I appreciate all the advice and encouragement on this forum. Thank you

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SHF99

Well done you..keep it slow and steady and you will be fine:)

SamSam17 profile image

Good morning all,

Just starting week 5 tonight.

I think end of this week will be a mental challenge but looking forward to getting to this milestone of being able to run 20mins without stopping.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SamSam17

Relax and enjoy... slow and steady and have confidence in yourself:)

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to SamSam17

Yey, well done SamSam17 ...don’t overthink run 3, just go for it..mind over matter

SamSam17 profile image
SamSam17Graduate in reply to Mummycav

Thanks I did on Thursday night!

I still can’t believe I’ve managed it but I’ve done it!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to SamSam17

Brilliant 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Runningpooch profile image

Starting week 7 😬

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Runningpooch

Slow and steady and relax into the lovely longer runs:)

Kk2605 profile image

Just ready to do W2R3, so far so good 😊

Great to hear everyone’s stories, they are all very encouraging!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Kk2605

This is a great place to be:) Take it gently and enjoy:)

UnfitNoMore profile image

Week 10!

Since graduation I have done a 3k on my old track... emotional but liberating... spikes now retired. Weekend off has been great, consolidation run one today, can’t wait.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to UnfitNoMore

Sounds good to me... hope the run went/goes well :)

Oggy2401 profile image

Completed w7r2 this morning. Really enjoying the feeling after the runs. Just wondered whether it's possible to get a waterproof running jacket cos the only jackets I can find are not. Any ideas?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oggy2401

Ron Hill..lightweight and breathable :)

Justkeeponrunning profile image

I've just finished the third run in week 8, so week 9 and 30 mins is in sight! Didn't enjoy week 8 and have had to really slow it down to make it to the end of 28 minutes. Really hoping I can manage week 9 and it feels more like the fun that the middle weeks felt.

Meganpippa profile image
MeganpippaGraduate in reply to Justkeeponrunning

Hi. I had a bad W8R3 and was worried about W9 too. I slowed my pace slightly and am feeling much better and less fatigued. W9 R3 on Friday and looking forward to it. My next goal will be to run 5k . I am actually starting to enjoy my running now that I have slowed down a little - I run with my husband and, as was pointed out to me, when you run with someone, one of you usually has to compromise. That was me, I was running quicker than was comfortable in order to keep up with hubby. The fun will come back, keep on keeping on!!

Justkeeponrunning profile image
JustkeeponrunningGraduate in reply to Meganpippa

Thank you!! I took your advice and slowed it down. Enjoying it again. 👍 Hope your wk9 run 3 went well.

Meganpippa profile image
MeganpippaGraduate in reply to Justkeeponrunning

Graduated yesterday, the last run was great! 5k and park runs next 😀 looking forward to keeping on running. How have you got on? 🏃👍

Justkeeponrunning profile image
JustkeeponrunningGraduate in reply to Meganpippa

🎉🎉Well done for graduating yesterday. That's brilliant. All being well I'll graduate on Friday, and then looking forward to aiming to actually run 5k. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

belonger profile image

I'm glum. I've graduated twice now, and this time I was determined to keep it up once the programme had finished. To reward myself for a couple of months of keeping at it, I even bought some new running shoes, a big deal for me financially. BUT - I can't shift my plantar fasciitis. I was a bit daft at first and tried to 'run it off' - I know, I know - but honestly I don't run fast or far so I thought it would be OK. But it's just not easing up, and so I've not run for about a month. I'm really getting miserable about it. I'm doing stretches, rolling my foot on a bobbly thing and resting it. Any other tips?

belonger profile image
belongerGraduate in reply to belonger

Sorry I think I might have posted in the wrong place!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to belonger

No this is fine.. have you seen a sports physio? You have done all the right things, so. maybe that would help:)

belonger profile image
belongerGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Oldfloss. That would never have occurred to me - I still think of myself as a non-sports person! Good idea

Amandana profile image

Another lovely photo for this week!

I'm enjoying the cooler temperatures and managed to get out for my Monday morning run, W5R1, despite the rain. My little terrier wasn't so sure about it, we took turns pulling each other along. I can still feel that dull pull of the piriformis but it's less noticeable than last week, so the stretches, strengthening and foam roller are paying off. The first run of week 5 went well... I'd nearly talked myself into repeating a W4 run as I was feeling a touch of the wine flu, but thought about the field trips in university where I'd done a day of field work in far worse shape, many times, and decided to just get on with it. It was totally fine! Listening to Laura explain I'd be doing 3x5min runs during the warm up, I was relieved as it wasn't a massive step up. I visualized keeping my shoulders down, concentrating on my breath and keeping my legs moving and that's just what happened.

skysue16 profile image
skysue16Graduate in reply to Amandana

The image of you pulling your terrier along made me smile, well done for completing the run 😊

Oldfloss profile image

Huge well done.. you have done brilliantly!!! Onward and upward really gently !

Amandana profile image
Amandana in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you Oldfloss :) I'm staying nice and slow and strictly sticking to Laura's orders when the day's run is over... and not surprisingly, having a much easier go this time around too. I don't know how I've managed to spend 3.5 decades on this planet and still haven't learned the lesson of just listening to the experts the first time around, but there's always hope for the next new thing I try! Perhaps I should get a tattoo to remind me?!

Scepticalrunner profile image

I completed Wk9 R1 yesterday lunchtime despite the fact that I was starting with the lurgy that has afflicted my two daughters for the last week. Felt amazing afterwards, I really do not recognise the person that I am becoming. I went off to my fitness class last night too. I have lost nearly 4 1/2 stone since the end of April which in itself has thrilled me but the fact that I am now, for the first time in my 44 years, becoming a runner, never fails to amaze and delight me every single day. Not too sure whether I will get my 2nd run of week 9 in tomorrow though as the aforementioned lurgy has now taken a full blown grip of me, I will have to make that decision at 7am tomorrow. I'm really wanting to graduate by Sunday though so I'm hoping that my recovery is speedy. I cannot praise the C25k programme highly enough, I never in a million years thought that I could improve my fitness levels in such a short space of time....hence my username 🤣🤣🤣

skysue16 profile image
skysue16Graduate in reply to Scepticalrunner

Well done indeed - for the weight loss and becoming a runner 😀. Keep up the good work.

Oldfloss profile image

This is very positive... except for the nasty lurgy! You are achieving on all levels. This plan is so brilliant isn't it?

Huge well done to you... I don't know if you ran or not? But..if you are not up to par... then don't. It will be much more enjoyable if you feel on fine form... the runs and us will wait :)

Scepticalrunner profile image
ScepticalrunnerGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I did my 2nd run on Friday morning as soon as a little more energy returned, it felt lovely after being confined to the house for several days. I'm off out later, in the pouring rain probably, judging by today's weather forecast, to do my graduation run. Excited 😁😁😁

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Scepticalrunner

Slow, steady and really enjoy... I think my Graduation run was in rain// The week before Christmas 2015. :)

Take it gently and think of a lovely warm shower and the celebrations to come :)

ButtercupKid profile image

Still plodding on defiantly on repeats of week 1 😐

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to ButtercupKid

Well done. Onwards and upwards.😉

PollyApp profile image

As a newbie, completed 2nd session yesterday, I find it hard to think of myself as a runner but I am determined so hopefully that will carry me through. Wish me luck I’m going to need it! Xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to PollyApp

No luck needed..just you..and us..slow and steady. Well done.

Runbabyrun1 profile image

Just completed W5R3...WOW I ran 20mins without stopping..couldn't believe it when Jo said I was half way through..then it was 15mins gone..then hey presto I was finished. Never believed that I would achieve this much..deffo on a running high 2nite 🎉

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Runbabyrun1

Very well done you.. slow and steady into the longer runs now:)

in reply to Runbabyrun1

Great, I did w5 run 2 today in the gorgeous crisp fresh sunshine, looking forward to the wk5 run 3, 20 min run on Sunday.

Tasha99 profile image

Floss I’m so exhausted after long runs! Only got to 14k so far. Trying to get to HM by February. Will my body get used to it? Now incorporating gels.💤

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Tasha99

Right.. oh dear.... what plan are you using... I was up to about 12/14/ before the IC beckoned , but building very slowly. Are you making sure your stamina and strength work is adequate? Healthy, balanced eating regime too... There is a great deal of valid research about the effects of fuelling with 'real' food for these longer runs.....The friends on Marathon and HM too will have some tips .. :)

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you OF. I do need to do more core strength work. I think a better breakfast could help. We’ll see what happens.

skysue16 profile image

Well I have moved house this week so very busy unpacking boxes!! Might try exploring some local trails near our new home over the weekend, although this strong wind is a bit off putting 😕

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to skysue16

Sue... did I miss this... are you still up in the beautiful North ? What fun exploring your new home and new running trails....I look forward to your posts and photos as well :) x

skysue16 profile image
skysue16Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

We have moved back down South to be near family. It has been so stressful and hectic that I haven't had time to run! Hope to start running regularly again soon but feeling exhausted and fighting off a lurgy 😕. I am really looking forward to exploring new trails on the Exmoor and Quantock hills 😀

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to skysue16

Ooo, exciting...happy new home 😊

skysue16 profile image
skysue16Graduate in reply to Mummycav

Thank you Mummycav, looking forward to exploring new trails near our new home 😀

AineMaire profile image

I've just completed w1r1 and it was great - really tough and I struggled but great. I'm thinking it will take me longer than 9 weeks but maybe I shouldn't be thinking like that and just take it run by run. I don't really mind how long it takes but I'd love to do park run on Christmas Day - I have a bet with my son (10) 😂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to AineMaire

Keep it slow and steady and you will be amazed where it takes you to :) Well done you!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to AineMaire

Keep going AineMaire , it doesn’t matter how long it takes you, all in your own time, even when a run feels hard, if you’ve managed it, move on to the next, of you don’t quite manage it, call it a practice run and try again...you’re building up stamina & strength and that takes practice...you’ll be fine

Scepticalrunner profile image
ScepticalrunnerGraduate in reply to AineMaire

This C25K programme has magical powers and you'll be shocked at just how quickly it increases your fitness levels and running ability week upon week. When I started this programme, back in August, those first runs led me to believe that maybe I would be the first person that this programme couldn't help. I'm not a betting person at all but I would have been willing to place a decent bet on the fact that 9 weeks would not be anywhere near long enough to take me from struggling to run for a minute to being able to comfortably run for 30 minutes. I chose my username, for this forum, based on that level of scepticism also. As long as you supply the determination to keep on going with the programme, the programme will provide you with a transformation that you just won't believe.....honestly. You'll be doing that Park Run before you know it 👍👍👍👍

paul1960 profile image

hi to everyone .am 58 had heart bypass 9 years ago nverer run in my life honest was 17st 11lb now am 13st 7lb feel great now .started c25k 8weeks ago and look at me now am on w8 when i started i thought never would i do it .but am running for 28 mins now the only down side to it at the moment i am doing it all on tredmill but as soon as i am finished am off out side to do my first parkrun that is my goal to do 5k i know they tell you slow and steady thats what i have been doing so everyone listen trust the program it might sound hard but it realy realy works and good luck to everyone you can do it

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to paul1960

Great stuff..we love a success story 😊

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