Race for life is 25 years old. : What a... - Couch to 5K

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Race for life is 25 years old.

Jullaly profile image
86 Replies

What a priviledge to be one of the 2500 runners and walkers on Newcastle Town Moor today running race for life in its 25th year. My C25K journey started 12 weeks ago over a glass of wine with a friend who was creating ways of raising money for cancer research. The C25K app was downloaded and the journey began.

As I dressed this morning I could hardly believe how far I have come. By the time I got downstairs I had a confidence crisis, me, an overweight grandmother, I couldn’t achieve 5K. The beauty of living in a remote area has been I have been able to run in secret, today I would have to go public! And I felt panic. My hubby gave me a talking to before being bundled in a car and off we went. The race was in the city centre so we decided to drive to a metro station and travel the rest of the journey by train. When we parked in the carpark, a lovely lady in her late 70s got out of her car in her pink tutu and flower headband and gave me the biggest smile.

‘Im running for my daughter’ showing me a picture of her beautiful daughter on her back. By the time we were on the train many more ladies in pink turned up with their personal stories.

The park was a swarm of pink, music was playing. We danced and warmed up before moving stories were shared on the stage. This was followed by a minute silence for all to reflect on our loved ones. 2500 people and you couldn’t hear a pin drop except tears being wiped away by many. It was a special moment shared.

You can choose to run, jog or walk. I fell in line with the joggers. Before we knew it we were off. It was so well organised, what an amazing bunch of volunteers and medics, cheering us on and looking after us, big thanks to you all.

It was so so hot, I ran for 15 minutes then walked for about 10 then ran for the last 15 minutes. So I didn’t manage to run the whole route but I was pleased enough with my time and will blame the extreme heat on this occasion. I was delighted to get my very first medal, a piece of bling to be proud of.

12 weeks ago I thought this would be the end of my journey, how wrong I was, its only the beginning.

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Jullaly profile image
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86 Replies
Tasha99 profile image

Wow that’s fantastic! Your first bling too! I hope you enjoyed running with others - there’ll be no stopping you now! Absolutely amazing! 👌🏽❤️

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Tasha99

Thanks its given me a lot more confidence so I will definitely keep going

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to Jullaly

We’re going to meet one day for a ParkRun and coffee!

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Tasha99

definitely, you are on!

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to Jullaly

I’m into ParkRun tourism 😂

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Tasha99

Tasha is our tripadvisor for park runs!

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to Jullaly

Can I come too please? When my knee is better. 😃

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate in reply to Jullaly

Tasha99 and Jullaly you really must!! On Saturday Marvo69 and I did Hastings parkrun together on the back of a conversation we had on here a couple of months ago - it was so much fun :-)

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to pianoteacher

We will! Durham maybe or Newcastle!

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Tasha99

i would love to do that

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to Jullaly

Chester le street has one apparently. You’ll have to choose 😂

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to Jullaly

Hartlepool Sunderland 😂😂😂 mind I’m booked up til September when my buddy goes to Oz so we’ve got planning time 👌🏽

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Tasha99

lol you will need a buddy diary to fit your fan club in .. you are conquering the north east ..the world next Tasha.

Marvo69 profile image
Marvo69Graduate in reply to pianoteacher

It was great fun. @pianoteacher had been nagging, and nagging me to go for ages, to be her pacemaker, and she did brilliantly!!! and got to see the bumble bee shorts in actual real life! 🐝 We had a great time, you will too. Well done today, bought a tear to my eyes x

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Marvo69

Fancy a trip north you can take me and Tasha99 on, promise I don't have bumble bee shorts

Marvo69 profile image
Marvo69Graduate in reply to Jullaly

Will I need extra oxygen and altitude sickness pills that far North?

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to Marvo69

I’d keel over going at pianoteacher’s pace 😂 Tonight has given me the idea to do as many different ParkRuns as I can. I’m going to set a target. Anyway September 8th Oldladyruns?

Ouching profile image
OuchingGraduate in reply to Tasha99

If you all come to Cornwall you can do the lanhydock Park run.

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to Ouching

That’s too far - about as far away from us as you can go without going abroad 😂

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Ouching

sounds fun but dangerous bringing the northern girls south lol

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Tasha99

lets do september 8th .. id love that

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to Jullaly

Great! You choose - near me or you or anywhere in between 😂

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Tasha99

lets go for a middle point, you mentioned chester le street or durham?

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to Jullaly

Let’s do Chester le street. Totally random 😂 I’ll do Durham another time - less random.

Mind it’s a busy one! 540 on last one 😂

18Windmill profile image

Huge congratulations on a great run. Well done for getting round for the people you love. Any running today is a great bonus. What an emotional day. Lots of love. Xxx ps great pic!

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to 18Windmill

Normally I would have been able to run the whole time but the heat got me about half way and had to walk for 10 mins before running the rest.

Dee2609 profile image

Fabulous! Well done, it was really hot today 🌞😅

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Dee2609

far too hot, I'm normally a 6am runner so it was a shock to the system

Dee2609 profile image
Dee2609Graduate in reply to Jullaly

I bet! And they always seem to put on these runs in the midday heat! Why!?! 😆

pianoteacher profile image

Sounds fantastic! Very well done :-)

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to pianoteacher

it was very moving but so inspiring

Fabulous450 profile image

Yaaaay you! Get your bling! You look amazing!! Brilliant and inspiring runner you! ❤️

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Fabulous450

I know proper bling, i have never got a prize for an egg and spoon race never mind a run ..so i am thrilled

Karen376 profile image

Congratulations to you proud of you 😊

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Karen376

Thank you, its been quite a rollercoaster of 12 weeks but I'm so thrilled to have kept with the programme

owmeknees profile image

Such a lovely, moving and inspirational post. Very well done to you! Long may you continue running 🏃🏻‍♀️👏👍🥇😊

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to owmeknees

Ive certainly got the running bug!

linda9389 profile image

Sounds like a wonderful day. Definitely a wonderful achievement. What a journey, so well done xxx

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to linda9389

It was a wonderful day and very moving

SendWine profile image

Been waiting for this post all day, and have to admit it bought a tear to my eye.

Race for Life is always emotional, never doubted you'd do your loved ones proud 💗 well done lovely lady 💗

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to SendWine

Thank you, I didn't know what to expect but it was incredibly moving but I loved it

Ang33333 profile image

Well done! Such a great cause. We've all been affected by cancer. I'm a survivor and my mum is fighting now.

Enjoy all your future runs!! Xx

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Ang33333

you've always been an inspiration, what a brilliant cause race for life is, nothing like a bunch of determined women to kick cancer into touch.

Ang33333 profile image
Ang33333Graduate in reply to Jullaly

You inspired me! You started before me and I'm not quite running 5k yet! Well done you!! 😎😎

Dexy5 profile image

Well done OLR. I am so happy for you. You overcame the heat, your fear of running with others and you had all the emotions involved in the race for life and your losses this year. You are a star ⭐️.

I hope you will now run in public more often .

Hang that medal where everyone can see it and be proud 🏅

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Dexy5

I'm going to concentrate on my diet and fitness to keep building confidence to run in public

bonny_lass profile image

Congratulations. That is a great achievement. Well done u.

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to bonny_lass

Thank you it was an amazing experience

bonny_lass profile image
bonny_lassGraduate in reply to Jullaly

U look so happy. So glad.

Elfe5 profile image

Great photo - and a huge well done hug to you, I’m SO proud of you.😄

What an achievement and what a special way to remember your your loved ones. 😀

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Elfe5

Thank you and of course you have all been a huge part of my journey

Crittermad profile image

Oh, your post is so moving - well done!! My baby sister had cancer and has been disease free for 2 years now, getting on with life as a 29 year old should. It was a terrifying time for the family.

I grew up in Newcastle so remember the town moor from the hoppings days! Circa 1980 😂. I’m glad public running was such a positive experience for you.

It’s mad isn’t it!? 12 weeks!!! 👏👏👏 well done you ❤️

Happy running 🏃🏻‍♀️

Ljb71 profile image

Well done, such a good cause. Enjoy your medal 🥇

Oldfloss profile image

Brilliant..brilliant brilliant.. what a comeback.. what a smile and what a run:)

Very well done you! So good to see you back up and running:) xxxx

Jay66UK profile image

👏👏👏 Great write up. Lovely photo. Great to have you back with us 😘

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Jay66UK

Now I'm back to health you won't get rid of me lol

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Jullaly

Good! I’ll hold you to that.

Outofpuff profile image

Well get you notsooldladyruns5kinpublic shocker. And a big pat on the back to your other half for talking sense and bundling you into the car. You’ve done stonkingly well, I’m super impressed and I hope you’ve treated yourself to something gorgeous like a big glass of wine, some chocolate - or maybe just a warm bath. Keep us up to date on your progress....

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Outofpuff

It was the bath and the wine last night and quite pleased that I managed my public debut!

lexi6 profile image

Yay! LOR You look so happy and proud. Good for you, conquering 5 k and your running in public too. Ooh and not forgetting the bling. What a wonderful way of remembering those we’ve lost. 🌸 💕 xxxx

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to lexi6

It was a very special day indeed x

Big up to you oldladyruns. You are an inspiration to me and many... Keep Smiling 😁.🌠

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to

we all inspire each other and that is the beauty of this place, I couldn't have achieved what I have without all of you.

JoP61 profile image

Fantastic achievement - well done. And in that heat! Many congratulations. 👏👏👏🏃‍♀️👍

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to JoP61

It was incredibly hot and I certainly didn't do my best because of it but I still got around the course

Ripcurlrana71 profile image

Absolutely brilliant Jullaly !! Such a special run full of emotions. You did yourself and your friends/family proud. 💕💕💕

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Ripcurlrana71

It was a brilliant public debut lol

Oh wow! A blast from the past. As a Geordie and having left home 40 years ago I’m 60 now,I always get a pang of homesickness when I see pictures of Newcastle or read anything about it. The town moor always brings good memories of the “ hoppings” every June .This was the annual fair and we would have great times there. Also isn’t that the Hancock museum ? I do remember my brother,mam and me on a wee boat rowing on that lake. It looks like The exhibition park. Ooh great memories ! Thank you.

Fab photo you look very happy indeed on your achievement !😀😀👏👏👏💐

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to

oh i remember the hoppings in the 80s , on the waltzer with my new perm! The Hoppings still come, usually in a sea of mud. Yes it was in exhibition park and that is the very lake behind me. The Handcock museum is still going strong.

in reply to Jullaly

Thanks so much oldlayruns! Where abouts do you farm? I’ve just read one of your post with the picture of your beautiful cows. Are you a Geordie too?🤗🤗

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to

We farm close to Hexham in Northumberland and although my mother is an Aussie my dad is proper Geordie like ..lol

in reply to Jullaly

Beautiful part of the world. I originate from a mining village called Hazelrigg then I spent my childhood days to teens ( till I left home)

In another mining village called Seaton Burn.My mam and I lived with my grandparents. They brought me up as my mam trained to be a nurse at Ashington hospital and came home at weekends.

My grandfather worked down the mines looking after the pit ponies. He was a ploughman in his youth and worked the land before going down the mines. My play area when we were kids was the pityard.He was originally from Scotland so I am half Scots too.

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to

I know both Hazelrigg and Seaton Burn well, happy memories for you. Ashington hospital is still going strong

in reply to Jullaly

Yes indeed! Thanks again!😀😀xx

in reply to

We used to live in 2 office houses at the top end of Seaton Burn. There used to be a pub opposite side of the road. It’s not there anymore.But the houses are and there’s more house as the mine has gone now replaced by houses and businesses. Happy days!!!.

Oh you have made an old girl very happy indeed! hee! hee!😀😀

I have spent many happy days out in Hexham beautiful .........😀😀

Mimirossi profile image

I have not been on the forum for a while as I had a few months on the injury couch, so I hadn’t seen your posts before. I had a read through them and was really inspired by your story. What a courageous person you are when you kept going in spite of bereavements and set backs. Your husband sounds very caring and supportive too.

I am so pleased that you enjoyed the RFL. It sounds amazing! I will have to try it next year.

I love where you live! We went on holiday to a beautiful place on the River Tyne, a few miles north of Hexham, in May. I restarted my running there after my long lay off and absolutely loved the countryside.

Well done for proving to your disparaging “friends” that you are a runner! You should be so proud of yourself!

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Mimirossi

Thank you, I hope you have recovered, its hard work starting again from the injury couch. Good Luck to you. They do a great Parkrun on the Tyne, I am going to try it next Saturday.

Mimirossi profile image
MimirossiGraduate in reply to Jullaly

That sounds fabulous! Good luck!

Melo_smiles profile image

What an amazing journey you have been on and so lovely to hear how you completed race for life especially in this heat 😅 Love how this is just the beginning for you now 🏃🏻‍♀️👍xx

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Melo_smiles

Thank you ..its been a tricky journey and I have a long way to go but I will get there. More importantly I am loving it

_SimonT_ profile image

Yours is such an inspirational journey and reading your post made me quite emotional.

Congratulations on your RFL achievement. I hope you continue to love running as much as you do now. You really are an absolute angel! 😇

over61andstilltrying profile image

So very well done you! 🎀🌸👚🏅2500 people with such heart rending stories to share and so many precious ones to remember. It must have bee an amazing occasion. Apologies for this very late reply, I have been away a lot and not on the forum. All the very, very best for your onward running journey. I should imagine that you are feeling the joy of the school holidays and are perhaps freer to make a larger variety of running plans. Well done again! 🏃🏻‍♀️ 🏃🏻‍♀️ 🏃🏻‍♀️

skysue16 profile image

How wonderful, many congratulations on your success 😀

Eiralas profile image

Congratulations! That sounds like an amazing, and emotional, day. Well done you for tackling it in the heat - those you were running in memory of would be proud of all you have achieved, I'm sure. You did it 🌷

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