Health for mature adults.: Hi I am over 50 and... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Beachbuddy8 profile image
47 Replies

Hi I am over 50 and want to get fit. Is there anyone near my age who has felt the benefit of this programme and how do you feel now ?

Thanks BB

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Beachbuddy8 profile image
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47 Replies
Jay66UK profile image

Hi. I’m 52 and there are lots of us around this age and much older.

I went over 20 years with no real exercise. Life events drew me to want to get fitter and so I half-heartedly started this programme.

It is literally the best thing I have ever done for myself bar none. I am fitter, I have started slowly losing weight, and the mental benefits are just amazing.

Try it. You might hate it. But you’ll probably get fitter anyway. And you might just end up hooked on running like many of us on here.

Beachbuddy8 profile image
Beachbuddy8 in reply to Jay66UK

Thank you so much.... its inspirational

Thea1965 profile image

Hi Beachbuddy8! I am 52 and currently on week 4, run 3. Since starting the programme I have seen a massive improvement in my fitness. I can now walk up a hill without running out of breath and find I have more "breath"during any other physical activities.

As an added bonus: my shape is changing! I lost 12 kg in weight before I started the programme, but now I am"running" ( slow jog really) people are starting to notice.

Before this I have never ever ran before, so if I can do it, so can you!

Beachbuddy8 profile image
Beachbuddy8 in reply to Thea1965

Thank you I am going to give it a go

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Beachbuddy8

Good for you. Love the profile picture by the way. What a picture of contentment.

mrrun profile image

Benefits? I’m 54, fitter then ever and slim like a piano wire, forgot what it was like to smoke and stay in bed until lunchtime, brought blood pressure back to where it should be and completed half marathon. Oh, and I’ve still got all of my hair! ;)

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to mrrun

That final benefit isn’t a guaranteed part of the programme. But I’ve got all of mine too. Some places, more than ever 🤣🤣🤣

Oops, sorry. This is the “mature adults” thread!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate in reply to Jay66UK

Always ready with a quip, Jay! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

YogaRules profile image
YogaRules in reply to Jay66UK

Ive got all my own teeth .......

Fabulous450 profile image

Hey BB, I was 49 yesterday and graduated yesterday! Never run before this programme. It’s doable at our age and it’s an amazing experience too!

How do I feel now? On top of the world! You will too! It’s a fantastic programme! Enjoy!! ❤️

Gilly0410 profile image
Gilly0410Graduate in reply to Fabulous450

Well done and belated happy birthday 🎂🎁🏆⭐️🎉🥇😘

cheekychipmunks profile image

Yessssss. I’m 54, over half way through the programme and I’m feeling fitter in every way. I’m not doing it for weightloss, and I don’t think it’s designed for that, but your body shape definitely changes for the better.

Do it. You’ll love it! 😀❤️

Tbae profile image

This is the best fitness decision of your life.🤔

Give this gift to yourself and it will change your life.

Stay close to the forum and ask for all the help you need.

You are in possession of an amazing piece of kit and it will

amaze you.

You are only a spring chicken.

I took up running in my 75th year and I consider I am recovering some of my fitness of 55 years ago.

We exist to connect, not disconnection,running and this forum will support you and this gift to yourself.

Great that you have decided to pursue this.

Read the essential Pinned Posts.🌟👏👏

Beachbuddy8 profile image
Beachbuddy8 in reply to Tbae

You are so much of an inspiration to me Thanks

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to Beachbuddy8

We all do our best.

Enjoy it all.

Believe in you, the programme and the forum.

Running is the life’s blood of our soul.

Take good care of you.🌟👏👏

Big_maz profile image

Hi I’m 61 really does change your body shape mental and health give it a go

penedawn profile image

If you have seen your doc and there are no concerns then do it. Not everyone likes running, especially if they carry more weight as it is hard on the knees and hips. If there are family problems in the bones anyway that may not be the first thing to do. But going to a gym is a good start, especially aqua as you feel part of a group and your get confidence and more information from others in the gym. Pilates is a good one but as everyone has said there is no age that you have to stop running and no age to have to start. You don't have to beat everyone, just bring your heart rate up, walk and job, fast walk. It will all help.

JulesHP profile image

I am 52 and three weeks in, having done no real exercise in an age,I can tell you that I already feel massively healthier. I have always been pretty energetic until I was diagnosed with a condition that has the unfortunate side effect of massive fatigue. Amazingly this programme has helped massively combat that. I live in a very hilly Town, I do not drive so walk everywhere, I noticed pretty quickly the ease in which I now storm up and down said hills again. Go for it I say!

Patrick1942 profile image

I started c25k at 73, best thing I have done for years, not only am I fitter, have lost 2 stones and made many new friends. Yesterday I completed my 90th Parkrun.

You have taken the hardest step by getting off the couch, now you need to follow the program and don't look too far ahead and frighten yourself. Remember it's the head that gives up not the body.

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to Patrick1942

Very well done Patrick.

Everything you say is so spot on.


cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate in reply to Patrick1942

Inspirational. ❤️

Beachbuddy8 profile image
Beachbuddy8 in reply to Patrick1942

fantastic !!

Sandraj39 profile image

My story is similar to many....took up running again at 49 using C25K. Took a while to complete as I picked up an injury first time through (not actually running at the time it happened however!) Completed the programme in October 2015 (?I think!) and have continued to run ever since. I completed my first half marathon in March last year - remember it like it was yesterday as one of the proudest moments of my life! If you follow the programme, take your time and build up your fitness sensibly, this programme really can take you wherever you want your running to go! Physical benefits aside, I have battled with anxiety at different times in my life and NOTHING has helped as much as regular running! It really is my 'medication!!' Good luck - you have made a great choice!🙂

Jundal profile image

I'm afraid I'm a spring chicken at 'only' 39! 😂

I started after I quit slimming world a couple of months ago as something that maybe wouldnt keep the weight off, but would help my heart, my back pain and give me more energy. The weight has stabilised, and the worst I get in my back is a slight tightness, and I feel so much better!

The improvements in my head is so much more though. I feel... Well, the only way to describe it is younger! I'm more settled and stable for the most part. Gotta love the unthought of side effects of running!

Keasel profile image

I am also over 50. It is a great program and I have recently completed Week 6 run 1. I am definitely fitter and less achy than I was plus I’ve found I quite like this thing called running😅. The key is to jog as slow as you need to to get your runs done. I’m planning to work on getting faster once I graduate. If you have any health issues then check with your doctor first but I say go for it and let us all know how you get on.

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate in reply to Keasel

Exactly the same stage in the programme as me, Keasel. No need to rush to get to 5k, but I feel awesome. 😀👍🏻

Berksrover profile image

Hi Beachbuddy8 I Will be 58 in a couple of weeks, never done much exercise, joined C25K at the beginning of April, ran my first 10k this morning, joining C25K has been one of the best decisions of my life

Beachbuddy8 profile image
Beachbuddy8 in reply to Berksrover

wow thanks for the encouragement

Oldfloss profile image

I feel awesome... and that is even whilst on the injury couch!!!

Nowhere near your age though................... I am 68 :) x

Equi-geek profile image
Equi-geekGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Not long now Oldfloss - I can hear you’re gagging to get out there again! 👍🏼

Hi beachbuddy8.

Well I’m 60 and have been running now for about 3 years. It’s the best form of exercise for. I love just getting out there. I’m no Mo Farah but I get there and thoroughly enjoy it.😀😀

Also there is such great people on this forum. Lots of good sound advice so there’s always someone out there willing to help.

So congrats at getting out there and keep up the great running.👍👍😀😀

Dralimc profile image

Yup, 51 fitter than ever, both physically and psychologically. No brainier. 😊

Equi-geek profile image

Yep! 50 this year and physically mentally fitter than I have been in years and years! Just graduated yesterday - go for it! 🤞🏻👏👍

Hi I am 56 (started here at 55) and have to say that this programme has led to some changes in my life. Actually I would say:-


I now run 3 or more times a week, every week; wherever I am in the world, I bore family and friends about my running, I wear smaller clothes and shop in Sweaty Betty more than any other shop.


Dralimc profile image
DralimcGraduate in reply to

Ooh, sweaty Betty. Now there’s somewhere new to shop!!!


Just noticed the post was aimed at 'mature adults', so maybe I should not have responded...

MsFickle profile image

Hi I am 56 started a year ago and I have never felt so good mentally or physically, i lost weight can now run 30 -40 mins (something I've never done not even at school). I followed the app and I still do 3-4 times a week - C25K is awesome.

Vix_yp profile image

Hello! I’m 50 and don’t have any previous running experience. I can honestly say that I am loving it and definitely beginning to notice the benefits both physically and mentally since starting the programme. I’m due to start week 5 tomorrow, so still have a way to go yet. Good luck! 😀🏃🏽‍♀️👍

MsFickle profile image

Isn't it brilliant there are so many of us that are dare I say middle age newbies - we could have an over 50's forum all of our own ? 😀 seriously I think we are amazing 😀

Berksrover profile image
BerksroverGraduate in reply to MsFickle

Couldn't agree more, 50 is the new 40 etc. 😉💪🏃‍♀️🏃👵🧓

Cloudbuster profile image

Hi Beachbuddy8. I turn 50 next year and I'm on week 6 run 2. Tried running before several times but gave up. However this plan definitely works! It makes sense, slow and steady is key.

I've caught the bug! Sure you will too. Go for it! Enjoy 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️👍😁

Gilly0410 profile image

I can only echo what others have said. I graduated just over 3 weeks ago and then have been on the IC for 3 weeks. I’m 50 next year and never thought I could do this. But now I’m frustrated and quite miserable that I can’t!! My body shape changed I had more get up and go, but now I feel like a sloth!! I think it’s a great thing for women in our age groupish for getting through other changes at this stage in life too. Go for it girl, hopefully I’ll be back in the game soon. 😘

Beachbuddy8 profile image
Beachbuddy8 in reply to Gilly0410

Just done my very first one red faced and sweaty but looking forward to the next one thanks for you help

Cliff_H profile image

I am 49 in a few weeks so of a similar age. I started the programme in May last year as I was feeling unfit and struggling to keep up with my other half and the kids, having had to sit and watch my family run a 5k where I had to sit and hold the coats being unable to run unless I was chasing the ice cream van. I suffer from hypothyroidism as well so hoped running would help with the fatigue and muscle and joint pain.

I completed the programme and carried on running doing 20-30k per week and really enjoying my running. Parkruns and charity runs with the family and 5k and 10K races with my son and other half.

Fast forward to 29th March this year and I had a massive stroke (Vertebral arterial dissection)... the neurologist and my GP were pretty clear that my running and good health saved my life as fitness creates inherent protections.

3.5 months later I am back running 2x10k and an 8k every week, albeit much slower but it’s helping a lot with my recovery and the many deficits I am now working through.

I can’t recommend it highly enough. It literally saved my life... Oh and I have nearly the same size waist I had at 21 and regret throwing so many clothes away 😂

Gilly0410 profile image

Well done Cliff, inspirational!!! One of my reasons for starting this was that my daughters friend had a stroke last December aged 17. A local charity called Paul for Brain injury, have worked wonders with her and every year they do a 10km charity run. My daughter took park on April 1st this year and when I watched all the runners of varying ages, shapes and sizes, I felt guilty and started the C25k on 11/4. The girl who is recovering is hoping to take part in the run next April.

Well done for your achievements, keep up the good work and I wish you the very best of luck with your recovery 😘

BarbieW profile image

Hi Beachbuddy8 and welcome to this awesome club.

I started this running lark at 62, having done no exercise for many years. I have survived breast cancer, have hypothyroidism and have been Type1 diabetic since the age of 12. And I have never felt fitter than I do after 10 weeks of the C25k programme.

I have also found I eat better and drink less wine than before, and am much better at getting up in the mornings.

So stay in there, you too can feel great 😊

Beachbuddy8 profile image
Beachbuddy8 in reply to BarbieW

Thank you for your encouragement I’m excited fir Monday to start week two !!

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