So fed up...more snow...mega whinge coming... - Couch to 5K

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So fed up...more snow...mega whinge coming...

42 Replies

Today is a run day. I do NOT want to do two dreadmill runs in a row, and I have my new On Cloud running shoes to try out. Because of my fractured femur leg, scoliosis and weak knee, I can't afford to slip. I'm not going to even go out with the dogs this morning. Ever since my accident when I was 19. I haven't been able to keep my feet in slippery conditions. I still have the kunschner nail in my femur, so even more reason not to fall; it was already dislodged and hammered back in in the past. It's that kind of fine, thin layer on the pavements that is like grease to walk on.

Please, please, please let it clear up by early evening so that I can go out and run.

Sorry for mega moan. Feeling very sorry for myself.

View across the road from where I'm sitting at the computer.

42 Replies
TJMazz profile image

So annoying when you are planned and ready to go and the weather gets in the way. Hoping it clears up for you so you can get out and do your stuff 🙌🏼

in reply to TJMazz

Thank you. i shouldn't complain because Oop North has had it worse this winter, as have Scotland and Wales. Just having good old moan really.

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Sadie-runs profile image

🙁 So sorry, what a bummer. Move to London, it hardly ever snows here!

Winter does not last for ever, dearest, and we are on the downward slope to spring now! Think of all that lovely spring/summer running you have in front of you! For now, to the dreadmill with you!


in reply to Sadie-runs

Ah, that made me smile Sadie-runs . I don't think I can afford to move to London, unfortunately (especially after buying all those running shoes ;) ) though Mic, my partner, would love it as he loves London and both his kids are there. And, yeah, you are right, spring will soon be here; but I won't just have got new shoes then ;( xx

Photo added

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to

Are you SURE you won’t have any new shoes then? 😂

in reply to Sadie-runs

shut up LOL

Elfe5 profile image

Uh, oh, sorry for your frustration.

Make the treadmill as fun as possible- favourite Lycra, music/ podcast- release those endorphins!! 😄

in reply to Elfe5

LOL, I think the dreadmill and endorphins are mutually exclusive for me. Praying for a thaw by this evening.

Photo added

Oldfloss profile image

It is very treacherous here, also...overnight freezing and ice, and freezing rain earlier, now being covered with falling snow.

You are incredibly sensible, and with all that you are contending with physically, even more so...

Being unable to get those outdoor runs, suddenly becomes of paramount importance... and even being on the IC does little to ease that feeling.

The forecast does, give rain later, for you..but there is uncertainty, as ever. I do hope it clears for you...patience is the thing:) xx

“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.”

in reply to Oldfloss

You have far worse than we do. See my added photo. It's warming up here later, so I'm hoping. xx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

That’s a beautiful saying, Floss. ❤️

in reply to Sadie-runs

it is - though maybe not relevant in the arctic circle ;)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Not so sure, with the current climatic changes!

Pm3eak profile image
Pm3eakGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you! I love that quote from Hal Borland, a great writer.

He also said:

'Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.”

Which I think is apt too.

If you are a dog person read 'The dog who came to stay'. I would read it again but by some weird coincidence I get something wrong with my eyes when I do.

in reply to Pm3eak

Ooh, I shall look that one up. Thank you.

Sarakc profile image

Just been watching the weather forecast! Much milder conditions everywhere tomorrow!

Feel your frustration though! I went out yesterday after work which I don’t normally do on a Saturday but I’d tried on new running leggings and just had to try them out! It was a bit icy in places! Hurry up spring!! 😀

in reply to Sarakc

Milder by fiveish tonight so i'm hoping. Those lingering bits of ice can catch you unawares. I certainly don't want to wait another day if I can help as have had a two day gap.

How were the new leggings?

Sarakc profile image
SarakcGraduate in reply to

They were good thanks!! Not bright I’m afraid but a bargain at £4.50 reduced from £10 in Tesco!! Wee bit of colour on waistband which isn’t visible when you wear them!! I need to invest in nice new bright tops I think!! 😀. Oh and be very careful! I just nearly went my length on slippery pavement getting out of car!!! 😆

in reply to Sarakc

Wow, that's a bargain. Somebody mentioned Sweaty Betty leggings but they're nearly £100!!!

quirkybee profile image

Ooh be careful lovely if you do venture, the thought of reading about your femur made my bum twitch (too much info, I know) 🤣🤣 but I kniw what it's like from experience with my mum 18 years ago, she fell down her stairs, top to bottom and broke her collar and femur bone.

Yes, those pavements are like a sheet of grease, so either not go or be very careful if you do xx

in reply to quirkybee

Thank you. :) I will be careful, I promise. I've had to be since I was 19. Hopefully it will have thawed by tonight. It's predicted to be warmer and raining. Xx

Anthie profile image

I understand your frustration as myself, for completely different reasons, haven't been able to run this morning while I'm aching for it since I haven't run for 10 days (bad cold, but did go to work, so no stamina for a run and so much rain... Slept awfully badly last night). I've got quite a lot of work to do and then I'll see if I can get a nap. Perhaps I'll be able to go for a short run in the afternoon.

Even if very frustrating, so much more reasonable to stay in for you. Patience... Is the treadmill so bad? I would love to have that kind of view out of my window while working and snow would be welcome too: everything would be better than rain (I don't mind rain so much, it's just that we've only had 2h30 of sun since the start of January!!!).

A nice cup of tea or chocolate, a great book to read: relax and enjoy!

in reply to Anthie

Well, you have far more reason to moan than i have! I hope you feel completely better now.

The dreadmill really is just for emergencies. It's not like the nice big ones when they test your gait. i have to be careful not to slip off the end or run over the side. What I might do if the weather doesn't improve is have a ten minute run on it today then run outside tomorrow. I'm hoping it's ok to run consecutive days if the first run is very short.

Meanwhile I'm a readaholic, so need no encouragement :)

Pm3eak profile image

Snow given way to rain here and a slow thaw-but still too treacherous to run; it will all look better tomorrow Flick. I am driving my wife to our nearest little gym, five miles away, so she can run on the treadmill. I will give copious support while reading the Sunday papers ( not running until tomorrow).

My Grandad -even more of an anachronistic, rural peasant than I am-always used to say:

'Dunna fret

Dry or wet

Weather allus

Pays its debt.'

I hope he was right as I have a huge vegetable garden still saturated and undug.

Just seen a blue tit on the feeder wearing water wings as opposed to ski goggles : good sign?

in reply to Pm3eak

we have sleet here now, slowly warming up, I still have hope.

In Iceland they say: if you dont like the weather, wait five minutes. Paradoxically, it was warmer there than here when we went.

Would you use the dreadmill if you were stuck in for long?

Pm3eak profile image
Pm3eakGraduate in reply to

Possibly, if the weather lasted long enough. In short term, I enjoy skipping: fantastic workout.

in reply to Pm3eak

I cant do skippjng. My bad knee balloons. I bought a small trampoline many years ago and had to get rid of it after my knee became severely swollen and immobile. Running hasnt affected it at all- except a slight discomfort after the dreadmill- but the repetitive impact of skipping or jumping destroys it.

misswobble profile image

Murph commented recently how her new oncloud shoes are as slippery as heck! Have you got some yaktrax?

It was the postman who introduced me to them I’ve run on that wet thin icy snow in them but they worked better on proper solid ice and thick snow. Not good for the conditions on your picture though You can get studded run shoes like they use in Scandinavia but I’ve not got those Yet 😁

I ran yesters and it was vile. Slippery with rain freezing on top of already icy patches, and deep slushy mud. My shoes are horrendous I am training and don’t want to miss runs but I wouldn’t have turned out otherwise. The last thing anyone needs is a hip fracture or whatever.

A rest day or three is fine as you are letting your body repair itself

in reply to misswobble

Looking at them, I wouldnt run in slippery conditions, but then I wouldnt in any of my running shoes, except maybe the trail ones, and then only mud not ice and snow.

I do indeed have yaktraks, and they saved my life when I needed to walk the dogs in iced over deep snow some years back. But they are no good at all on a thin slick of snow or on slush.

Yeah, Ive had three or even four days rest before, but not since I graduated - and certainly not when I had NEWS SHOES!!!!! 😳😳☹️

in reply to misswobble

Btw, did Murph say they slipped in the wet or just ice or snow dont like the sound of this.

misswobble profile image

The yaktrax are good for when I walk the hound He pulls for England and scares the bejesus out of me. I have to try and make sure he doesn’t get started on his lurch forwards, or it’s curtains. I have a dog voice for such occasions 🙄

in reply to misswobble

I know that voice! I have a Saluki lurcher and a collie/husky x (pretty sure i mentioned that before) so the voice is needed. Isha my lurcher doesnt pull. Dennis did but a no pull harness sortd him out. But my beloved walked them when I was in hospital and recovering from surgery last year, and got them into bad habits. He atill walks them enough for me not to be able to undo all the damage.

misswobble profile image

We have a real dicey flight of wooden steps on our walk, which is slippery as heck, both up and down, and I have to reel him in to stop him from running away with me. I gather him close and tell him in my deepest voice “steady!l

He’s got much better now but his pulling power is crazy I think sometimes he will pull me in half. He has pulled me off my feet a lot I was jogging with him the other day and he was really good bless im.

in reply to misswobble

Have you tried any non pull harnesses? Im guessing you will have done. Dennis used to pull so badly that he caused arthritis in my left hand. Te harness is brilliant.

misswobble profile image

I just got him a hound lead when he broke yet another lead 🙄 His owner did get a harness but it made him speed up. i think he could have trialled it for longer though

Just looking out the window and the snow is coming down harder. Pleased I ran yesters

in reply to misswobble

Just raining here now.

Sadie-runs profile image

Sheesh, I spoke too soon, it’s chucking it down snowing in London now!!!

in reply to Sadie-runs

Aagghh noooo! I've blighted your weather ,😥

icklegui profile image
ickleguiGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

haha, I was going to say! but they grit the paths round the station here, so if you're ever here for some tourist running Hidden ... (there are trails and parks too, not just concrete :) )

in reply to icklegui

I wish. No grit here. And though it's raining now, the snow is showing no signs of melting ,😕

icklegui profile image
ickleguiGraduate in reply to

Darnit. Fingers crossed for 5pm! Stay safe, above all.

in reply to icklegui

I'm almost resigned to waiting till tomorrow 😐

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