3K away... : From a HALF MARATHON! :) Morning... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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3K away...

35 Replies


Morning all, Aussie here reporting in after my longest and toughest run to date... 18K doncha know... that's just over 11 miles and 3K away from a half marathon... not a bad way to celebrate my 26 week anniversary of starting C25K... that's right folks - I started W1R1 26 short weeks ago and today I ran for almost 2 hours and nearly did a half marathon distance with some hills... :)

Today was Richmond Park clockwise again and I decided this morning on 18K (10% rule) after the 10 miles last week... I left a bit later than normal (8:30ish) and the sun was up so it was going to be a bit tougher I thought... water, energy bar and hydration belt loaded up with water bottles, a gel and some energy chews and we're off... 5 minute warm up over and here we go...

The first 5K tick over pretty quickly and I'm at Pembroke Lodge again and into the downhill section of Richmond Park... it's warm out and there are LOTS of runners out today as I've left later... and most of them are overtaking me... ha! They're not doing 18K today though... :)

Round the back end of Richmond Park and 10K clicks over at 1:05 so my timing is okay (this was the only time I checked pace the whole time actually - was running on feel and heart rate again today). At 10K I decided to do a bit of trail running and took off beside the river rather than following the bike path... was great to mix up the surfaces a bit... very different on a narrow bit of trail vs a wide gravel path...

About 11.5K and I down the gel - the hill is coming... :) Feeling good now... still smiling at least and up the hill we go - I push hard up the hill... even managed a groan at the top but I made it and my HR is peaking now... slow down and keep going... phew... it's all downhill from here (ish).... into 14KM and we start the downhill towards Kingston Gate again and this is great fun as usual...

At Kingston Gate rather than exit like normal, today I am lapping again and headed towards Ham Gate for the second time today... this is where the 10 mile (16.1K) mark comes up and I'm now going into uncharted territory and I'm officially into my longest run....

A slight hill from Ham Gate to road now (for the second time - the first time was at about 4KM, now we're at 16.5K)... and it nearly destroys me... I am shattered at the top.. I turn left, slow jog about 50m and then... WALK... yep... I had to stop the Garmin, gather my thoughts, my breath and walk for about 2 minutes... then I turned around, started the Garmin again and kept running.... that hill got me and I can see why walking sometimes is okay now... that reduction in heart rate and recovery meant I could carry on... it didn't cost me much in time and I quickly recovered... I put the gremlin in my head saying "you were beaten today" in its place by continuing to run now... all the way to 18K... :)

Was there anything left at 18K? To be honest, not a lot... do I think I could have pushed for that magic HM distance? Maybe... but I have 6 months to train for that distance!

What next? Well, it's consolidation time... this is the last of the super long distances for a little while now... next weekend will be a 10K, then I have 2 weeks of races (London Zoo 10K, Kew Gardens 10K) and then a few weeks until the 13K Kingston Run and then the 10K Riverside Run.... I think a month of 10-15K long runs and 4 of them being under race conditions should be an EXCELLENT consolidation and training base for going longer over winter in preparation for the Feb HM... I also think the base I put in over the last month has me super ready for the 10K races I have coming up and I intend to treat all of those races as long run training events so I'm not aiming to go flat out... just enjoy them!

26 weeks ago I couldn't run... then I ran 60 seconds... today I ran for almost 7200 seconds... and walked for 120 seconds... :) I covered 18000 metres and even did some hills.... and I'm still smiling!

Now it's time for Chocolate Recovery Milk, lots of water and LOTS of rest... There's some races to get ready for now... the foundations are laid - now to just enjoy some 10Ks... Can't believe that I now think a 10K is a "decent distance for an event".... Who have I become? I'm not sure, but I like who I am a whole lot better thanks to C25K and thanks to all of your support....

Happy running... and remember to smile - this is meant to be fun! :)

Have a great week y'all.... and run! Whether you're on week 1 or getting ready for a marathon - do your best and just "relax and enjoy it"... it's only a competition against yourself after all! :)

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35 Replies
GettingFitter profile image

Fantastic run Aussie. Sounds like you had a great time and what a distance. Absoulutely staggered by your achievements 7140 seconds more than 26 weeks ago is incredible. Such an inspiration a massive well done and enjoy your CRM :-) !!!!!

in reply to GettingFitter

Thanks GF - the CRM was awesome! :)

Miles_Yonder profile image

Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, Aussie! :-)

Really Great Post (RGP) as ever, and as ever, great selfie too! :-)

What a brilliant run; 18K for the first time isn't easy as it really is some distance but very well done - it's an amazing journey, this running business and one we're honoured to share with you. You did great today, especially given the later start time and the fact it will have been warmer then. My opinion of walking has changed too, after that 10K race where I had to. If you have to, you have to and there's nothing wrong with it at all. I know we'd all love to run through the whole thing but sometimes, for whatever reason, it's no always possible and we should never, ever feel guilty about a bit of a walk. :-)

18K around a park; very well done and my deepest admirations, I would struggle with that. I'd need some city scenery, unless it was a themed race or something. Glad to hear you're consolidating now in preparation for your races of shorter distance; that will help your 10K performance no end - that's the reason (well, one of them) I tapered back a bit this week and will be doing two 10Ks next week, as they're different to the longer races and need to be approached with a different mindset, I've found.

You really are right, C25K has the potential to change a person's life for the better in very many ways, if we let it and it brings about changes we never envisaged. You're doing really really brilliantly. Now, go have yourself a very very well-earned rest, my dear Aussie! :-)

Well done! :-) You'll do superb on your races!

in reply to Miles_Yonder

I'm looking forward to "just" 10K now... thanks! I do need to stop signing up for things though!

runswithdogs profile image

Wow. Congratulations. What an inspiration to all of us - it's amazing to think that's possible after starting the program 26 weeks ago. Well done.

in reply to runswithdogs

Thanks - you couldn't have told me this was possible but I'm amazed every time I step out the door... that's the great bit about being a beginner. The results are larger and more rapid... I'm going to enjoy that feeling while I can... :)

Vixchile profile image

Great post - that is some distance -there was me thinking of hm in April - urm not sure now. It's far, very very far. Well done - this programme is fantastic! It's an amazing achievement !

Like how 10km zoo race has been signed up for too - a bit jealous

in reply to Vixchile

It's a Looong way alright... today I really appreciated just how far... it's 3 MORE kilometres than what I ran and I was spent... and that's just a HALF marathon! LOL!

The Zoo run will be great... I've told my kids if I go too slow that they'll let the lions out... they're excited and told me that I better run fast then! :)

Pigivi profile image

That's great Aussie! And in only 26 weeks - which about the same amount of time I have been doing this too.... today was my longest run so far - even if at just 52 minutes ... Have been thinking of a HM next may - but I haven't done a single race yet - not even a 10 meter one! ​

in reply to Pigivi

May next year is a long way away - never say never... it'd keep you out there in winter... :)

Good luck whatever you choose though ... do you Park run? That's a great intro to a "race feel" without it being a race...

ju-ju- profile image

wow thats such an amazing achievement, well done you and enjoy the treats :)

in reply to ju-ju-

Thanks - I bet there'll be a Panther at the Zoo race... :)

beforefifty profile image

Awesome Mr Aussiegtc! As an overweight slow shuffler I live vicariously through your wonderful descriptions of your long fabulous runs :D Keep up the good work!

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to beforefifty

I do that too!! All the time I was on the injury couch, I lived everyone else's running. Fun isn't it? ;)

in reply to beforefifty

Thanks BF... I am getting less weighty every week - maybe that explains the times coming down actually... :)

Tonight I had a double serve of pasta though... just because! :)

poppypug profile image

Well done Aus, fab post and that is a serious , hardcore distance. Do you have special turbo Aussie batteries ? :-)

D'ya remember ages ago you put a before and after weight loss photo up ? It would be really interesting to see it again with you as you are now .

That grin has certainly got bigger though, its huge !!!! :-D

Hows Mrs Aussie doing ? :-) xxx

in reply to poppypug

Tis done my dear... enjoy!

Mrs Aussie is out for W2R3 this evening... she's going GREAT... and she's coming along to all my races too (I suspect she'll be joining them soon enough...) .. :)

TurboTortoise profile image

That is a heck of a distance - what an achievement, Aussie, feel very, very proud. Guess where I was at 8.30 this morning - yep, running in Richmond Park. 'Only' 12k for me today though, and not all the way round. It was a beautiful morning for it!

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to TurboTortoise

Only!!!!!!!! :)

in reply to TurboTortoise

We keep missing each other around that park... :)

"Only" a 12K then? You better up your game Mrs as you have a marathon next weekend! :) :) :)

Where does the race end BTW? I might come and cheer you over the line... :)

TurboTortoise profile image
TurboTortoiseGraduate in reply to

It ends at the Hawker Centre in Kingston (the turnaround point for that exceptionally hot riverside 10k). Kicks off at 9am from Virginia Water totem pole, but I reckon you have time for a long run and a very leisurely brunch before our team gets anywhere near the finish!

in reply to TurboTortoise

Yep - know it well... My daughters do their dancing lessons there and it's the start and finish of the Kingston Parkrun...

Might see you there - you never know... :)

Good luck! Sounds like a great event...

AncientMum profile image

Excellent post Aussie and what a fantastic achievement! 18k! That's 18k in 26 weeks!! Amazing! Think you're doing exactly the right thing by going for consolidatin now though. That's the trouble with the 10% rule - the further you run, the further that 10% increase becomes. 10% of 5k is only 500m but 10% of 15k is 1.5k.

Anyway, enough of the primary school maths, you did a hell of a run today and you must be mighty proud- achey but proud. Keep looking after those muscles and joints, Sweetie and hopefully they'll keep looking after you. Happy resting :)

in reply to AncientMum

Thanks AM - so far so good on the joints and muscles... I went out with the Aussielettes this afternoon and walked about 5km with them so that's kept things moving nicely...

I have also tried a few things different that "might" be working (hard to tell but you know what I mean):

1) Compression shorts on the run... at the very least it reduces chafing which happened on the 10 mile run... ouch!

2) Compression socks AFTER my run.. seems to reduce the shin splints/calf ache...

3) Doing some core strength exercises on rest days... I can "plank" now for over 2 minutes!

Hard to tell if it's actually the gear or just placebo effect but I'm not about to change now! :)

I also now try to follow the rules, hence consolidation (okay, admittedly forced due to the races) but that's a good way to build strength too..

Lovefood1984 profile image

Fab run Aussie, you'll nail those 10k's! :)

in reply to Lovefood1984

Thanks LF - I know I can finish them, that much is for sure! I'm looking forward to just running them at my pace... anything under my last finish time is a bonus...

runner56 profile image

That is excellent. Really really chuffed for you Aussie. Fantastic run.

I can see a marathon entry form being e-mailed very soon. :D

in reply to runner56

Easy now.... :)

paul2014 profile image

Fantastic, Aussie :) Your training seems to be coming on great and what a distance covered. The splits are nice and steady. Well done, matey. I'm sure you'll be running half marathon distances very soon ;)

in reply to paul2014

Thanks Paul (and well done on your 10K race AND your PB today!!!!)....

After the consolidation over the next month I'll be building up to 13.1 miles over winter... good times! At least I'll get the wear out of all the winter gear I suppose! :)

paul2014 profile image
paul2014Graduate in reply to

Thanks, Aussie ;)

MrsSparkle profile image

You are amazing! Well done Aussie. Congratulations on 26 weeks. :)

in reply to MrsSparkle

Aw shucks... thanks Mrs Sparkle.... this programme is amazing and this forum is inspiring and motivating. Every time I step out the door I imagine all of you cheering me on during my runs... honestly... it's great!

Rignold profile image

Excellent work, Fella!

I have no problem whatsover with walk breaks to recover when your exertion level is peaking or whatever. I find that my overall time is usually better when I do than when I try to recover on the run, so to speak.

Good work on the planking too.

Zev1963 profile image

Wonderful post, really inspiring. Thanks for that, I feel even more motivated now. I'll be eagerly watching for updates :)

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