Can anyone recommend a good smart watch for monitoring oxygen levels
Smart watch: Can anyone recommend a good smart... - COPD Friends
Smart watch

yes. The Apple Watch is great for OX and Heartbeat.
Good day to you. I have got a smartwatch from a company called Withings. It measures the steps you take, it measures your heart beat, you can use it for an ECG and many other things. It does measure SP02, the oxygen in your blood. Also the battery in the watch is rechargeable, you get the the lead to charge it up with it. I find it useful but it doesn’t come cheap.I found them nice looking watches. Think carefully before buying if that is what you intend to do. Hope this is of some help to you. Best wishes.
I am not aware of a 'watch' that monitors peripheral oxygen levels. This is usually taken by a clip on tool at the finger tip. You can buy them from any good pharmacy from about £5 to £30.
But I did find one at £269 from a firm called Withings (another respondant mentions them too); I have no idea how accurate the oximeter is and that matters a lot. I have been warned NOT to monitor it too closely without better understanding of what it means.
I have a Huawei Watch Fit which takes a reading automatically I believe every few minutes and you can look at a chart on your phone to see all the readings through the day. It also monitors sleep, stress, heart rate, steps, calories burned, and different exercises as well as the other features most watches have now. I really don’t know how accurate it is.
Thank you for getting back.Are the oxygen level readings accurate.
I’m not sure how accurate it is. I just did a check now and the watch said 95% and my pulse oximeter says 94%, but I seldom think to check them simultaneously as the Watch automatically records it throughout the day.
I live in Canada so won’t translate easily. I believe it was $169 but was on sale for $99 which is in Canadian dollars, but Amazon over there should have them.
this is the newer version of what I have.
This is the model I have. They’re reduced because they are last years model.
I’m not sure of Amazons policies over there but am pretty sure if you are not happy with it you can return it within 30 days for a refund, just keep all of the original packing and the box, but you would have to confirm their refund policy with them.
Thank you I will check it out.
I spot checked the watch a few more times yesterday and most times it was very close to my pulse oximeter. I did have once where the pulse oximeter showed 95% and the watch showed 90%. I’ll check it a few more times today.
Thank you again for your information.I'm thinking that this watch will be my best purchase.
So I will have a look on Amazon and see what the best price is.
Thank you again.